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MCS Lending Library: Q & A

Catholic Book Review & Exchange Section | Question Summary

Summa Theologica

Lending Library: Q & A

Important Notice: This page is incorporated as part of the terms of use of this site. Please read carefully. Reminder: By using this site you indicate agreement to all our terms. For more terms information, see below and click here.


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Notice: Questions herein refer to the MCS Lending Library only, not to other transfers of books between users of this site. Q & A herein are not comprehensive. The term "SASE" as used herein is not necessarily limited to typical envelopes and the term "book" (or "title") is not limited to books (it may also include booklets, other loanable items, etc.). Note that items may be singular or plural, caps or lower case at our sole option, regardless of how they appear herein. This entire page is incorporated as part of our terms of use. Be sure to carefully read all Q & A items herein.

Q. How does the 'MCS Lending Library' work?

A. The 'MCS Lending Library' should work as follows: You request a book from our list using our online form. Once we receive your request, we may place your requested item on reserve for you if it is available. If the book is not available, we may place you on a waiting list for up to 1 year. During that time, if the book becomes available, we may place it on reserve for you. Once your book is on reserve for you, you should receive a notification from us via e-mail. You will then need to send us the appropriate deposit & SASE. If we receive the appropriate deposit & SASE within the required time period (14 days), the book should be mailed to you within 10 days (otherwise the book will be taken off reserve for you). We must receive the book back in the same condition within 120 days from the date the book was placed on reserve for you or we keep your deposit.

Q. What is the connection between the 'MCS Lending Library' and the Catholic Book Review & Exchange Section of this site?

A. The MCS Lending Library is part of the Catholic Book Review & Exchange Section. However, we operate the 'MCS Lending Library'. Other book loans (outside the Lending Library) are between users of this site and we are not a party to those transactions. While we only lend books from the Lending Library at this time, transfers among users in the Catholic Book Review & Exchange Section can be trades, loans, or outright gifts.

Q. Where can I view a list of titles available for loan?

A. Click here for list of titles which may be available for loan.

Q. Are all titles listed available?

A. No. Titles may be lent out, on reserve, no longer available, etc.

Q. Can I request a title that is not listed?

A. Sorry, no. Please do not request titles which are not listed (click here for list).

Q. Can I request the same title more than once?

A. Please do not request the same title more than once.

Q. When will you get more titles?

A. We may receive more titles at any time. This may primarily depend upon the generosity of those who donate to the Lending Library. For more information on donating to the Lending Library, click here.

Q. How many titles can I request at one time?

A. Presently we ask that you request no more than one title at a time (and no more than 3 in any 6 month period). As we (presumably) receive more titles in the future, we may increase the number of items that may be borrowed at one time.

Q. What is the condition of the books?

A. Book condition varies depending upon the title, but they are generally in satisfactory or better condition. Books are generally used and may contain ownership markings, "return to" information, cautionary disclaimers, etc.

Q. Do you guarantee the information provided concerning Lending Library books?

A. We make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any information whatsoever.

Q. Do you sell any of the books listed?

A. No. Lending library items are for loan, not for purchase.

Q. Can I trade / exchange books with you?

A. Not at this time. To trade / exchange books with other users, try the Catholic Book Review & Exchange.

Q. When are books due back?

A. We must receive books back with 120 days from the date they were first reserved. If not, your deposit will be forfeited (i.e. we will cash your deposit check). Please note that the 120 days starts from the RESERVATION date on the e-mail we send you (NOT the date of shipment and NOT the date of receipt).

Q. Do all books have the same borrowing period?

A. Yes. However, we reserve the right to extend this period in certain cases (e.g. for exceptionally long books) at our sole discretion.

Q. Can I renew a book?

A. Sorry, no. Please do not request a book if you will be unable to read it in the time provided.

Q. If I am going to be late returning my book should I notify you?

A. If you return your book late we are entitled to keep your deposit. Please do not return books late and please do not notify us of any late returns.

