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When Moses realized that, to the scornful joy of their foes, Aaron had let the people run wild, he stood at the gate of the camp and cried, "Whoever is for the LORD, let him come to me!" All the Levites then rallied to him [Taken from EX 32:25-26]

"When a man is newly wed, he need not go out on a military expedition, nor shall any public duty be imposed on him. He shall be exempt for one year for the sake of his family, to bring joy to the wife he has married." [DEUT 24:5]

Since you would not serve the LORD, your God, with joy and gratitude for abundance of every kind, therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and utter poverty, you will serve the enemies whom the LORD will send against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck, until he destroys you. [DEUT 28:47-48]

Then David, girt with a linen apron, came dancing before the LORD with abandon, as he and all the Israelites were bringing up the ark of the LORD with shouts of joy and to the sound of the horn. [2SAM 6:14-15]

Thus David, the elders of Israel, and the commanders of thousands went to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD with joy from the house of Obed-edom. [1CHRON 15:25]

David was clothed in a robe of fine linen, as were all the Levites who carried the ark, the singers, and Chenaniah, the leader of the chant; David was also wearing a linen ephod. Thus all Israel brought back the ark of the covenant of the LORD with joyful shouting, to the sound of horns, trumpets, and cymbals, and the music of harps and lyres. [1CHRON 15:27-28]

For all the gods of the nations are things of nought, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty go before him; praise and joy are in his holy place. [1CHRON 16:26-27]

O LORD our God, all this wealth that we have brought together to build you a house in honor of your holy name comes from you and is entirely yours. I know, O my God, that you put hearts to the test and that you take pleasure in uprightness. With a sincere heart I have willingly given all these things, and now with joy I have seen your people here present also giving to you generously. O LORD, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, keep such thoughts in the hearts and minds of your people forever, and direct their hearts toward you. [1CHRON 29:16-18]

Then all the men of Judah and Jerusalem, with Jehoshaphat at their head, turned back toward Jerusalem celebrating the joyful victory the LORD had given them over their enemies. [2CHRON 20:27]

King Hezekiah and the princes then commanded the Levites to sing the praises of the LORD in the words of David and of Asaph the seer. They sang praises till their joy was full, then fell down and prostrated themselves. [2CHRON 29:30]

Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who had shown themselves well skilled in the service of the LORD. And when they had completed the seven days of festival... the whole assembly agreed to celebrate another seven days. With joy, therefore, they continued the festivity seven days longer. [Taken from 2CHRON 30:22-23]

They alternated in songs of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD, "for he is good, for his kindness to Israel endures forever"; and all the people raised a great shout of joy, praising the LORD because the foundation of the LORD'S house had been laid. Many of the priests, Levites, and family heads, the old men who had seen the former house, cried out in sorrow as they watched the foundation of the present house being laid. Many others, however, lifted up their voices in shouts of joy, and no one could distinguish the sound of the joyful shouting from the sound of those who were weeping; for the people raised a mighty clamor which was heard afar off. [EZRA 3:11-13]

The Israelites - priests, Levites, and the other returned exiles - celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy. [EZRA 6:16]

They joyfully kept the feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days, for the LORD had filled them with joy by making the king of Assyria favorable to them, so that he gave them help in their work on the house of God, the God of Israel. [EZRA 6:22]

He said further: "Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared; for today is holy to our LORD. Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength!" (And the Levites quieted all the people, saying, "Hush, for today is holy, and you must not be saddened.") Then all the people went to eat and drink, to distribute portions, and to celebrate with great joy, for they understood the words that had been expounded to them. [NEH 8:10-12]

Thus the entire assembly of the returned exiles made booths and dwelt in them. Now the Israelites had done nothing of this sort from the days of Jeshua, son of Nun, until this occasion; therefore there was very great joy. [NEH 8:17]

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were sought out wherever they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate a joyful dedication with thanksgiving hymns and the music of cymbals, harps, and lyres. [NEH 12:27]

When Raphael entered the house, Tobit greeted him first. Raphael said, "Hearty greetings to you!" Tobit replied: "What joy is left for me any more? Here I am, a blind man who cannot see God's sunlight, but must remain in darkness, like the dead who no longer see the light! Though alive, I am among the dead. I can hear a man's voice, but I cannot see him." Raphael said, "Take courage! God has healing in store for you; so take courage!" [Taken from TOBIT 5:10]

