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Prayers, Novenas & Hymns (Mass / Holy Eucharist)

Prayers, Novenas & Hymns | Prayers & Devotions Section

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (The 'Tridentine' Mass)

Prayers, Novenas & Hymns:

Mass / Holy Eucharist

Sources: Various

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Act of Adoration (After Communion, During Easter Time)

Act of Adoration (After Holy Communion) (1)

Act of Adoration (After Holy Communion) (2)

Act of Adoration and Reparation (1)

Act of Adoration and Reparation (2) (Vers. 1)

Act of Adoration and Reparation (2) (Vers. 2)

Act of Charity (Before Holy Communion)

Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion) (1)

Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion) (2)

Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion) (3)

Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion, After Pentecost)

Act of Faith (Before Holy Communion) (1)

Act of Faith (Before Holy Communion) (2)

Act of Faith (Before Holy Communion, During Lent)

Act of Faith in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament

Act of Hope (Before Holy Communion) (1)

Act of Hope (Before Holy Communion) (2)

Act of Humility (Before Communion, During Easter Time)

Act of Humility (Before Communion, During Lent)

Act of Love (After Holy Communion) (1)

Act of Love (After Holy Communion) (2)

Act of Love (Before Holy Communion) (1)

Act of Love (Before Holy Communion) (2)

Act of Love (Before Holy Communion, During Easter Time)

Act of Oblation (After Holy Communion)

Act of Reparation (Blessed Sacrament)

Adoration Prayer (Blessed Sacrament) (Fatima)

Adoro Te (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Anima Christi

Intercessory Prayer (Holy Communion)

Intercessory Prayer for Certain Persons (Said at Mass) (Vers. 1)

Intercessory Prayer for Certain Persons (Said at Mass) (Vers. 2)

Mass Offering (1)

Mass Offering (2)

Mass Offering (3)

Mass Prayer (1)

Mass Prayer (2)

Mass Prayer (3)

Mass Prayer (4)

Mass Prayer (After Consecration)

Mass Prayer (At Elevation of Sacred Host) 

Mass Prayer (At Elevation of the Chalice)

Mass Prayer (At Holy Communion)

Mass Prayer (At Offertory)

Mass Prayer (Before Consecration)

Mass Prayer (Before Final Blessing)

Mass Prayer (Before Gospel)

Mass Prayer (Before Holy Communion)

Mass Prayer (For the Church)

Mass Prayer (For the Souls in Purgatory)

Mass Prayer (Precious Blood)

Mass Prayer (Relics)

Obsecro Te

Offering of Self at Mass

Offering of the Precious Blood at Mass

 Panis Angelicus

Prayer After Holy Communion (1)

Prayer After Holy Communion (2)

Prayer After Holy Communion (3)

Prayer After Holy Communion (4)

Prayer After Holy Communion (5)

Prayer After Holy Communion (6)

Prayer After Holy Communion (7)

Prayer After Holy Communion (8)

Prayer After Holy Communion (9)

Prayer After Holy Communion (10)

Prayer After Holy Communion (Mary & the Angels and Saints) (1)

Prayer After Holy Communion (Mary & the Angels and Saints) (2)

Prayer After Holy Communion (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Prayer Before a Crucifix (Vers. 1)

Prayer Before a Crucifix (Vers. 2)

Prayer Before Holy Communion (1)

Prayer Before Holy Communion (2)

Prayer Before Holy Communion (3)

Prayer Before Mass

Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament / Consecration (St. Alphonsus Liguori)

Prayer For Children (Holy Eucharist)

Prayer for Deliverance From Evil

Prayer for Peace & Prosperity (After Holy Communion)

Prayer for Worthy Reception of Holy Viaticum at Death (St. Bridget of Sweden)

Prayer in Preparation for Holy Communion (St. Ambrose)

Prayer in Preparation for Holy Communion (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Prayer in the Lord's House (1)

Prayer in the Lord's House (2)

Prayer of a Priest (After Mass)

Prayer of Adoration (Holy Eucharist)

Prayer of Adoration (Precious Blood)

Prayer of Adoration & Faith (Blessed Sacrament)

Prayer of Adoration & Thanksgiving (Blessed Sacrament)

