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General Information About User-Submitted Articles

Purpose / Benefits / Goals of User-Submitted Articles

* To provide a valuable resource for visitors

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* To allow "experts" or others with experience / good ideas / good insight / etc. a Catholic forum to share their thoughts & expertise

* To cover a larger variety of topics

* To accommodate user submissions longer than 750 characters

* To potentially provide a starting ground for posting topics on this site (e.g. as readers may comment re: articles in their posts)

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We make absolutely no guarantee whatsoever regarding any user submitted article, author, website, publication, business, organization, topic, content, suggestion / tip, etc.

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What article topics may be available?

See below or click here for more some suggested topics.

Note: If you want to suggest an article topic, please click here to request an article on your desired topic.

Submitting Your Article(s)

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How do I submit my article?

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Do I have to be an "expert" to submit an article?


Author Requirements

Catholic authors only, please. In matters of faith, authors must be orthodox & well-catechized. Authors should use proper English/grammar. No other author requirements specified (however, see below for additional guidelines).

What should the purpose of my article be?

Articles should inform / inspire / assist / interest others in some way. Articles should not be disguised advertisements for products / services / websites / books / organizations / companies / etc. or disguised solicitations for donations.

What topics are acceptable for my article?

Many topics may be acceptable. Scroll down or click here for a list of suggested topics. Note, however, that this list is NOT comprehensive. Articles on many other topics may be submitted. Also note that we may call for articles on particular topics as we receive requests / suggestions from other visitors.

What formats are acceptable for my article?

A variety of formats is acceptable - e.g. traditional article format, Q & A format, bullet points, essay, etc.

May my article cover a current event?

Yes, as long as the article has lasting value and will continue to be understandable long into the future.

Minimum Article Size

Articles should contain 750 characters minimum. (Note: If your article is under this amount, consider submitting the article as a post in the applicable section)

Maximum Article Size

Not specified at this time (Note: Article should not be excessively long and must not exceed maximum allowable submission size of submission form)

Maximum Number of Submissions Per Author

Limit 50 article submissions per person per year.

How might authorship be indicated?

Byline may be included at beginning (e.g. "By Bob Smith"). Signature line may be included at end [e.g. your printed name, title (if applicable), short biographical information (if desired), e-mail address (if desired), web site address (if desired).]

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Is contact information required to appear?


Are images allowed with articles?

Not at this time.

What are the article submission terms?

Submission terms for articles are the same as for all user submissions (see terms of use for more information and also see items herein and on submission form for terms). Note that by submitting your article, you give us irrevocable permission to use your contribution on our sites / newsletters / promotional materials / advertisements / etc. at no charge.

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How long might articles appear on this site?

Articles may appear on this site indefinitely.

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If the link is necessary to your article, a link(s) may be allowed as a footnote. Also, your signature line may include a link.

Should I contact you about my article?

Please do not contact us about your article.

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Items prohibited in posts are also prohibited in articles. Click here for list of prohibited items in user posts.

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* Note: Some articles may not be original (e.g. very old items which are not copyrighted.)

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What are some potential benefits enjoyed by article authors?

* The knowledge that you may be helping your brothers & sisters

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Can I pay to have my article included here?


Will all articles submitted appear on this site?

No. Just like posts, not all articles will appear.

When will my article appear on this site?

If your article appears, it will appear at our sole discretion. Please note that it is our intention to publish them as soon as possible.

What are some topics to avoid?

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Other Guidelines / Information

* Articles should have a Catholic focus whenever applicable.

* Be sure to use proper punctuation and grammar

* English language only (Latin may be allowable if each and every word contains a proper English definition)

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* Be sure to check spelling & facts before submission

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* Refer to user posts submission tips for additional guidelines (click here) [Note: All applicable guidelines for user posts also apply to user submitted articles]

* All applicable terms apply regardless of submission method

* All items subject to change at any time without notice

Suggested Article Topics May Include (but are NOT limited to)...

Abortion (against)


Advancing in Virtue

Advent / Christmas



Answered Prayer Stories


Apparitions (approved apparitions only)

Babies / Infants

Bearing the Cross

Blessed Virgin Mary

Bringing Back Fallen Away Catholics

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Catholic Fiction (if specifically noted as fiction)

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Catholic Nostalgia

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Catholic Prophecy (e.g. of scripture / the saints / popes)

Catholic Religious Orders

Catholic Seniors' Issues

Catholic Tips

Catholic Tradition

Catholic Travel / Pilgrimages

Catholic Wedding Planning

Catholic Wisdom

Catholics in the USA

Charitable Works


Childlessness / Infertility

Children With Special Needs

Children's Issues

Christ's Passion

Church Architecture

Church History

Civic Duties

Civic Life

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Contemplation / Meditation

Contraception (against)


Crime / Punishment

Crisis Assistance

Current Events (only if article has lasting historical value)

Current Issues

Dealing With Irreverence

Dealing With Loss

Deathbed Conversions

Defeating the World's Values


The Disadvantaged / Poor


Dissent (exposés on)

Divine Providence

Early Church Fathers

The Elderly

Emergency Preparedness

Employment / Unemployment (men)


Entertaining / Heartwarming Stories

Eucharistic Adoration

Euthanasia (against)

Evolution (against)

Expectant Mothers

Exposing Myths / Falsehoods / Deception

Facts & Figures

Faith, Hope & Love

Fallen Away Catholics

Family Devotions & Practices

Family Life



Favorite Saints

Feminism (against)

Financial / Economic Matters (appropriate financial / economic matters only)

First Communion

First Confession

Food For Thought

For the Clergy


Fostering Vocations

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Fruits of Vatican II



Good / Bad Habits

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Handyman Tips

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Heresy / Heretics

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Holy Communion

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Homosexuality (against)


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Influential Catholics

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It's for the Best

It's Never Too Late

Jesus Christ

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Justice / Mercy

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Large Families

The Last Things

Latin ('Tridentine') Mass

Latin Language (each Latin word must have English definition)

Learning From Mistakes

Lent / Easter

Life Changing Experiences

Life Issues

Life Lessons

Lifestyle Changes

Living Out Gospel Teachings

Living Out the Faith

Living Virtuously

The Lonely / Forgotten

Love of God

Making a Difference

Marian Devotion

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Married Life (appropriate topics only)

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Myths / Fads

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News Stories (only if lasting value/interest)

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Catholic Bible References - Available on the App Store (click to download)

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Catholic Bible References for Android - Available at Amazon Appstore for Android (click to download)

iStations / Stations of the Cross (Click For More Information)

iStations - Available on the App Store (click to download)

iStations for Android - Available on Google Play (click to download)

iStations for Android - Available at Amazon Appstore for Android (click to download)

Saints4U (Click For More Information)

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Simple Note: Do Today (Click For More Information)

Simple Note: Do Today - Available on the App Store (click to download)

Speedy Dial! (Click For More Information)

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Speedy Dial! for Android - Available on Google Play (click to download)

Speedy Dial! for Android - Available at Amazon Appstore for Android (click to download)

Just Checkin' In (Click For More Information)

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