She said, "Do you know our kinsman Tobit?" They answered, "Indeed we do!" She asked, "Is he well?" They answered, "Yes, he is alive and well." Then Tobiah exclaimed, "He is my father!" Raguel sprang up and kissed him, shedding tears of joy. [TOBIT 7:4-6]

"Be brave, my daughter. May the Lord of heaven grant you joy in place of your grief. Courage, my daughter." Then she left. [TOBIT 7:17]

He summoned Tobiah and made an oath in his presence, saying: "For fourteen days you shall not stir from here, but shall remain here eating and drinking with me; and you shall bring joy to my daughter's sorrowing spirit". [TOBIT 8:20]

When Tobiah left Raguel, he was full of happiness and joy, and he blessed the Lord of heaven and earth, the King of all, for making his journey so successful. Finally he said good-bye to Raguel and his wife Edna, and added, "May I honor you all the days of my life!" [TOBIT 10:14]

Before them all Tobit proclaimed how God had mercifully restored sight to his eyes. When Tobit reached Sarah, the wife of his son Tobiah, he greeted her: "Welcome, my daughter! Blessed be your God for bringing you to us, daughter! Blessed are your father and your mother. Blessed is my son Tobiah, and blessed are you, daughter! Welcome to your home with blessing and joy. Come in, daughter!" That day there was joy for all the Jews who lived in Nineveh. [TOBIT 11:17]

Then Tobit composed this joyful prayer: Blessed be God who lives forever, because his kingdom lasts for all ages. For he scourges and then has mercy; he casts down to the depths of the nether world, and he brings up from the great abyss. No one can escape his hand. [TOBIT 13:1-2]

Praise the Lord for his goodness, and bless the King of the ages, so that his tent may be rebuilt in you with joy. May he gladden within you all who were captives; all who were ravaged may he cherish within you for all generations to come. [TOBIT 13:10]

A bright light will shine to all parts of the earth; many nations shall come to you from afar, And the inhabitants of all the limits of the earth, drawn to you by the name of the Lord God, Bearing in their hands their gifts for the King of heaven. Every generation shall give joyful praise in you, and shall call you the chosen one, through all ages forever. [TOBIT 13:11]

Happy are those who love you, and happy those who rejoice in your prosperity. Happy are all the men who shall grieve over you, over all your chastisements, For they shall rejoice in you as they behold all your joy forever. [TOBIT 13:14]

She replied, "Who am I to refuse my lord? Whatever is pleasing to him I will promptly do. This will be a joy for me till the day of my death." [JDTH 12:14]

When she finished her account, the people cheered loudly, and their city resounded with shouts of joy. [JDTH 14:9]

When they had visited her, all with one accord blessed her, saying: "You are the glory of Jerusalem, the surpassing joy of Israel; You are the splendid boast of our people." [JDTH 15:9]

"Hear my prayer; have pity on your inheritance and turn our sorrow into joy: thus we shall live to sing praise to your name, O Lord. Do not silence those who praise you." [ESTH C:10]

From the day I was brought here till now, your handmaid has had no joy except in you, O Lord, God of Abraham. [ESTH C:29]

She glowed with the perfection of her beauty and her countenance was as joyous as it was lovely, though her heart was shrunk with fear. [ESTH D:5]

For God, the ruler of all, has turned that day for them from one of destruction of the chosen race into one of joy. [ESTH E:21]

Mordecai left the king's presence clothed in a royal robe of violet and of white cotton, with a large crown of gold and a cloak of crimson byssus. The city of Susa shouted with joy, and there was splendor and merriment for the Jews, exultation and triumph. [ESTH 8:15-16]

He ordered them to celebrate every year both the fourteenth and the fifteenth of the month of Adar as the days on which the Jews obtained rest from their enemies and as the month which was turned for them from sorrow into joy, from mourning into festivity. They were to observe these days with feasting and gladness, sending food to one another and gifts to the poor. [ESTH 9:21-22]