Prayer of Adoration Before the Holy Eucharist

Prayer of Adoration of the Precious Blood

Prayer of Love (Blessed Sacrament)

Prayer of Praise (Blessed Sacrament)

Prayer of Praise & Adoration (Holy Eucharist)

Prayer of St. Bonaventure (Recited After Holy Communion)

Prayer of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (1)

Prayer of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (2)

Prayer of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (3)

Prayer of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (4)

Prayer of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (5)

Prayer of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (6)

Prayer of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion (During Easter Time)

Prayer to Jesus (3)

Prayer to Our Lady After Holy Communion

Prayer to St. Tarcisius

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

Spiritual Communion Prayer

Spiritual Communion Prayer (St. Alphonsus Liguori)


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Act of Adoration (After Communion, During Easter Time)

O infinite majesty! Thou art in me, and I am in thee. The earth shook when thou didst rise from the tomb; and now, at this blissful moment, feeling thee within me, my whole being thrills with delight. Thou art here in my heart; thou the great God, whose will alone created the light and whose almighty power reunited thy Soul and Body for a glorious Resurrection. I most profoundly adore thine omnipotence, which is now united to my poor nature. No, my Almighty Father! Thou shalt find no resistance here; Thou art my Sovereign Lord, and I delightedly confess it. Thou hast come down from heaven to this lowly dwelling of my misery, my nothingness, in order to receive my adoration; thou shalt have it, dear Lord! The humblest and best I can give: For my soul is overpowered by the wondrous honor thou art now conferring upon me! Thou art the infinite Being, the Creator and Preserver of all things! I adore thee as my King and Lord and Master: my happiness and glory is in my total dependence upon thee; the one ambition of my heart is to serve thee. (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Adoration (After Holy Communion) (1)

O Lord Jesus, I have received Thee within myself, and from within the sanctuary of my heart into which Thou hast deigned to descend, do Thou give to Almighty God, in my name, all the glory that is His due. I unite myself to Thee, O sacred humanity, who in heaven and in the Holy Eucharist, dost never cease offering to the most Holy Trinity an infinite worship, that which alone is truly worthy of the three divine Persons. Through Thee, O divine Priest, I wish to render glory to the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, even in proportion to the immensity of their divine Majesty, because I know that by Thee, with Thee and in Thee all honor and glory are given to them. In union, therefore, with Thee, I prostrate myself in adoration before God, acknowledging His sovereign dominion over me and over all creatures. Amen. (St. Andrew's Missal)

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Act of Adoration (After Holy Communion) (2)

Thou art here within me, great God of heaven! Thou art, at this moment, residing in a sinner's heart! I, yea, I, am thy temple, thy throne, thy resting-place! How shall I worthily adore thee, who hast deigned to come down into this abyss of my lowliness and misery? The angels veil their faces in thy presence; thy saints lay their crowns at thy feet; and I, that am but a sinful mortal, how shall I sufficiently honor thee, O infinite Power, infinite Wisdom, infinite Goodness? This soul, wherein thou art now dwelling, has presumed so many times to set thee at defiance, and boldly disobey and break thy commands. And thou canst come to me after all this, and bring all thy beauty and greatness with thee! What else can I do, but give thee the homage of a heart, that knows not how to bear the immensity of the honor that thou art now lavishing on me? Yes, my own wonderful and loving God, I adore thee; I acknowledge thee to be the sovereign Being, the Creator and preserver of all creatures, and the undisputed Master of everything that belongs to me. I delightedly confess my dependence on thee, and offer thee, with all my heart, my humble service. (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Adoration and Reparation (1)

I adore Thee profoundly, O my Jesus, in Thy sacramental form; I acknowledge Thee to be true God and true Man, and by this act of adoration I intend to atone for the coldness of so many Christians who pass before Thy churches and sometimes before the very Tabernacle in which Thou art pleased to remain at all hours with loving impatience to give Thyself to Thy faithful people, and do not so much as bend the knee before Thee, and who, by their indifference proclaim that they grow weary of this heavenly manna, like the people of Israel in the wilderness. I offer Thee in reparation for this grievous negligence, the Most Precious Blood which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds, and especially from Thy sacred Side, and entering therein, I repeat a thousand times with true recollection of spirit: O Sacrament most holy! O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