Q. Can I borrow the same book again?

A. Please do not request to borrow the same book again. We may refuse to honor such requests.

Q. Do books have an imprimatur?

A. Books loaned may or may or may not have an imprimatur.

Q. Can you tell me more about a book?

A. Sorry, no. If you want to find out more about a book, we suggest you research it online, with the publisher, etc.

Q. Can you answer questions about books, authors, or publishers?

A. Sorry no. Please do not ask us questions about books, authors, or publishers.

Q. Do you recommend books you lend or their authors or publishers?

A. No. We do NOT recommend any books, authors, publishers, etc., even if they are included in our 'Lending Library'.

Q. Are all books you lend "good" or "safe"?

A. Sorry, we cannot guarantee that any book whatsoever is good/safe/etc. Read at your own risk.

Q. Have you read all the books that you lend?

A. Most likely the answer is no, especially as time goes by and the library selections (presumably) increase.

Q. Can anyone request a book?

A. Any legal-aged adult with a proper U.S. mailing address & a valid e-mail address who has internet access may request a book. [Note: This excludes any who have been banned from posting or who are otherwise prohibited from use of this site/section/etc.]

Q. Must I be Catholic to borrow books from the Lending Library?

A. No. However, you must treat all books properly. Mishandled, torn, marked, etc. books forfeit your deposit.

Q. Do you always go in first come, first served order?

A. We do not promise this. We may lend books in any order of our choosing. However, we may generally prefer to go on a first come, first served basis.

Q. Do you promise that I will receive a book I request?

A. Sorry, no. We cannot promise that anyone will receive any book whatsoever.

Q. Can I borrow a book for someone else?

A. No. Borrow for yourself only.

Q. Might you refuse to lend me a book?

A. We reserve the right to refuse book loans for any reason (or for no reason) at our sole discretion and with no recourse. Note that if we have a problem with a borrower even once, we may refuse to lend to them again (ever). This may be on a person by person basis (or to an entire address) at our sole option.

Q. What address will be used to mail the book?

A. Books are mailed to the address you provide. This must be your address. Do NOT provide any other address.

Q. Will you mail books to an address outside the U.S.?

A. No, sorry. U.S. shipments only.

Q. How can I request a book?

A. Click here to request a book.

Q. What happens after I request a book?

A. If the book you requested is unavailable, we may put you on a waiting list for up to 1 year. If the book you requested is available (or once it becomes available), we may put it on reserve for you.

Q. What happens once a book is on reserve for me?

A. When we place a book on reserve for you, you should receive an e-mail notification from us. You will then need to send us the appropriate deposit & SASE. We must receive your deposit and SASE within 14 days from the date the item was placed on reserve.

Q. Do you tell me the status of my request (e.g. waiting list, reserve)?

A. You should hear from us via e-mail once your book is on reserve. You may hear from us via e-mail if we have added you to the waiting list for the book (but we do not promise this). Be sure e-mail from us is not filtered as we cannot send duplicate e-mails.

Q. Should I follow up on the status of my book request?

A. Please do not follow up with us regarding the status of your requests. We regret that we are unable to respond to questions personally.

Q. How do I know how much to send for a deposit?

A. The deposit amount may vary depending upon the book. See listing for required deposit amount for the book in question (click here for list). [Note: Some items may require that you contact us for a current deposit amount. If so, you may use our online reserve request form. Complete the fields as indicated, except put "N/A" in the mailing address field and note in the comment field that you are NOT requesting a reserve but rather that you are inquiring about the deposit amount for the book.]

Q. What payment methods are acceptable for deposits?

A. Checks and money orders in U.S. dollars drawn on U.S. banks/financial institutions only. Checks & money orders must be made out to "B.F.S.".

Q. Who should I make my deposit check out to?

A. Deposit checks must be made out to "B.F.S.". Do NOT make out checks to Checks made out to are NOT valid for deposits.

Q. Will you cash my deposit check?

A. Deposit checks may be held unless forfeited. If forfeited (e.g. because book was not returned, book was damaged, book was returned late, etc.), we would cash your deposit check. We also reserve the right to cash deposit checks for other reasons. Do not send a deposit check unless there will be funds to cover the check in your account.

Q. What if I fail to include a deposit with my SASE?

A. If you fail to include a deposit, we may discard your request along with your SASE and cancel your reserve.

Q. What if my deposit is received late or the check is made out incorrectly?

A. If your deposit is received late or the check is made out incorrectly, we may discard your request along with your SASE and cancel your reserve. (Note: At our sole option, we may return your deposit using your SASE.)

Q. What if I send an incorrect deposit amount?

A. If your deposit amount is incorrect, we may discard your request along with your SASE and cancel your reserve. (Note: At our sole option, we may return your deposit using your SASE.)