"Gathering together with joy and happiness before God, they shall celebrate these days on the fourteenth and fifteenth of the month Adar throughout all future generations of his people Israel." [ESTH F:10]

Then his son Judas, who was called Maccabeus, took his place. All his brothers and all who had joined his father supported him, and they carried on Israel's war joyfully. [1MACC 3:1-2]

Jerusalem was uninhabited, like a desert; not one of her children entered or came out. The sanctuary was trampled on, and foreigners were in the citadel; it was a habitation of Gentiles. Joy had disappeared from Jacob, and the flute and the harp were silent. [1MACC 3:45]

There was great joy among the people now that the disgrace of the Gentiles was removed. [1MACC 4:58]

Then Judas and his brothers and the entire congregation of Israel decreed that the days of the dedication of the altar should be observed with joy and gladness on the anniversary every year for eight days, from the twenty-fifth day of the month Chislev. [1MACC 4:59]

They ascended Mount Zion in joy and gladness...because not one of them had fallen; they had returned in safety. [Taken from 1MACC 5:54]

The man who a moment before had entered that treasury with a great retinue and his whole bodyguard was carried away helpless, having clearly experienced the sovereign power of God. While he lay speechless and deprived of all hope of aid, due to an act of God's power, the Jews praised the Lord who had marvelously glorified his holy Place; and the temple, charged so shortly before with fear and commotion, was filled with joy and gladness, now that the almighty Lord had manifested himself. [2MACC 3:28-30]

When he was about to die under the blows, he groaned and said: "The Lord in his holy knowledge knows full well that, although I could have escaped death, I am not only enduring terrible pain in my body from this scourging, but also suffering it with joy in my soul because of my devotion to him." [2MACC 6:30]

The Jews celebrated joyfully for eight days as on the feast of Booths, remembering how, a little while before, they had spent the feast of Booths living like wild animals in caves on the mountains. [2MACC 10:6]

When the battle was over and they were joyfully departing, they discovered Nicanor lying there in all his armor; so they raised tumultuous shouts in their native tongue in praise of the divine Sovereign. [2MACC 15:28-29]

After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed his day. Job spoke out and said: Perish the day on which I was born, the night when they said, "The child is a boy!" May that day be darkness: let not God above call for it, nor light shine upon it! May darkness and gloom claim it, clouds settle upon it, the blackness of night affright it! May obscurity seize that day; let it not occur among the days of the year, nor enter into the count of the months! May that night be barren; let no joyful outcry greet it! [JOB 3:1-7]

Do you not know this from olden time, since man was placed upon the earth, That the triumph of the wicked is short and the joy of the impious but for a moment? [JOB 20:4-5]

The blessing of those in extremity came upon me, and the heart of the widow I made joyful. [JOB 29:13]

Then the LORD addressed Job out of the storm and said: Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its size; do you know? Who stretched out the measuring line for it? Into what were its pedestals sunk, and who laid the cornerstone, While the morning stars sang in chorus and all the sons of God shouted for joy? [JOB 38:1,4-7]

Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, Nor go the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the LORD is their joy; God's law they study day and night. [PS 1:1-2]

Many say, "May we see better times! LORD, show us the light of your face!" But you have given my heart more joy than they have when grain and wine abound. In peace I shall both lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me secure. [Taken from PS 4:7-9]

Declare them guilty, God; make them fall by their own devices. Drive them out for their many sins; they have rebelled against you. Then all who take refuge in you will be glad and forever shout for joy. Protect them that you may be the joy of those who love your name. For you, LORD, bless the just; you surround them with favor like a shield. [PS 5:11-13]

Have mercy on me, LORD; see how my foes afflict me! You alone can raise me from the gates of death. Then I will declare all your praises, sing joyously of your salvation in the gates of daughter Zion. [PS 9:14-15]

I trust in your faithfulness. Grant my heart joy in your help, That I may sing of the LORD, "How good our God has been to me!" [PS 13:6]

You will show me the path to life, abounding joy in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever. [PS 16:11]

The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaims its builder's craft. One day to the next conveys that message; one night to the next imparts that knowledge. There is no word or sound; no voice is heard; Yet their report goes forth through all the earth, their message, to the ends of the world. God has pitched there a tent for the sun; it comes forth like a bridegroom from his chamber, and like an athlete joyfully runs its course. [PS 19:2-6]