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Act of Adoration and Reparation (2) (Vers. 1)

Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus, true Victim of expiation for our sins, and I offer Thee this act of adoration to atone for the sacrilegious outrages Thou didst suffer from so many ungrateful Christians who dare to draw near to receive Thee with mortal sin upon their souls. In reparation for such hateful sacrileges, I offer Thee the last drops of Thy Most Precious Blood, which Thou didst shed from Thy sacred wounds and especially from the wound in Thy sacred Side, and entering therein with a devout heart, I adore Thee, I bless and I love Thee, and I repeat with all the hearts who are devoted to the Blessed Sacrament: O Sacrament most holy! O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

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Act of Adoration and Reparation (2) (Vers. 2)

Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus, the living Bread which cometh down from heaven, and by this act of adoration, I intend to atone for all the many acts of irreverence which are committed all the day long by Thy faithful when they assist at Holy Mass, wherein through Thine exceeding love Thou dost renew in an unbloody manner the self-same sacrifice which Thou didst once offer on Calvary for our salvation. I offer Thee in atonement for such base ingratitude the Most Precious Blood which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds and especially from Thy sacred Side, and entering therein with sincere devotion, I unite my voice to that of the angels who stand around Thee in adoration, saying with them: O Sacrament most holy! O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

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Act of Charity (Before Holy Communion)

O God, Who art Charity! Behold, he who abides in charity abides in Thee. I desire to receive Thee in this Sacrament, that I may be more strongly united to Thee in the bond of love. Who shall separate me from the love of Christ my Savior? Oh, that neither life nor death, nor any accident of fortune, nor any creature may ever be able!

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Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion) (1)

O my God, at the moment of receiving within myself the divine Victim of Calvary, I confess sincerely before Thine infinite majesty and before the whole court of heaven, that I have offended Thee by thought, word and deed. By my sins I have contributed to the death of Jesus on the cross, but Thou hast forgiven me, washing my soul in the Blood of Thy Son and clothing it with the wedding garment of Thy grace. I come, therefore, contrite and repentant, but with a heart overflowing with boundless gratitude, to the holy table which Thou hast prepared for the prodigal child, who had abandoned Thee, and whom in Thy goodness Thou wouldst nourish with heavenly bread. (St. Andrew's Missal)

Reminder: Those who are not in a state of grace must make a sacramental Confession and receive absolution prior to receiving Holy Communion. For more information, try the Sacraments Section

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Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion) (2)

O Savior of the world! O Conqueror of death! Thou art coming to me, and I am but a sinner. Thou willest to treat me as thou didst thy disciples on the day of thy Resurrection. They had basely abandoned thee in thy Passion, and thou didst return to them: thou wast all affection to them; thou badest them not to fear; not a word of reproach fell from thy lips. Thou wouldst have them learn from this thy loving forgiveness how guilty they had been in leaving such a Master. O thou best of masters! I, too, must learn the same lesson. But how much more grievous my sins have been than were theirs! They knew so little of thee when they sinned; whereas I sinned with all the fullness of light upon me, knowing my Jesus so well. Thy Apostles were not initiated into all thy Mysteries, when they lost their courage; they had not as yet received the Holy Ghost, who has been so unreservedly given to me. I will, then, imitate them in the sorrow they felt when they found that he whom they had offended was so deserving of their love. Yes, I detest my sins whereby I have so cruelly wounded thy Sacred Heart; I acknowledge that sin is death, and the enemy of that life which thou renewest within us by thy Resurrection. I wish to die to sin, and live to grace. By the Mystery of life which thou art about to apply to my repentant heart, deign, I beseech thee, to preserve me from the misery of ever again forfeiting thy grace. (Gueranger)

Reminder: Those who are not in a state of grace must make a sacramental Confession and receive absolution prior to receiving Holy Communion. For more information, try the Sacraments Section

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Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion) (3)