Q. What type of envelope should I enclose for the SASE?

A. You may include any appropriate envelope (keep in mind the book's size / weight / type / etc.). Please be certain the envelope has a seal and is sufficiently durable.

Q. How should I address the SASE that I enclose?

A. Place your address as BOTH the ship to and return to address. If applicable, mark the envelope with instructions (e.g. "first class mail"). Be sure to write legibly.

Q. How do I know how much postage to include on the SASE?

A. You should contact the post office for current rates. Be certain to factor in the size/weight of all items (including book / envelope / reserve notification / etc.).

Q. How can I determine how much a book weighs or how large it is?

A. We may provide approximate weights/sizes on our list (click here). However, we make no guarantees regarding these figures. Please confirm weights/sizes with publisher or other sources before sending a SASE.

Q. What method will you use to ship borrowed books?

A. We will ship ONLY via United States Postal Service. You must address / stamp / mark / etc. the envelope properly so that we may simply drop it off at the post office counter or in a post office collection box (our choice). We will not wait in line, insure it, send it certified, attach labels to it, etc., so please do not ask. Any special instructions will be ignored.

Q. Must my SASE & deposit be received together?

A. Yes. Your SASE & deposit must be received together.

Q. What if you receive my deposit/SASE after the required date?

A. If we receive your deposit/SASE after the required date, we may discard your request along with your deposit check and other materials and cancel your reserve. Note: At our sole option, we may use the SASE to return your deposit to you.

Q. What if my SASE is the wrong size?

A. If your SASE is the wrong size (e.g. not large enough), we may discard your request along with your deposit check and other materials and cancel your reserve. Note: At our sole option, we may use the SASE to return your deposit to you. [Note: We reserve the right to attempt to alter the envelope (e.g. cut it, reshape it, etc.) at our sole discretion. However, we prefer not to do this and there is no guarantee that we would be successful if we tried - please be sure your SASE is sufficiently large enough in all directions.]

Q. What if I put too much postage on my SASE?

A. Sorry, we cannot refund postage for any reason whatsoever.

Q. What if I omit a SASE?

A. If we do not receive a SASE, we may discard your request along with your deposit check and other materials and cancel your reserve.

Q. What if I fail to include any postage on my 'SASE'?

A. If your envelope does not contain postage, we may discard it along with your deposit check and other materials and cancel your reserve.

Q. What if I fail to include sufficient postage on my SASE?

A. The post office may not deliver the item to you if the postage is insufficient. Also, if we notice that the postage is not sufficient (we may or may not), we may refuse to ship the item. If so, we may discard your deposit & SASE (or we may use your SASE to return your deposit) and cancel your reserve.

Q. What else must I include with my SASE & deposit check?

A. It is very important to include a printout of the notice of reservation that you receive from us via e-mail. This notice should indicate the name of the book on reserve as well as your name and address. It is necessary to include a copy of the notice of reserve so we know which book to send you and so that we can confirm that you are the proper recipient.

Q. Should I include anything else?

A. No. Do not include anything else. If you include anything else it becomes our property to keep / discard / sell / etc.

Q. Could you provide a quick summary of what I must enclose?

A. In your envelope you should enclose: (1) The notice of reservation printout, (2) Deposit, and (3) SASE

Q. Where do I mail my deposit/SASE/notice of reservation?

A. Mail the above together to: Attn: MCS Lending Library/Reserve Desk, B.F.S., P.O. Box 4292, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-4292. Please be certain to include all address information above or the post office may return your mail.

Q. Do you notify me when you have received my deposit/SASE or when you ship items to me?

A. Generally no. However, we reserve the right to contact you regarding the receipt or shipment of items or for any other reason.

Q. Can you provide a receipt for my deposit?

A. Sorry, no. You may consider your cancelled check a receipt (if applicable).

Q. Will you use my SASE for anything other than shipping a book to me?

A. We reserve the right to use your SASE for any reason (e.g. to return your deposit). If so, we would not refund any wasted or excess postage.