May we shout for joy at your victory, raise the banners in the name of our God. The LORD grant your every prayer! [PS 20:6]

LORD, the king finds joy in your power; in your victory how greatly he rejoices! [PS 21:2]

He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever. Great is his glory in your victory; majesty and splendor you confer upon him. You make him the pattern of blessings forever, you gladden him with the joy of your presence. [PS 21:5-7]

Rejoice, you just, in the LORD; praise from the upright is fitting. Give thanks to the LORD on the harp; on the ten-stringed lyre offer praise. Sing to God a new song; skillfully play with joyful chant. For the LORD'S word is true; all his works are trustworthy. [PS 33:1-4]

Look to God that you may be radiant with joy and your faces may not blush for shame. [PS 34:6]

But let those who favor my just cause shout for joy and be glad. May they ever say, "Exalted be the LORD who delights in the peace of his loyal servant." [PS 35:27]

That I may come to the altar of God, to God, my joy, my delight. Then I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God. [PS 43:4]

With myrrh, aloes, and cassia your robes are fragrant. From ivory-paneled palaces stringed instruments bring you joy. [PS 45:9]

All glorious is the king's daughter as she enters, her raiment threaded with gold; In embroidered apparel she is led to the king. The maids of her train are presented to the king. They are led in with glad and joyous acclaim; they enter the palace of the king. [PS 45:14-16]

All you peoples, clap your hands; shout to God with joyful cries. [PS 47:2]

God mounts the throne amid shouts of joy; the LORD, amid trumpet blasts. [PS 47:6]

Great is the LORD and highly praised in the city of our God: The holy mountain, fairest of heights, the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, the heights of Zaphon, the city of the great king. [PS 48:2-3]

Let me hear sounds of joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Turn away your face from my sins; blot out all my guilt. A clean heart create for me, God; renew in me a steadfast spirit. Do not drive me from your presence, nor take from me your holy spirit. Restore my joy in your salvation; sustain in me a willing spirit. [PS 51:10-14]

I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands, calling on your name. My soul shall savor the rich banquet of praise, with joyous lips my mouth shall honor you! When I think of you upon my bed, through the night watches I will recall That you indeed are my help, and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy. My soul clings fast to you; your right hand upholds me. [PS 63:5-9]

Distant peoples stand in awe of your marvels; east and west you make resound with joy. [PS 65:9]

You adorn the year with your bounty; your paths drip with fruitful rain. The untilled meadows also drip; the hills are robed with joy. The pastures are clothed with flocks, the valleys blanketed with grain; they cheer and sing for joy. [PS 65:12-14]

Shout joyfully to God, all you on earth; sing of his glorious name; give him glorious praise. [PS 66:2]

May the nations be glad and shout for joy; for you govern the peoples justly, you guide the nations upon the earth. [Taken from PS 67:5]

God will arise for battle; the enemy will be scattered; those who hate God will flee. The wind will disperse them like smoke; as wax is melted by fire, so the wicked will perish before God. Then the just will be glad; they will rejoice before God; they will celebrate with great joy. [PS 68:2-4]

My lips will shout for joy as I sing your praise; my soul, too, which you have redeemed. [PS 71:23]

Sing joyfully to God our strength; shout in triumph to the God of Jacob! [PS 81:2]

Happy the people who know you, LORD, who walk in the radiance of your face. In your name they sing joyfully all the day; at your victory they raise the festal shout. [PS 89:16-17]

Fill us at daybreak with your love, that all our days we may sing for joy. [PS 90:14]

For you make me jubilant, LORD, by your deeds; at the works of your hands I shout for joy. [PS 92:5]

When cares increase within me, your comfort gives me joy. [PS 94:19]

Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us greet him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms. [PS 95:1-2]

Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice; let the sea and what fills it resound; let the plains be joyful and all that is in them. Then let all the trees of the forest rejoice before the LORD who comes, who comes to govern the earth, To govern the world with justice and the peoples with faithfulness. [PS 96:11-13]

Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth; break into song; sing praise. Sing praise to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and melodious song. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout with joy to the King, the LORD. Let the sea and what fills it resound, the world and those who dwell there. Let the rivers clap their hands, the mountains shout with them for joy, Before the LORD who comes, who comes to govern the earth, To govern the world with justice and the peoples with fairness. [PS 98:4-9]

Shout joyfully to the LORD, all you lands; worship the LORD with cries of gladness; come before him with joyful song. Know that the LORD is God, our maker to whom we belong, whose people we are, God's well-tended flock. [PS 100:1-3]

For he remembered his sacred word to Abraham his servant. He brought his people out with joy, his chosen ones with shouts of triumph. He gave them the lands of the nations, the wealth of the peoples to own, That they might keep his laws and observe his teachings. Hallelujah!  [PS 105:42-45]

Remember me, LORD, as you favor your people; come to me with your saving help, That I may see the prosperity of your chosen, rejoice in the joy of your people, and glory with your heritage. [PS 106:4-5]

The LORD raises the needy from the dust, lifts the poor from the ash heap, Seats them with princes, the princes of the people, Gives the childless wife a home, the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah! [PS 113:7-9]

The joyful shout of deliverance is heard in the tents of the victors: "The LORD'S right hand strikes with power; the LORD'S right hand is raised; the LORD'S right hand strikes with power." I shall not die but live and declare the deeds of the LORD. [PS 118:15-17]

I find joy in the way of your decrees more than in all riches. [PS 119:14]

Your decrees are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. [PS 119:111]

Our mouths were filled with laughter; our tongues sang for joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD had done great things for them." [PS 126:2]

Those who sow in tears will reap with cries of joy. Those who go forth weeping, carrying sacks of seed, Will return with cries of joy, carrying their bundled sheaves. [PS 126:5-6]

May the LORD bless you from Zion, all the days of your life That you may share Jerusalem's joy and live to see your children's children. Peace upon Israel!  [PS 128:5-6]

"Let us enter God's dwelling; let us worship at God's footstool." "Arise, LORD, come to your resting place, you and your majestic ark. Your priests will be clothed with justice; your faithful will shout for joy." For the sake of David your servant, do not reject your anointed. [PS 132:7-10]

I will clothe its priests with blessing; its faithful shall shout for joy. [PS 132:16]

By the rivers of Babylon we sat mourning and weeping when we remembered Zion. On the poplars of that land we hung up our harps. There our captors asked us for the words of a song; Our tormentors, for a joyful song: "Sing for us a song of Zion!" But how could we sing a song of the LORD in a foreign land? [PS 137:1-4]

One generation praises your deeds to the next and proclaims your mighty works. They speak of the splendor of your majestic glory, tell of your wonderful deeds. They speak of your fearsome power and attest to your great deeds. They publish the renown of your abounding goodness and joyfully sing of your justice. The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. [PS 145:4-8]

For the LORD takes delight in his people, honors the poor with victory. Let the faithful rejoice in their glory, cry out for joy at their banquet, With the praise of God in their mouths, and a two-edged sword in their hands, To bring retribution on the nations, punishment on the peoples, To bind their kings with chains, shackle their nobles with irons, To execute the judgments decreed for them - such is the glory of all God's faithful. Hallelujah! [PS 149:4-9]

And have joy of the wife of your youth, your lovely hind, your graceful doe. Her love will invigorate you always, through her love you will flourish continually [Taken from PROV 5:18-19]

The hope of the just brings them joy, but the expectation of the wicked comes to nought. [PROV 10:28]

Deceit is in the hands of those who plot evil, but those who counsel peace have joy. [PROV 12:20]

The heart knows its own bitterness, and in its joy no one else shares. [PROV 14:10]

Even in laughter the heart may be sad, and the end of joy may be sorrow. [PROV 14:13]

Folly is joy to the senseless man, but the man of understanding goes the straight way. [PROV 15:21]

There is joy for a man in his utterance; a word in season, how good it is! [PROV 15:23]

A cheerful glance brings joy to the heart; good news invigorates the bones. [PROV 15:30]

To be a fool's parent is grief for a man; the father of a numskull has no joy. [PROV 17:21]

A joyful heart is the health of the body, but a depressed spirit dries up the bones. [PROV 17:22]

