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Dereliction of Duty vs. True Heroes


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Dereliction of Duty vs. True Heroes

Satan Still Goes After the Woman

By Concerned Woman

Summary: Satan & Women, Dereliction of Duty vs. True Heroes

Keywords: Satan | Woman | Women | Mothers | Catholic Mothers | Motherhood | Wife | Fathers | Catholic Fathers | Fatherhood | Husband | Children | Families | Catholic Families | Parents | Parenting | Full-Time Parenting | Part-Time Parenting | Absent Wives | Absent Mothers | Duties | Responsibilities | Public Schools | Education | Homeschooling | Homemaking | Careers | Jobs | Provider | Career Women | Career Planning | Femininity | Nurturing | Heroes | Fulfillment | Happiness | Ambition | Wealth | Divorce | Contraception | Abortion | Limited Family Size | Communism | Deception | Feminists | Feminism | Fatima | Roles | Traditional Roles | Purpose in Life

I ask you, if someone elected to be the full-time governor of the state of Georgia spent more than half of their time working elsewhere, for example on behalf of and beholden to the state of Oregon, would the neglected Georgians likely consider this governor a "hero" or derelict in their duty? (I use Georgia and Oregon as examples, but any states could be used to make my points.)

And why would the governor be considered derelict in their duty? Isn't it because they are...?

1. Not doing what they are supposed to be doing (i.e. what they were chosen to do on behalf of Georgians)

2. Leaving Georgians with a part-time governor, and with no one having the real ability to take their place

3. Abandoning their true responsibilities to the Georgians

4. Frequently absent, and therefore less available to the Georgians

5. Distracted from their duty to the Georgians and less able to be attentive to the Georgians

Would it change anything if the work done for the state of Oregon was glamorous? Would it matter if the work done on behalf of Oregon was charitable towards the Oregonians? Of course it would not change anything for Georgians. The governor would not be doing his constituents any favors by devoting so much of his time to another state. He would not be a "hero" to the Georgians. In fact, the Georgians would be shortchanged by such a governor, and they should demand more. Undoubtedly, the governor's actions would ultimately have a detrimental affect on Georgians, even if that was not the governor's intention.

In the same vain, why is it that many people today consider career-women who intentionally abandon their families for hours at a time as "heroes"? Don't such women do the very thing the governor did in the above example? Might such women, sadly but more justly, be called absent or part-time wives & mothers? Can anyone deny that days are capped at 24 hours? Add eight hours at a job, plus lunch time, plus travel time, plus time to prepare for work, plus time for a healthy amount of sleep, and very little time (perhaps as little as 20% of the day) may be left during the week for the career woman's husband or children. Yet her husband and children should be her primary focus!

I therefore ask:

How can abandoning your God-given role towards your family for the majority of each workday be heroic?

Is it really heroic for children to have a part-time mother?

Is it heroic to push responsibility for your children onto others, especially strangers (particularly when children are left in the care of the godless state - e.g. public schools)? Don't you realize no one can truly replace you as their mother?

How is it heroic to prioritize work over family? (Be honest, if little Betty and Johnny regularly require "too much" attention from you during the day they will not get it while you are at work because you would lose your job.)

Is it heroic to abandon your true responsibilities for the bulk of each workday?

How is it heroic to be frequently absent from the home and less available to your children or husband?

Is it heroic to be distracted from your husband and children and less attentive to them?

How is it heroic to take away a man's incentive to be the provider for his family (as Scripture says men are supposed to be)?

Is it heroic to drive up prices of homes and food by having women in the workforce?

How is it heroic to be less rested and alert towards your family during the week due to hours spent at a job?

Fellow women, your time and attention rightly belongs foremost to your family. The time and attention redirected away from them can NEVER be gained back, no matter what you do. Your family must always be #1, not #2 or #3. Providing for your family is your husband's job, not yours (excepting, of course what should be unusual situations that are no fault of the wife). Don't sacrifice everything important for some supposed "financial gain". The old expression is very true: charity begins at home. Children and homemaking are critically important full-time jobs for the dedicated Catholic wife & mother. Making them part-time pursuits - saddling your flesh & blood with an absent mother and your husband with a less available wife - can't help but bring negative consequences.

I have written about this topic before and I can virtually hear many women arguing that they "have to work", they "have no choice." But this is generally dishonest. Instead, pick a suitable, good Catholic man who is willing & able to provide for a family and get married before having children (to do otherwise is a sin). Cut costs. Act responsibly. Have insurance for unforeseen events. Live economically.

Just because you may not like to hear what I have to say, doesn't mean it's not true. Women today are confused or misled because society pushes the false feminist narrative that it is backwards or unfulfilling to be a full-time wife and mother. Nothing could be more untrue! Having a career might bring you some fleeting financial reward now, but oh the cost! Being a full-time wife and mother may not be easy, but the rewards are great, both now and eternally in heaven.

If you are a married Catholic woman and God has given you the gift of fertility, then you are supposed to do the important work of peopling heaven! What could be more glorious! Full-time wife & mothering is:

* Rewarding

* Needed

* God pleasing

* Fulfilling

It promotes modesty, femininity and nurturing behavior. It is natural. It allows you to have complete control over your children's education (homeschooling). It allows you to always be there for them and your husband. It allows you to "people heaven"! It is what good Catholic women have been doing for thousands of years. And these good women, these full-time Catholic mothers lovingly doing their duty, are the true heroes!

