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The Popes: St. Peter-Present (Alpha/Detail) (8)

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The Popes: From St. Peter to Present (Cont.)

Sources: Various  |  Last update: 5/31/05

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Supreme Pontiff


(dates*, ages, prior name, feast, comment/attributes, etc.)

St. Pascal (Paschal) I [99]

Birth Date: N/A

Beginning of Reign: January 24/25, 817

End of Reign: February 11, 824

Date of Death: February 11, 824

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: N/A

Lived to Approx. Age: N/A

Approx. Length of Reign: Just over 7 years

Prior Name (if different):

Feast Day (if applicable): May 14


Anointed Lothar (the emperor's son). Fought iconoclasm. Was an active builder and restorer of churches.

Pascal (Paschal) II [161]

Birth Date: N/A

Beginning of Reign: August 13, 1099

End of Reign: January 21, 1118

Date of Death: January 21, 1118

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: N/A

Lived to Approx. Age: N/A

Approx. Length of Reign: Approx. 18.5 years

Prior Name (if different): Rainerius

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Word that the First Crusade, launched by Bl. Urban II, was successfully completed came at the beginning of Pascal's reign. During his reign, he had to struggle against several antipopes and unrest in the city. Prohibited lay investiture and held synods. He was imprisoned and pressured to change his position on lay investiture (his reversal was later annulled).

St. Paul I [94]

Birth Date: N/A

Beginning of Reign: May 29, 757

End of Reign: June 28, 767

Date of Death: June 28, 767

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: N/A

Lived to Approx. Age: N/A

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 10 years

Prior Name (if different):

Feast Day (if applicable): June 28


Younger brother of Stephen III (II). Attempted to defend the papal state, transferred bodies from the catacombs to the churches, built a monastery.

Paul II [212]

Birth Date: February 23, 1417

Beginning of Reign: August 30, 1464

End of Reign: July 26, 1471

Date of Death: July 26, 1471

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 47

Lived to Approx. Age: 54

Approx. Length of Reign: Almost 7 years

Prior Name (if different): Pietro Barbo

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Excommunicated a king, helped to open Roman printing press, restored monuments.

Paul III [221]

Birth Date: February 29, 1468

Beginning of Reign: October 13, 1534

End of Reign: November 10, 1549

Date of Death: November 10, 1549

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 66

Lived to Approx. Age: 81

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 15 years

Prior Name (if different): Alessandro Farnese

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Patron of writers, scholars, and artists. He approved the constitutions of the Jesuits, initiated the Holy Office to combat heresy, instituted censorship of books, and called the Council of Trent. He also imposed excommunication on Henry VIII and put England under interdict.

Paul IV [224]

Birth Date: June 28, 1476

Beginning of Reign: May 23, 1555

End of Reign: August 18, 1559

Date of Death: August 18, 1559

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 79

Lived to Approx. Age: 83

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 4 years

Prior Name (if different): Giampietro Carafa

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Although elderly when elected, he was a zealous pope who fought against heresy, created the Index of Forbidden books, and rejected Elizabeth of England's claim to the throne. Some have charged him with anti-Semitism due to his measures placing restrictions on Jews (including restricting them to certain quarters, or ghettos). [Note: The customary practice of the popes and of the Church in general are far from condoning persecution of the Jews. In fact, the Church has often been their protector and regularly prayed for their conversion. Some actions taken against Jews in the past may have been motivated by fear or by situational factors (e.g. to protect the faith of Catholics after a large increase in the Jewish population in Rome); the Church, however, staunchly rejects persecution of the Jewish people.]

Paul V [234]

Birth Date: September 17, 1552

Beginning of Reign: May 16, 1605

End of Reign: January 28, 1621

Date of Death: January 28, 1621

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 53

Lived to Approx. Age: 69

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 15.5 years

Prior Name (if different): Camillo Borghese

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Asserted papal power, condemned heresy, promoted reform, encouraged missions, and worked on St. Peter's. His papacy saw the condemnation of Galileo and the outbreak of the Thirty Years War.