And shall I, O my Jesus, confess thus the grievousness and multitude of my sins, without promising thee to sin no more? Thou wishest this sinner to be reconciled with thee, thou desirest to press him to thy Sacred Heart: and could he, whilst thanking thee for this thy wonderful condescension, still love the accursed cause which made him thine enemy? No, my infinitely mercifully God, no! I will not, like my first parent, seek to escape thy justice, but, like the prodigal son, I will arise and go to my Father; like Magdalene, I will take courage and enter the banquet-hall; and, though trembling at the sight of my sins, I will comply with thy loving invitation. My heart has no further attachment to sin, which I hate and detest as the enemy of thy honor and of my own happiness. I am resolved to shun it from this time forward, and to spare no pains to free myself from its tyranny. There shall be no more of that easy life which chilled my love, nor of that studied indifference which dulled my conscience, nor of those dangerous habits which led me to stray from my loyalty to thee. Despise not, O God, this my humble and contrite heart. (Liturgical Year)

Reminder: Those who are not in a state of grace must make a sacramental Confession and receive absolution prior to receiving Holy Communion. For more information, try the Sacraments Section

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Act of Contrition (Before Holy Communion, After Pentecost)

Ever since that day whereon thy Spirit, O Lord, came down upon us, in order that he might the more deeply imprint upon our souls the divine mysteries thou wroughtest, from the merciful Incarnation to thy glorious Ascension, thou vouchsafest to invite me more frequently to thy table. And I have learned, too, since that same coming, better than I knew before, how it behooves me to prepare myself with all possible diligence for each of thy visits. I have been renewing my faith, by accepting with increased ardour the truth of thy presence in the Sacrament of the altar. As I see thy dread Majesty advancing towards me, I have professed, and with sincere humility, my utter nothingness, for I have acknowledged my extreme unworthiness; but all this does not put me at rest. There is something beyond all this: it is, that I am a sinner; I have offended thee; I have rebelled against thee; I have turned thy very benefits into occasions of outrage against thee; to say it in all its enormity, I have caused thy death upon the cross! The Holy Ghost, having vouchsafed to give me light, has taught me the malice of sin; he has given me to understand, more fully than formerly, how detestable have been my audacity and ingratitude. I have had revealed to me, by the grand mysteries of the first portion of the year, how much I cost thee on that day, whereon justice and mercy united in the sacrifice which saved mankind. The more thou hast heaped thy favors on me, O Lord, the more keenly do I feel the injustice of my sins; and I beseech thee to bestow on me the signal grace, the grace which will ensure every other, of keeping up within me the spirit of compunction and penance. O my God, at this hour when thou art about to give thyself to me, I offer to thee the expression of my sorrow; and from my deepest soul, I say to thee those words of the publican: 'Have mercy on me, O God, for I am a sinner.' (Liturgical Year)

Reminder: Those who are not in a state of grace must make a sacramental Confession and receive absolution prior to receiving Holy Communion. For more information, try the Sacraments Section

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Act of Faith (Before Holy Communion) (1)

I firmly believe, O my divine Jesus, that Thou art truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe that It really and substantially contains Thy Body and Blood, Thy soul and divinity. I acknowledge these truths; I believe these wonders; I adore the Power that hath wrought them, the same Power that said: 'Let there be light', and light was made. Verily, Thou art a hidden God, the Savior. Amen.

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Act of Faith (Before Holy Communion) (2)

O my God, I firmly believe that by the words of consecration spoken during Mass, bread truly becomes the Body of Christ and wine His most precious Blood, and that Thy divine Son is offered to Thee upon the altar under appearances representing that separation of His Body and Blood which took place on Calvary. Therefore, do I believe with my whole heart that this holy Victim is that same as that of the cross, whom I am about to receive in order to unite my sacrifices to His own, by immolating myself with Him for Thy glory. (St. Andrew's Missal)

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Act of Faith (Before Holy Communion, During Lent)

The signal grace which thou, O my God, hast granted to me, that I should know the wounds of my soul, has revealed to me the greatness of my misery. I have been taught how deep was the darkness that covered me, and how much I needed thy divine light. But, whilst the torch of faith has thus shown me the abyss of my own poor nature, it has also taught me how wonderful are the works, which thy love of thy ungrateful creature has made thee undertake, in order that thou mightest raise him up and save him. It is for me thou didst assume my human nature, and wast born at Bethlehem; it is for me that thou fastest forty days in the desert; it is for me that thou art soon to shed thy Blood on the cross. Thou commandest me to believe these miracles of thy love. I do believe them, O my God, humbly and gratefully. I also believe, and with an equally lively faith, that in a few moments thou art to give thyself to me in this ineffable mystery of holy Communion. Thou sayest to me: 'This is my Body, this is my Blood': Thy word is enough; in spite of my unworthiness seeming to forbid the possibility of such Communion, I believe, I consent, I bow me down before thine infinite truth. Oh! Can there be Communion between the God of all holiness and a sinner such as I? And yet thou assurest me that thou art verily coming to me! I tremble, O eternal Truth, but I believe. I confess that thy love of me is infinite, and that having resolved to give thyself to thy poor and sinful creature, thou wilt suffer no obstacle to stand in thy way! (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Faith in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament

O my God! I firmly believe that Thou art here present, and plainly seest me: that Thou observest all my actions, all my thoughts, and the most secret motions of my heart. I acknowledge that I am not worthy to come into Thy presence, nor to lift up my eyes to Thee, because I have so often sinned against Thee. But Thy goodness and mercy invite me to come unto Thee; assist me, I beseech Thee, with Thy holy grace, and teach me to pray to Thee as I ought. (St. Andrew's Missal)

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Act of Hope (Before Holy Communion) (1)

Since Thou dost deign to come and dwell within me, O my Redeemer, what may I not expect from Thy bounty! I therefore present myself before Thee with that lively confidence which Thine infinite goodness inspires. Thou not only knowest all my wants, but Thou art also willing and able to relieve them. Thou hast not only invited me, but also promised me Thy gracious assistance. Amen.

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Act of Hope (Before Holy Communion) (2)

O my God, I place all my hope in Jesus, my loving Savior, truly present before me on the altar. He, who on the cross offered to Thee the superabundant merits of His divine Blood, shed for our sins. Do Thou graciously accept the offering, which I now make unto Thee at the hands of Thy priest, of the holy Victim who has reconciled us to Thyself, and being fully appeased by Him, grant to my soul the graces it needs in order to receive my Lord worthily and obtain through Him all the effects of Thy fatherly goodness. (St. Andrew's Missal)

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Act of Humility (Before Communion, During Easter Time)

O divine Conqueror of death! Who could see thee in the splendor of thy majesty, and not tremble? Before thy Passion, thou grantedst a mere glimpse of thy glory to the three disciples on Thabor, and they fell down as through they were dead: and now, when the brightness of thy Resurrection dazzles even the eyes of the Angels, thou wishest to do far more than show thyself to me. Thou vouchsafest to come down to my nothingness, to unite me, a weak unworthy creature, with thyself, who art no longer in the Crib or on the Cross, and art soon to ascend to the right hand of thy eternal Father! Thou, the Author of light, and thyself the infinite Light, art about to shine amidst such darkness as mine! If I reflect upon my nothingness, this thy condescension fills me with delighted wonder; but when I remember that I have been so great a sinner, this union with thee overpowers me. How can thy sovereign holiness and my sinfulness be brought thus together? Thine Evangelist tells me, that 'the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness doth not comprehend it,' for the darkness of pride ever thinks itself to be the light, and sees not the 'true Light': let it not be thus with me, my Jesus! I humble myself before thee; I acknowledge my misery - it is immense; deign then, O divine Light! To pour out on me the riches of thine infinite mercy. (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Humility (Before Communion, During Lent)

During this season just past, I have often contemplated, O my Jesus, thy coming from thy high throne into the bosom of Mary, thy uniting thy divine Person to our weak mortal nature, and thy being born in the crib of a poor stable: and when I thought on these humiliations of my God, they taught me not only to love thee tenderly, but to know also my own nothingness, for I saw more clearly what an infinite distance there is between the creature and his Creator; and seeing these prodigies of thy immense love, I gladly confessed my own vileness. But now, dearest Savior, I am led to consider something far more humiliating than the lowliness of my nature. That nothingness should be but nothingness, is not a sin. No; it is my sins that appal me. Sin has so long tyrannized over me; its consequences are still upon me; it has given me such dangerous tendencies; and I am so week in resisting its bidding. When my first parent sinned, he hid himself, lest he should meet thee; and thou biddest me come unto thee, not to sentence me to the punishment I deserve, but to give me, oh! such a mark of love - union with thyself! Can this be? Art thou not the infinitely holy God? I must needs yield, and come, for thou art my sovereign Master, and who is there that dares resist thy will? I come, then, humbling myself, even to my very nothingness, before thee, and beseeching thee to pardon my coming, for I come because thou wilt have it so. (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Love (After Holy Communion) (1)