Q. Will you honor special shipping requests?

A. Sorry, no. Please do not make special shipping requests.

Q. What should I do if the book I received is not as described?

A. Please contact us immediately (reply to our original reserve notification e-mail).

Q. What should I do if I never receive the book I requested?

A. We do not promise you will receive any book. If you had a book on reserve and have sent a timely deposit/SASE and still have not received the book after a sufficient amount of time, you may contact us (reply to the reserve notification e-mail). We should be able to provide you with a mailing date for the item and you may be able to request that the post office put a trace on the item. However, we are not responsible if you do not receive the book. Remember that by requesting any book(s), you agree to take all risks associated with book loans, including the risk that items will not be received. Also remember that you are responsible for proper addressing, postage, marking, etc. on your SASE. We are in no way responsible for lost or misdirected mail. By requesting any book(s), you agree to take sole responsibility for lost items.

Q. What if I send a deposit/SASE without having a book on reserve?

A. Do not send a deposit/SASE unless we notify you that we have placed a book on reserve for you. If you send a deposit/SASE without having a book on reserve, we may discard your request along with your SASE and remove you from any waiting list. (Note: At our sole option, we may return your deposit using your SASE.)

Q. What should I include when I mail a borrowed book back to you?

A. Besides the book itself, please also include a copy of the original reserve notification e-mail. If desired, you may also include a SASE for the return of your deposit check. Do NOT place this SASE inside the book. Do NOT include ANYTHING WHATSOEVER inside any book. Do not include anything else with your shipment. Anything we receive becomes our sole property with full right of disposal. We do not return any items (other than deposit checks as indicated herein).

Q. When I ship the book back to you, where should I mail it?

A. Mail the book to: Attn: MCS Lending Library/Book Returns, B.F.S., P.O. Box 4292, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-4292. Please be certain to include all address information above or the post office may return your mail.

Q. Should I notify you when I return the book?

A. We would appreciate being notified once the book has been mailed (please reply to the reserve notification e-mail and advise us that the book has been returned). This way we may be "on the look out" for the book.

Q. What happens if I ship a book back to you C.O.D.?

A. We do not accept C.O.D. items. Any such items will be refused.

Q. What happens if a book return does not contain sufficient postage?

A. We do not accept "postage due" items. Any such items will be refused (this is the case even if the amount due is just $.01). Sorry, but we cannot pay any postage whatsoever. If you do not put proper postage on your return, you forfeit your deposit.

Q. How can I get my deposit check back?

A. Once borrowed materials are returned in a timely manner and in the same condition, deposits that have not been forfeited may be destroyed by us (e.g. torn up). If you would like your deposit back, you must include a SASE with your book return and instruct us to return your deposit.

Q. Do you promise to return my deposit?

A. If you have followed all rules (e.g. returned book on time in same condition & have not forfeited your deposit for any reason) and properly include a SASE for the return of your deposit, we should return your deposit within 2 weeks of our receiving the returned book. Unfortunately, however we cannot not guarantee that you will receive the returned check as we are unable to guarantee receipt of mail. Also, in the event your check was cashed (e.g. by an error on our part), we would necessarily have to send you a refund check rather than your original deposit check.

Q. What condition must books be returned in?

A. We must receive books in the same condition as they were lent out.

Q. Who determines that the condition of returned books is the "same"?

A. We do. Our decisions are final and binding and by borrowing any book(s) from us you agree to abide by our decisions.

Q. What if you receive a book back that is not in the original condition?

A. If we receive a book back that is not in the original condition, we may cash your deposit check. Further, we may keep or discard the book. If kept, we may add it back/keep it in the Lending Library. You would not be entitled to any refund whether we kept the book or discarded it.

Q. What if the post office damaged the book?

A. Sorry, but you are responsible for all books you borrow from the moment we mail them to the moment we physically receive them back in our hands. If books are damaged in transit you may be able to make a claim with the post office. Please contact them for more information. Sorry, but we are unable to assist you with claims.

Q. What are some examples of unacceptable treatment of books?

A. Do not make any marks whatsoever in books (even with a pencil). Do not tear books/pages, fold pages or the cover, spell beverages on books or otherwise get them wet. Do not attach things to books or treat them in an unsanitary manner. Do not set heavy/sharp objects on them. Do not leave them exposed to sunlight, excessive heat, etc. Do not break / injure the spine of books. Do not allow the cover of books to become excessively bent or dog-eared. Do not keep/store things inside books. Do not mishandle books. Any of these items may cause you to forfeit your deposit. Note: This list is not comprehensive.

