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Topic: Catholic History

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» Looking For Historical Information Concerning the 'Reformation'? Try "Setting The Record Straight About Luther: Important Things Catholics Should Know About The 'Reformer'" ( Article Reprints)

» Looking For Historical Information Concerning Heresies & Schisms? Try Here: Heresy & Schism (Topic Page)

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» St. Joseph's Age ('Quick Help' Page)

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A Revolution in the Church?

Plus Companion Article: "Vatican II and its Fruits" Article Reprints


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If you love the Church, you won't want to miss this 'enlightening, fact-filled compendium' of changes in the Church since the Second Vatican Council.

These article reprints contain...

* A brief summary of approximately 200 changes in the Church since Vatican II

* Close to 100 'fruits of Vatican II'

* Well over 50 links for more information


* What Has Changed?

* What Hasn't Changed?

* Is it a 'Revolution'?

* Have the Changes Been Good?

* Does God Desire the Changes?

* Isn't the Church Allowed to Change?

Even popes have admitted a 'crisis' in the Church has occurred since the Second Vatican Council, yet we are also told that things are "better since the Council." However, facts don't lie.

Whether you're a 'newbie' or a seasoned Vatican II observer, you won't want to miss this 'informative & handy' reference publication.

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Seven Lies About Catholic History [Book] (Click to buy & for more info.)

Seven Lies About Catholic History [Book] (Click to buy & for more info.)

Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church - A 2,000 Year History [Book] (Click to buy & for more info.)

'Staff Favorite' (click for more info. on the 'staff favorite' designation)

Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church - A 2,000 Year History [Book] (Click to buy & for more info.)

Encyclopedia of Catholic History [Book] (Click to buy & for more info.)

Encyclopedia of Catholic History [Book] (Click to buy & for more info.)

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