But nothing will satisfy thee, O my infinite Treasure, unless I give thee my love. Thou hast ever loved me, and thou art still loving me; I must love thee in return! Thou hast borne with me, thou hast forgiven me, thou art, at this moment, overpowering me with honor and riches; and all this out of love for me! The return thou askest of me, is my love. Gratitude will not content thee, thou wilt have my love! But Jesus, my dear Jesus! My past life - the long years I have spent in offending thee - rise up before me, and tell me to hide myself from thee! And yet, wither could I go without carrying thee within me, for thou hast taken up thine abode in my inmost soul? No, I will not run from thee! I will summon all the energies of my heart, to tell thee that I love thee; that thy love for me has emboldened me; that I belong to thee; that I love thee above all else that I love; and that, henceforth, all my joy and happiness shall be in pleasing thee, and doing whatsoever thou askest of me. (Gueranger)

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Act of Love (After Holy Communion) (2)

Now will I rest me in thee, O my sovereign Good, that hast come down to me and entered into me, in order to content the desires of my heart by thy presence. A few moments ago I was longing after thee; and now that longing has been satisfied. What is there on this earth that I could now desire? The very happiness of heaven, is it not the possession of thee? And thou, my Lord, assurest me that he who eats thy sacred Flesh 'abideth in thee, and thou in him.' The union, then, to which love aspires, is now consummated. This happy moment of thy presence within me unites thy sovereign majesty to my lowliness; thou livest in me, and I live in thee. Divine charity has conquered every difficulty; and the life which now circulates through my being is not the life of time, but of eternity. I at once profit of it, to assure thee, O Lord, that thou hast my love. Thy presence within me lasts but a short time; in a few moments there will be but the grace left by the visit thou art now paying me. At present, I can say in all truth: 'I have found him whom my soul loveth.' Accept, then, O Lord, the homage of my heart, and all its affections. Make this heart faithful and ardent in the love of thee; for love is the end of the whole law: and when thou vouchsafest to incorporate thyself with us by means of the bread of life, thine aim is to strengthen and increase charity within us. May this contact with thee, O Lord, destroy that love of myself, which hitherto has so often stifled, or at least retarded, the love which is due to thee. Let my heart become more and more purified; may its affections be set free from, and raised above, created objects, and centered in the unity of thy love, which includes all, and is enough for all. (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Love (Before Holy Communion) (1)

O my God, I love Thee with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength and with no other desire than to be inseparably united to Thee. It is through Thy divine Son that this union is about to be realized within me. In Holy Communion I long to identify myself with Him, that it will no longer be myself but Him, who liveth in me; and when I have received Jesus within myself, then I shall love and be loved by Thee in that same measure in which I am united to Him. Hasten then, to give me Thy divine Son, at the hands of Thy priest, that through Jesus, I may unite myself forever to Thee, O God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost. Amen. (St. Andrew's Missal)

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Act of Love (Before Holy Communion) (2)

Such is thy love for us in this world, O my Jesus, that, as thou thyself sayest, thou hast come not to judge, but to save. I should not satisfy thee, in this happy Communion hour, were I to offer thee but this salutary fear which has led me to thy sacred feet, and this shame-stricken conscience which makes me tremble in thy holy presence. The visit thou art about to pay me is a visit of love. The Sacrament, which is going to unite me to thee, is the Sacrament of thy love. Thou, my good Shepherd, hast said that he loves most, who has been forgiven most. My heart then must dare to love thee; it must love thee with all its warmth; the very recollection of its past disloyalty must make its loving thee doubly needful and doubly fervent. Ah! Sweet Lord! See this poor heart of mine; strengthen it, console it, drive way its fears, make it feel that thou art its Jesus! It has come back to thee, because it feared thee; if it love thee, it will never again leave thee. And thou, O Mary, refuge of sinners, help me to love him, who is thy Son, and our Brother. Holy angels! Ye who live eternally on that love which has never ceased to glow in your mighty spirits, remember, I reverently pray you, that this God created me, as he did you, that I might love him. All ye holy saints of God! I beseech you, by the love wherewith ye are inebriated in heaven, graciously give me a thought, and prepare now my heart to be united with him. Amen. (Gueranger)