Paul VI [263]

Birth Date: September 26, 1897

Beginning of Reign: June 21, 1963

End of Reign: August 6, 1978

Date of Death: August 6, 1978

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 66

Lived to Approx. Age: 81

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 15 years

Prior Name (if different): Giovanni Battista Montini

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


He continued and closed the Second Vatican Council. In the wake of the council, his papacy saw continual fractionation of the Church. He proclaimed the Blessed Virgin as Mother of the Church, traveled widely, endorsed priestly celibacy, and condemned birth control.

Pelagius I [60]

Birth Date: N/A

Beginning of Reign: April 16, 556

End of Reign: March 3, 561

Date of Death: March 3, 561

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: "elderly"

Lived to Approx. Age: "old age"

Approx. Length of Reign: Nearly 5 years

Prior Name (if different):

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Originally opposed condemnation of the Three Chapters, but later gave it his support (and thus faced much opposition). As a result, he faced difficulty finding bishops to consecrate him as pope. Pelagius rebuilt churches, redeemed captives, assisted the poor, and reorganized papal finances. [Note: Papal infallibility does not apply before one is chosen pope.]

Pelagius II [63]

Birth Date: N/A

Beginning of Reign: November 26, 579

End of Reign: February 7, 590

Date of Death: February 7, 590

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: N/A

Lived to Approx. Age: N/A

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 10 years

Prior Name (if different):

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


He attempted to obtain protection from the Lombards, sought to end the schism over the condemnation of the Three Chapters, defended papal supremacy, and was an active builder. He is thought to be responsible for moving the high altar directly above the shrine of St. Peter. He succumbed to the plague which followed the famine and war.

St. Peter [1]

Birth Date: c. 4

Beginning of Reign: c. 33

End of Reign: c. 64-67

Date of Death: c. 64-67

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 30

Lived to Approx. Age: 60-63

Approx. Length of Reign: Approx. 31-34 years

Prior Name (if different): Simon Bar-Jona (Changed by Christ to Cephas/Peter, meaning "Rock")

Feast Day (if applicable): June 29, August 1 (Chains), January 18, February 22 (Chair)


Jesus personally instituted the papacy and made St. Peter the first pope ["Jesus said to [St. Peter] in reply, 'Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'" (Mt. 16:17-19)]. After the resurrection, Jesus confirmed St. Peter's role as head of his Church ["When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?' He said to him, 'Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.' He said to him, 'Feed my lambs.' He then said to him a second time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?' He said to him, 'Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.' He said to him, 'Tend my sheep.' He said to him the third time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?' Peter was distressed that he had said to him a third time, 'Do you love me?' and he said to him, 'Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.' (Jesus) said to him, 'Feed my sheep.'" (Jn. 21:15-17)]. St. Peter was martyred in Rome. [Click here for more Scripture concerning the papacy. Visit the Non-Catholics Section for apologetics concerning the papacy.]

St. Pius I [10]

Birth Date: N/A

Beginning of Reign: c. 140

End of Reign: c. 155

Date of Death: c. 155

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: N/A

Lived to Approx. Age: N/A

Approx. Length of Reign: Approx. 15 years

Prior Name (if different):

Feast Day (if applicable): July 11


Martyr; Ordered forty days penance for priests who allowed any drops of the Precious Blood to fall to the ground during Mass.

Pius II [211]

Birth Date: October 18, 1405

Beginning of Reign: August 19, 1458

End of Reign: August 15, 1464

Date of Death: August 15, 1464

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 53

Lived to Approx. Age: 59

Approx. Length of Reign: Just under 6 years

Prior Name (if different): Enea Silvio Piccolomini

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Sought a crusade, condemned appeal from a pope to a future council. He is considered a voluminous writer.

Pius III [216]

Birth Date: 1439

Beginning of Reign: September 22, 1503

End of Reign: October 18, 1503

Date of Death: October 18, 1503

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 64

Lived to Approx. Age: 64

Approx. Length of Reign: 26 days

Prior Name (if different): Francesco Todeschini

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Considered a man of integrity, Pius was elected pope. He died only ten days after coronation.