To practice justice is a joy for the just, but terror for evildoers. [PROV 21:15]

The father of a just man will exult with glee; he who begets a wise son will have joy in him. Let your father and mother have joy; let her who bore you exult. [PROV 23:24-25]

The wicked man steps into a snare, but the just man runs on joyfully. [PROV 29:6]

I became great, and I stored up more than all others before me in Jerusalem; my wisdom, too, stayed with me. Nothing that my eyes desired did I deny them, nor did I deprive myself of any joy, but my heart rejoiced in the fruit of all my toil. This was my share for all my toil. But when I turned to all the works that my hands had wrought, and to the toil at which I had taken such pains, behold! all was vanity and a chase after wind, with nothing gained under the sun. [ECCL 2:9-11]

For to whatever man he sees fit he gives wisdom and knowledge and joy; but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering possessions to be given to whatever man God sees fit. This also is vanity and a chase after wind. [ECCL 2:26]

Any man to whom God gives riches and property, and grants power to partake of them, so that he receives his lot and finds joy in the fruits of his toil, has a gift from God. For he will hardly dwell on the shortness of his life, because God lets him busy himself with the joy of his heart. [ECCL 5:18-19]

Go, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a merry heart, because it is now that God favors your works. [ECCL 9:7]

Daughters of Jerusalem, come forth and look upon King Solomon In the crown with which his mother has crowned him on the day of his marriage, on the day of the joy of his heart. [SONG 3:11]

Within my dwelling, I should take my repose beside her; For association with [wisdom] involves no bitterness and living with her no grief, but rather joy and gladness. [Taken from WISDOM 8:16]

For all men were by nature foolish who were in ignorance of God, and who from the good things seen did not succeed in knowing him who is, and from studying the works did not discern the artisan; But either fire, or wind, or the swift air, or the circuit of the stars, or the mighty water, or the luminaries of heaven, the governors of the world, they considered gods. Now if out of joy in their beauty they thought them gods, let them know how far more excellent is the Lord than these; for the original source of beauty fashioned them.  [WISDOM 13:1-3]

Fear of the LORD warms the heart, giving gladness and joy and length of days. [SIRACH 1:10]

You who fear the LORD, hope for good things, for lasting joy and mercy. [SIRACH 2:9]

The mind of a sage appreciates proverbs, and an attentive ear is the wise man's joy. [SIRACH 3:28]

Thus will you afterward find rest in [wisdom], and [wisdom] will become your joy. [Taken from SIRACH 6:29]

Motherlike [wisdom] will meet him, like a young bride she will embrace him, Nourish him with the bread of understanding, and give him the water of learning to drink. He will lean upon her and not fall, he will trust in her and not be put to shame. She will exalt him above his fellows; in the assembly she will make him eloquent. Joy and gladness he will find, an everlasting name inherit. [Taken from SIRACH 15:2-6]

Go not after your lusts, but keep your desires in check. If you satisfy your lustful appetites they will make you the sport of your enemies. Have no joy in the pleasures of a moment which bring on poverty redoubled [Taken from SIRACH 18:30-32]

There are nine who come to my mind as blessed, a tenth whom my tongue proclaims: The man who finds joy in his children, and he who lives to see his enemies' downfall. [SIRACH 25:7]

A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full is his life. [SIRACH 26:2]

He who loves his son chastises him often, that he may be his joy when he grows up. He who disciplines his son will benefit from him, and boast of him among his intimates. He who educates his son makes his enemy jealous, and shows his delight in him among his friends. At the father's death, he will seem not dead, since he leaves after him one like himself, Whom he looks upon through life with joy, and even in death, without regret [SIRACH 30:1-5]

No treasure greater than a healthy body; no happiness, than a joyful heart! [SIRACH 30:16]

Wine is very life to man if taken in moderation. Does he really live who lacks the wine which was created for his joy? Joy of heart, good cheer and merriment are wine drunk freely at the proper time. [SIRACH 31:27-28]

If you are chosen to preside at dinner, be not puffed up, but with the guests be as one of themselves; Take care of them first before you sit down; when you have fulfilled your duty, then take your place, To share in their joy and win praise for your hospitality. [SIRACH 32:1-2]