Q. Does normal wear and tear forfeit a deposit?

A. This depends on the definition of "normal". Very slight creases at the binding may be considered "acceptable" to us. However folded, torn, etc. pages or coffee stains, etc. would not be considered "normal."

Q. Do you deduct from my deposit for damage to a book?

A. No. Rather, we keep the entire deposit if a book is not returned in the same condition as we lent it. If a book is damaged in any way, you forfeit your entire deposit, even if the book is still usable. Please use care with books and ensure that they are not damaged.

Q. Do any other actions forfeit a deposit?

A. Misuse of the Lending Library (including mailing books to others) may forfeit your deposit, even if books are otherwise returned timely and in good condition. Remember that by requesting a book(s), you agree to all terms.

Q. Should I mail items to any other address than what is indicated herein?

A. Do not mail any item to any other address than that which we have indicated herein. If you do, your mailing may be discarded / not received / etc. We are not responsible for any items mailed to the wrong address. [Note: If you receive an e-mail requesting that you send items to another address, you may be certain that we did not send it. Do NOT respond to any such requests. For more information on forged e-mail, click here.]

Q. Can I review a book I borrowed from the MCS Lending Library in the Catholic Book Review & Exchange Section?

A. Certainly you may review any applicable Catholic book in the Catholic Book Review & Exchange Section, subject to the conditions specified.

Q. How can I donate a book to the Lending Library?

A. Please click here for more information on donating to the Lending Library.

Q. Once you have cashed my deposit check, can I get a refund?

A. Under no circumstances are there refunds for forfeited deposits.

Q. Do you issue partial deposit refunds?

A. No. No refunds under any circumstances, even partial ones.

Q. What if you receive my book back in perfect condition, but it is late?

A. If we do not receive a book back on time, you forfeit your deposit, regardless of the condition of the book. If your deposit was forfeited due to the late receipt of a book, we may keep or discard the book. If we keep the book, we may add it back/keep it in the Lending Library. You would not be entitled to any refund whatsoever and we would not ship the book back to you. Please do not return books late.

Q. What if my book was received late due to an error on the part of the Post Office?

A. Sorry, but we cannot make exceptions for late books for any reason, even for postal problems. By borrowing any book(s), you agree to take full responsibility for them. Situations like this may be best avoided by mailing the book back as soon as possible.

Q. Which method should I use to return books?

A. Books must be sent via US Postal Service as other carriers cannot deliver to our post office box. Also, items should not contain excessive packaging or require a signature. We will not sign for delivery so any items sent this way will be returned (and therefore your deposit would be forfeited). You may use applicable inexpensive mailing methods (e.g. "book rate") providing that we will receive returned items in good condition and on time.

Q. Can I return my book via overnight mail?

A. You can return the book via overnight mail as long as it can be received to a post office box without requiring a signature.

Q. How do I know if my deposit has been forfeited?

A. If a book is received late or damaged or if it is not received, your deposit will be forfeited. We may (or may not) notify you if your deposit is forfeited. If we do not notify you, you will know that your deposit is forfeited if the check is cashed.

Q. Why are deposits higher than the value of books?

A. Deposits may be set at a value higher than the value of the book because we have costs to administer the Lending Library. There are also costs to replace books, research, shipping costs, etc. The deposits are designed to encourage you to return the book (and if not, to assist us in covering our costs for running the program).

Q. Do you want to cash my deposit check?

A. No! We would prefer never to have to cash a deposit check. We would prefer for our books to be returned in good condition and in a timely manner. We do not want to spend our time/effort on replacing books/canceling holds/etc. Rather, we would like our books returned in the same condition as we lend them and in a timely manner.

Q. If my deposit is forfeited, what does it include?

A. Forfeited deposits are not payments for the book, per se. Rather, they may be seen as a "late fee" or penalty. If applicable, they may include taxes. We may or may not retain possession of a book even after you have forfeited your deposit (if so, the book may be considered as a "donation" to our Lending Library - click here for more information on contributions to the Lending Library). We do NOT return books to you after a deposit is forfeited.

Q. What happens if my deposit check is not paid when first presented?

A. Whether you issued a stop payment, or if there is not enough funds in the account, or for any other reason whatsoever, you agree to reimburse us immediately and in full for all banking and other costs we incur plus a penalty of not less than $50 if a check/money order is not paid when first presented. You also agree to replace the original check with a valid money order for the same amount as the original check.