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Act of Love (Before Holy Communion, During Easter Time)

O Jesus! Thy Resurrection is not only the trophy of thy victory, it is moreover, and more evidently, the grand triumph of thy love. It was out of love for us that thou didst assume our flesh and suffer the cruel Passion; and yet these proofs of thine adorable goodness towards us are but a preparation of the last great act of God's love for sinful man, his creature. Thou risest from the tomb, thou takest possession of immortality; it is a triumph well merited by thy humiliations and sufferings: but it is all for our sake. What need hadst thou of the Crib or the Cross, O eternal and infinitely happy God? Why wouldst thou die, and then return to life? Why descend into the grave, and then leave it by a glorious Resurrection? Ah yes, I understand thee, my Jesus! It was because thou lovest us, who had merited death by our sins. In thine incomprehensible love, thou wouldst share in our death, that we might share in thy Resurrection. Whether nailed to the Cross, or rising from the tomb, thou art ever our own dearest Jesus, ever working for us; but the last act of thy almighty love is the greatest. What return can I make thee, O my Savior, if not that of the warmest love? And when should I give it more fervently than now, when thou art about to give me that Bread of Heaven which is thyself, and by which thou unitest me to thy Resurrection, in order to make me a sharer of thy glory and immortality? Thou art mine, O Jesus! Both in thy death and in thy life! I wish to be thine for time and for eternity. Amen. (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Oblation (After Holy Communion)

I know, dear Jesus, that what thou askest of me is not the passing sentiment of a heart excited by the thought of thy goodness towards it. Thou hast loved me from eternity; thou lovest me, even when I was doing nothing for thee; thou has given me light to know my miseries; thou hast shielded me against thine own angry justice; thou has mercifully pardoned me a countless number of times; thou art even now embracing me with tenderest love; and all these works of thy almighty hand have been but for one end - to make me give myself to thee, and live, at last, for thee. It is this thou wouldst obtain of me, by granting me this precious earnest of thy love, which I have just received. Thou hast said, speaking of this ineffable gift: 'As I live by the Father; so he that eateth he me, the same also shall live by me.' Henceforth, O Bread, which came down from heaven! Thou art the source of my life. Now, more than ever, my life belongs to thee. I give it unto thee. I dedicate unto thee my soul, my body, my faculties, my whole being. Do thou direct and govern me. I resign myself entirely into thy hands. I am blind, but thy light will guide me; I am weak, by thy power will uphold me; I am inconstant, but thy unchangeableness will give me stability. I trust unreservedly in thy mercy, which never abandons them that hope in thee. O Mary! Pray for me that I lose not the fruit of this visit. Holy angels! Watch over this dwelling-place of your Lord, which he has so mercifully chosen: let nothing defile it. O all ye saints of God! Pray for the sinner, unto whom he has given this pledge of his divine pardon. (Liturgical Year)

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Act of Reparation (Blessed Sacrament)

With that profound humility which the Faith itself inspires in me, O my God and Savior Jesus Christ, true God and true man, I love Thee with all my heart, and I adore Thee who art hidden here, in reparation for all the irreverences, profanations and sacrileges which Thou receivest in the most adorable Sacrament of the Altar. I adore Thee, O my God, if not so much as Thou art worthy to be adored nor so much as I am bound to do, yet as much as I am able; would that I could adore Thee with that perfect worship which the angels in heaven are enabled to offer Thee. Mayest Thou, O my Jesus, be known, adored, loved and thanked by all men at every moment in this most holy and divine Sacrament. Amen. (Raccolta)

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Adoration Prayer (Blessed Sacrament) (Fatima)

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Adoro Te (St. Thomas Aquinas)

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Anima Christi

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Intercessory Prayer (Holy Communion)