Rather than "giving back" to others through a job for remuneration (a job that only lasts for a short while, and for which you will eventually be replaced), you instead give back freely and from your heart through your spouse and through your moral, upright children. You are made a better person in the process. And you bestow great benefits upon society.

In contrast, women's career planning may seek to feed ambition, boost pride, increase status, notoriety or wealth (or perhaps some women wrongly think it's what they are supposed to do) or otherwise make a woman feel "important", rather than consider what's truly best for their husband and children, or their relationship with God. Yet the very reason women (and men) were created is "to know, love, and serve God" according to a traditional catechism. Nothing should go against the very purpose of life! Working women, especially "successful" career women, may even be called to leave their "private Catholic beliefs" behind them in order to "succeed". In reality that's a terrible failure, not success.

It's also failure if a woman limits her family size to accommodate a job. It's a dreadful, sinful failure to sacrifice your own children for a career. It's like trading an immense diamond for a piece of dirt! Actually, it's much worse. And even if a fertile woman somehow does not limit her family size to maintain a career, she necessarily must push the responsibility of her children onto others because the limited hours of the day cannot permit otherwise. Even if children are in the care of other family members, a mother that hands off her children to others still lays aside her own personal responsibilities and puts them onto someone else.

And let's not forget the husband also experiences negative consequences when his beloved wife leaves the home in pursuit of her career. It certainly cannot help his desire to be the family's provider when he is "no longer needed", nor can it help to have the wife's focus shifted away from him or to be able to enjoy less time with her. And then there's the temptations that may arise when women are in the workforce with men. One has only to imagine the effect of women working outside the home on the skyrocketing divorce rates. And divorce, besides being sinful, may have terrible effects on women and children (and men too).

When you don't do your God-given duties as a full-time wife and mother, there are grave costs to you, your husband & children, and to the community, even if you do not see them. As Pope Pius XI warned back in the 1930's, women working outside the home is a characteristic of Communism:

"Communism is particularly characterized by the rejection of any link that binds woman to the family and the home, and her emancipation is proclaimed as a basic principle. She is withdrawn from the family and the care of her children, to be thrust instead into public life and collective production under the same conditions as man. The care of home and children then devolves upon the collectivity. Finally, the right of education is denied to parents, for it is conceived as the exclusive prerogative of the community, in whose name and by whose mandate alone parents may exercise this right." (Pope Pius XI, "Divini Redemptoris", 1937 A.D.)

And communism is evil! Pope Leo XIII called it, "the fatal plague which insinuates itself into the very marrow of human society only to bring about its ruin." Pope Pius XI called it "intrinsically wrong" and Pope Pius IX referred to it as the "unspeakable doctrine of Communism." So think about that, the "emancipation" of women from their families and homes is "particularly" characteristic of Communism. Do you perceive the great danger in that? Do you also remember that the Blessed Virgin warned at Fatima that (Communist) Russia would spread her errors around the world?

We see conclusively that Satan is still going after women, like he did from the beginning in the Garden of Eden. And if you ask me, women's careers are often his modern modus operandi. Not only might women's careers foster pride, delay marriage (and therefore reduce family size), harm children, injure both parents, negatively affect souls and society, and potentially lead to divorce, but they may also foster the grave sins of contraception and abortion.

Wake up to his deception, women! Satan wants to trick you out of what will reward & fulfill you, and he wants to frustrate your ability to accomplish God's desired role for you. Don't let him!

Listen to the Holy Spirit through Holy Scripture. For example, in Genesis, Chapter 3 God instructs the man (Adam) to work, not the woman (the woman, Eve, is instead instructed concerning childbearing); Sirach, Chapter 25 says a man "is a slave, in disgrace and shame" when a wife supports her husband; and the New Testament tells women to be "good homemakers" (Ti. 2:5) and says women are "saved through motherhood" (1 Tm. 2:15). Get that? Women are not saved through careers, but rather are saved through motherhood. And given the benefits to women, men, children, and society from full-time mothers, it's no wonder!

Those feminists and others promoting careers for women seem to be implicitly denying God-given roles. And rejecting God's wise plans for women or men is not a good thing, and it will ultimately not bring happiness. Women working outside the home are not glamorous. It does not make women "heroes". It does not help fulfill women's purpose in life, "to know, love, and serve God." Being an absent, part-time mother does not benefit the children. Who would dare picture the Blessed Virgin Mary as a career woman? Perish the thought! Yet she is the most important woman in all of human history. And the Holy Virgin should be the highest role model for all women.

Remember that no one can fulfill a mother's God-given duties in her place, so it does make her derelict in those duties if she neglects them or passes them off to others. How is it that people can easily understand that if they split their time over too many things, they can't do anything well, but not see that this also applies to the most important thing in their lives after God: their families? Since when is a pittance of time (e.g. 20% of a day) enough for one's own children, especially in this sinful age? Who actually believes part-time parenting is good for (or fair to!) children?

Stop supporting the harmful idea of careers for women. Do it for yourself, for your husband, for society, for God. And do it for the children. Remember what I said above: your time and attention rightly belongs foremost to your family. The time and attention redirected away from them can NEVER be gained back, no matter what you do. It will be lost forever. Don't be like that bad, absent governor.

Signature ImageSignature: Concerned Woman

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