Q. Do you return books back after a deposit is forfeited?

A. No. If a deposit is forfeited (e.g. due to late book return, damaged book, or for any other reason), any returned book becomes our property to dispose of / keep / sell / etc. at our sole option. We may continue to lend the book out in the Lending Library. Note that if your deposit was forfeited, any book received by us may be treated as if it was a donation to the Lending Library (click here for more information). We do NOT ship it back to you.

Q. What are the terms for the Lending Library?

A. Terms for the Lending Library include all items herein (including all Q & A) as well as all terms on the book request form and on the Lending Library titles page. Also, all site terms of use apply and any applicable terms of use for the Book Review & Exchange section and Commercial Sections (e.g. for returned check charges, etc.). Also note that: We do not promise to lend any item to any person(s), we do not promise to act uniformly, we do not promise to loan on a 'first come, first served' basis, we may give preference to certain persons / items. Furthermore, reserve requests and all other items associated with the Lending Library are processed at our convenience. We may change or discontinue this program at any time without prior notice. Books may vary from description. Sizes/weights/etc. may be approximations and may vary. We may (or may not) include a copy of your reserve notification with your shipment (if we do, postage must be sufficient to cover this, if we don't, you may need to print another copy to include with your return). You are responsible for fully paying all postage for lending, returns, etc. You alone are responsible for applying correct postage to all mailings. We are not responsible for any postage whatsoever, regardless of reason. We are not responsible for any delivery delays, non-delivery, misdelivery, etc. We reserve the right to refuse any shipment/mail for any reason. Mail received at our P.O. Box may be collected only infrequently. We will not be responsible if mail is returned for any reason (including our failure to claim it). We reserve the right to contact you for any reason (including to notify you of availability, non-availability, follow ups, disposition of deposit, receipt/non-receipt of books, questions, etc.). You must act promptly for borrowing, returning, etc. If not, we may cancel your reserve, your deposit may be forfeited (cashed, not refunded), etc. without recourse. Note that we do not recommend any book / publisher / author / etc., even if they appear in the lending library (offering of a book does NOT mean that we endorse it!). Use items at your own risk. We do not provide receipts for deposits (even if forfeited). If we keep your deposit for any reason, we may allocate the funds in any manner of our choice (e.g. to replace book - including any sales tax & shipping, treat it as fine, pay expenses of lending library program, etc.). Any books received by us after your deposit has been forfeited (or any other materials received by us at any time) may be treated as separate "donations" to the Lending Library. Such items become our property with full right of disposal. We may keep them, lend them out, discard them, sell them, etc. with no recourse. We are not responsible for any outcome related to cashed checks (or attempts to cash checks) - even if we cashed or attempted to cash a check in error. Forfeited deposits are not refundable for any reason (even if we receive borrowed materials back). If we receive materials back when a deposit is forfeited we may keep both the deposit and the materials. Deposits not forfeited may be destroyed (e.g. torn) and discarded. Should we return your deposit (e.g. after you provide a SASE for its return), we are not responsible if you do not receive it. Book condition may vary. Books may be stamped with ownership markings, cautionary notice, etc. Items mailed to us must be via U.S. Postal mail only. Do not request a signature. Items without proper postage / deposit / enclosures / etc. or which otherwise do not meet our guidelines may be returned or discarded at our sole option and with no recourse. Do not communicate with us about borrowings other than book requests, responding to our queries, or other items mentioned herein. Do not ask questions about books. Any correspondence we receive may be ignored at our sole option and without recourse. Users are cautioned that certain books may be harmful to the faithful. Read at your own risk. You assume all risks in connection with the lending library. We are not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever. You agree that we have no recordkeeping requirements whatsoever in connection with the lending library. All items herein (and on all related pages) is subject to change at any time. All participation (including requesting / borrowing / providing deposits / returning / etc.) is at your own risk and you have no recourse to us for any damages which may occur. By borrowing any item, you agree to all our terms, including those herein, and you agree to assume all risks and to hold us harmless for all consequences which may occur, without limit.

The above is not comprehensive. We make no guarantees regarding any item herein. By using this site you indicate agreement to all terms. For more terms information, see "Important Notice" above and click here.

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