O sweetest Jesu, Thou who camest into the world to give all souls the life of Thy grace, and who, to preserve and nourish it in them, has willed to be at once the daily cure of their daily infirmities and their daily sustenance; we humbly beseech Thee, by Thy Heart all on fire with love for us, to pour forth upon them all Thy divine Spirit, so that those who are unhappily in mortal sin, may turn to Thee and regain the life of grace which they have lost, and those who, through Thy gift, are already living this divine life, may draw near daily, when they can, to Thy sacred table, whence, by means of daily Communion, they may receive daily the antidote of their daily venial sins, and may every day foster within themselves the life of grace; and being thus ever more and more purified, may come at last to the possession of that eternal life which is happiness with Thee. Amen. (Raccolta)

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Intercessory Prayer for Certain Persons (Said at Mass) (Vers. 1)

Permit me, O God, to intercede with Thee for special blessings upon those for whom Thou knowest that I have a special obligation to pray...[indicate name(s)]. Apply to them the fruits of this divine Sacrifice, which is offered unto Thee in the name of all mankind. Visit them by Thy grace, pardon them their sins, grant them the blessings of this present life and of that which is eternal. (Liturgical Year)

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Intercessory Prayer for Certain Persons (Said at Mass) (Vers. 2)

Permit me, O God, to intercede with thee in more earnest prayer for those, for whom thou knowest that I have a special obligation to pray: ... Pour down thy blessings upon them. Let them partake of the fruits of this divine Sacrifice, which is offered unto thee in the name of all mankind. Visit them by thy grace, pardon them their sins, grant them the blessings of this present life and that of which is eternal. (Liturgical Year)

[Said during the canon (in Traditional 'Tridentine' Mass)]

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Mass Offering (1)

I unite myself with every Mass which at this time is being offered throughout the world. I place them in the hands of Mary, the Mediatrix of all grace, that she may obtain by this presentation of the Blood of Christ to the most Holy Trinity, the deliverance of souls from purgatory, relief for the sick and dying, the conversion of infidels and sinners, and the perseverance of all the faithful. (St. Andrew's Missal)

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Mass Offering (2)

O my God, Eternal and Omnipotent Father, I offer Thee in union with Thine Only-begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, His very own Passion and death on the Cross in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: in profound adoration of Thy Divine Majesty; in joyful thanksgiving for all Thy graces and blessings; in humble reparation for my innumerable sins and those of the whole world; and in ardent supplication for Thy mercy and grace, as well as for the temporal needs of myself, my loved ones and my neighbors. O God, be merciful to me a sinner!

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Mass Offering (3)

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the sacrifice wherein Thy dear Son Jesus offered Himself upon the Cross and which He now renews upon this altar, to adore Thee and to render to Thee that honor which is Thy due, acknowledging Thy supreme dominion over all things and their absolute dependence on Thee, for Thou art our first beginning and our last end; to give Thee thanks for countless benefits received; to appease Thy justice provoked to anger by so many sins, and to offer Thee worthy satisfaction for the same; and finally to implore Thy grace and mercy for myself, for all those who are in tribulation and distress, for all poor sinners, for the whole world and for the blessed souls in purgatory. (Raccolta)

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Mass Prayer (1)

May our vices be cured, O almighty God, by Thy holy mysteries, and may we receive everlasting remedies. Through our Lord. (Postcommunion)

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Mass Prayer (2)

O God, who, by the venerable communication of this sacrifice, makest us partakers of the one supreme divine nature: grant, we beseech thee, that as we know thy truth, so we may follow it up by a worthy life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Secret)

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Mass Prayer (3)

O Lord Jesus Christ, who pouring out the riches of Thy love towards men didst institute the sacrament of the Eucharist: grant, we beseech Thee, that we may be able to love Thy most tender heart, and ever worthily receive so great a sacrament. Who livest. (Collect)

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Mass Prayer (4)

Alas! We are poor sinners, O God of all sanctity, yet do we hope that thine infinite mercy will grant us to share thy Kingdom; not indeed, by reason of our works, which deserve little else than punishment, but because of the merits of this sacrifice, which we are offering unto thee. Remember, too, the merits of thy holy apostles, of thy holy martyrs, of thy holy virgins, and of all thy saints. Grant us, by their intercession grace in this world, and glory eternal in the next: which we ask of thee, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son. It is by him thou bestowest upon us thy blessings of life and sanctification; and, by him also, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, may honor and glory be to thee!

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Continued On Next Page


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