Pius IV [225]

Birth Date: March 31, 1499

Beginning of Reign: December 25, 1559

End of Reign: December 9, 1565

Date of Death: December 9, 1565

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 60

Lived to Approx. Age: 66

Approx. Length of Reign: Just under 6 years

Prior Name (if different): Giovanni Angelo Medici

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


He eased some of his predecessor's measures, appointed his relative, St. Charles Borromeo, as Archbishop of Milan, supported artists and scholars, and reconvened & concluded the Council of Trent.

St. Pius V [226]

Birth Date: January 17, 1504

Beginning of Reign: January 7, 1566

End of Reign: May 1, 1572

Date of Death: May 1, 1572

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 62

Lived to Approx. Age: 68

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 6 years

Prior Name (if different): Michele Ghislieri

Feast Day (if applicable): April 30 (May 5, Trad.)


His papacy saw the important naval victory at Lepanto on October 7, 1571 [The victory was attributed to Our Lady and lead to his establishment of a feast in her honor (Our Lady of Victory, now Our Lady of the Rosary)]. He excommunicated Elizabeth I of England, published the new catechism and breviary, implemented Tridentine reforms, fought immorality and heresy, and perpetually canonized the Tridentine (old Latin) Mass. Pius V was the first sainted pope in many years (the next one being Pope St. Pius X).

Pius VI [251]

Birth Date: December 25, 1717

Beginning of Reign: February 15, 1775

End of Reign: August 29, 1799

Date of Death: August 29, 1799

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 58

Lived to Approx. Age: 82

Approx. Length of Reign: Just over 24.5 years

Prior Name (if different): Giovanni Angelo Braschi

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Engaged in public works projects. Condemned the decrees of the synod of Pistoia. During his long pontificate, Pius faced pressure from the outside from those who wanted to limit papal jurisdiction and secularize education (governments, atheists, and secularists), disobedience from German bishops, and those who wanted to make the Church independent of the pope. His papacy also suffered from the French Revolution and invasion of the papal states. He was forced into exile and made a prisoner by Napoleon Bonaparte. He died a prisoner.

Pius VII [252]

Birth Date: April 14, 1742

Beginning of Reign: March 14, 1800

End of Reign: July 20, 1823

Date of Death: July 20, 1823

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 58

Lived to Approx. Age: 81

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 23 years

Prior Name (if different): Luigi Barnaba Chiaramonte

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


His long reign witnessed the coronation of Napoleon and the French invasion and annexation of the papal states. Pius VIII was imprisoned for years, eventually secured the restoration of much of the papal states, and restored the Jesuits in 1814. He condemned Freemasonry and Protestant Bible Societies.

Pius VIII [254]

Birth Date: November 20, 1761

Beginning of Reign: March 31, 1829

End of Reign: November 30, 1830

Date of Death: November 30, 1830

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 68

Lived to Approx. Age: 69

Approx. Length of Reign: 8 months

Prior Name (if different): Francesco Saverio Castiglione

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


In his short reign, Pius opposed indifferentism, Freemasonry, and Protestant Bible Societies, secured religious liberties for Armenian Catholics, approved the decrees of the first Provincial Council at Baltimore, and condemned nepotism (even forcing all his relatives to resign).

Bl. Pius IX [256]

Birth Date: May 13, 1792

Beginning of Reign: June 16, 1846

End of Reign: February 7, 1878

Date of Death: February 7, 1878

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 54

Lived to Approx. Age: 86

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 31.5 years

Prior Name (if different): Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti

Feast Day (if applicable): February 7


Pius was allegedly elected as a liberal, but would soon become a champion against liberalism. Pius formally promulgated the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, issued the Syllabus of Errors (rejecting tenets of liberalism and secularism), and called the First Vatican Council which formally defined papal infallibility. During his papacy, Rome was incorporated into Italy, ending (secular) papal rule. As a result, Pius protested and engaged in a self-imposed imprisonment in the Vatican which lasted for many years (the "Roman Question" was not settled until 1929). His papacy also saw the restoration of the Hierarchy in England, Holland, and the expansion of the Church in the United States and British Empire. Pius enjoyed one of the longest reigns in papal history, his papacy emphasizing the supreme authority of the pope and central role of the successor to Peter in the Church as a center of unity. [No doubt we can thank the dear Lord for using the ebb of the temporal power of the papacy to highlight the pope's supreme spiritual authority. Providentially, the Lord's Blessed Mother was in the fore.]

St. Pius X [258]

Birth Date: June 2, 1835

Beginning of Reign: August 4, 1903

End of Reign: August 20, 1914

Date of Death: August 20, 1914

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 68

Lived to Approx. Age: 79

Approx. Length of Reign: Just over 11 years

Prior Name (if different): Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto

Feast Day (if applicable): August 21


This first pope declared a saint since Pope St. Pius V fought diligently against modernism ("the synthesis of all heresies"), condemned the Sillon, required priests to take an oath against modernism, encouraged frequent reception of Holy Communion, ordered the codification of canon Law, restored Gregorian Chant, reformed the Roman Curia, and reformed seminaries.

Pius XI [260]

Birth Date: May 31, 1857

Beginning of Reign: February 6, 1922

End of Reign: February 10, 1939

Date of Death: February 10, 1939

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 65

Lived to Approx. Age: 82

Approx. Length of Reign: Just over 17 years

Prior Name (if different): Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


He signed the Lateran Treaty, ending the "Roman Question" and making the Vatican a sovereign state, instituted the feast of Christ the King, promoted missions, encouraged Catholic Action, and installed a radio station in Vatican City. He condemned communism, abortion, mixed marriage (marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic), and birth control.

Pius XII [261]

Birth Date: March 2, 1876

Beginning of Reign: March 2, 1939

End of Reign: October 9, 1958

Date of Death: October 9, 1958

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: 63

Lived to Approx. Age: 82

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 19.5 years

Prior Name (if different): Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli

Feast Day (if applicable): N/A


Infallibly defined the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As his papacy saw the outbreak of World War II, Pius gave refuge to thousands of Jews, spent millions of dollars aiding Jews, and opened a missing persons office which handled over ten million inquiries. He also created many cardinals, issued important encyclicals, and promoted excavations to uncover the tomb of St. Peter.

St. Pontian [18]

Birth Date: N/A

Beginning of Reign: July 21, 230

End of Reign: September 28, 235

Date of Death: c. 235-236

Approx. Age at Beginning of Reign: N/A

Lived to Approx. Age: N/A

Approx. Length of Reign: Over 5 years

Prior Name (if different):

Feast Day (if applicable): August 13 (November 19, Trad.)


First pope to abdicate (due to exile), reconciled with St. Hippolytus.

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* All dates A.D.

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Don't miss this 'eye-opening' treatise concerning Martin Luther, the catalyst / leader of the ' Reformation ' (a.k.a. Protestant Rebellion)

Includes: Facts which demonstrate that Luther was NOT sent by God, Luther received approval of his teaching from Satan, Luther's misbehavior, some results of Luther's teachings, Luther admits he could be wrong, and more...

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BIG Book of Latin Activities For Catholics

Beginning - Intermediate (Vol. 1)

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"Suitable For Children Or Adults!" ~ "Perfect For Home Schoolers!"

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As many faithful Catholics already know, the majestic Latin language – the 'official language' of the Catholic Church – promotes unity, helps safeguard the purity of doctrine, connects us with our Catholic ancestors, allows us to pray in "one voice", and even ties back to the inscription on the Cross which was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. The Latin language is still used today in the precious treasure that is the Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, in 'everyday speech' (much of English is derived from Latin), in mottos, in specialized fields, and in educational endeavors. It has been shown that the study of Latin brings many benefits. "And, Latin is truly the language of heaven!"

If you enjoy Latin, you may be glad to know that this full-sized (8.5" x 11"), tradition-minded publication features an assortment of activity types related to Latin (including: word searches, crosswords, coloring activities, challenges, fill-ins, spelling bee, quizzes, unscrambles, true/false, multiple choice, matching, cross-offs, circling, word associations, translation exercises, and more...), and treats of various topics (including: common Latin words, Latin language facts, Latin grammar, nouns & verbs, abbreviations, phrases / sayings / mottos, prefixes, cardinal numbers, grammatical gender, inflection, word roots, diacritics / accenting, pronunciation, Latin prayers / hymns, Scripture verses, Catholic phrases, and more...).

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