With each contribution show a cheerful countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy. [SIRACH 35:8]

A false friend will share your joys, but in time of trouble he stands afar off. [SIRACH 37:4]

Send up the sweet odor of incense, break forth in blossoms like the lily. Send up the sweet odor of your hymn of praise; bless the LORD for all he has done! Proclaim the greatness of his name, loudly sing his praises,  With music on the harp and all stringed instruments; sing out with joy as you proclaim: The works of God are all of them good;  in its own time every need is supplied. [SIRACH 39:14-16]

So now with full joy of heart proclaim and bless the name of the Holy One. [SIRACH 39:35]

Woe to you, O sinful men,  who forsake the law of the Most High. If you have children, calamity will seize them; you will beget them only for groaning.  When you stumble, there is lasting joy; at death, you become a curse. [SIRACH 41:8-9]

And now, bless the God of all,  who has done wondrous things on earth;  Who fosters men's growth from their mother's womb,  and fashions them according to his will! May he grant you joy of heart and may peace abide among you; May his goodness toward us endure in Israel as long as the heavens are above. [SIRACH 50:22-24]

As the blossoms yielded to ripening grapes, the heart's joy, My feet kept to the level path because from earliest youth I was familiar with her. [SIRACH 51:15]

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing, As they rejoice before you as at the harvest, as men make merry when dividing spoils. [ISA 9:1-2]

With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation, and say on that day: Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name; among the nations make known his deeds, proclaim how exalted is his name. [ISA 12:3-4]

Therefore I weep with Jazer for the vines of Sibmah; I water you with tears, Heshbon and Elealeh; For on your summer fruits and harvests the battle cry has fallen. From the orchards are taken away joy and gladness, In the vineyards there is no singing, no shout of joy; In the wine presses no one treads grapes, the vintage shout is stilled. [ISA 16:9-10]

The lowly will ever find joy in the LORD, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. [ISA 29:19]

The desert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will rejoice and bloom. They will bloom with abundant flowers, and rejoice with joyful song. The glory of Lebanon will be given to them, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; They will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God. [ISA 35:1-2]

Those whom the LORD has ransomed will return and enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy; They will meet with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will flee. [ISA 35:10]

Go forth from Babylon, flee from Chaldea! With shouts of joy proclaim this, make it known; Publish it to the ends of the earth, and say,  "The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob. They did not thirst when he led them through dry lands; Water from the rock he set flowing for them;  he cleft the rock, and waters welled forth."  [ISA 48:20-21]

Yes, the LORD shall comfort Zion and have pity on all her ruins; Her deserts he shall make like Eden, her wasteland like the garden of the LORD; Joy and gladness shall be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of song. [ISA 51:3]

Those whom the LORD has ransomed will return and enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy; They will meet with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will flee. [ISA 51:11]

Hark! Your watchmen raise a cry, together they shout for joy, For they see directly, before their eyes, the LORD restoring Zion. [ISA 52:8]

Yes, in joy you shall depart, in peace you shall be brought back; Mountains and hills shall break out in song before you, and all the trees of the countryside shall clap their hands. [ISA 55:12]

Once you were forsaken, hated and unvisited, Now I will make you the pride of the ages, a joy to generation after generation. [ISA 60:15]

Since their shame was double and disgrace and spittle were their portion, They shall have a double inheritance in their land, everlasting joy shall be theirs. [ISA 61:7]

I rejoice heartily in the LORD, in my God is the joy of my soul; For he has clothed me with a robe of salvation, and wrapped me in a mantle of justice, Like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem, like a bride bedecked with her jewels. [ISA 61:10]

Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind. Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create; For I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight; I will rejoice in Jerusalem  and exult in my people.  No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard there,  or the sound of crying [Taken from ISA 65:17-19]

Hear the word of the LORD, you who tremble at his word: Your brethren who, because of my name, hate and reject you, say, "Let the LORD show his glory that we may see your joy"; but they shall be put to shame. [ISA 66:5]

In the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem I will silence the cry of joy, the cry of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; for the land will be turned to rubble.  [JER 7:34]

When I found your words, I devoured them; they became my joy and the happiness of my heart, Because I bore your name, O LORD, God of hosts. [JER 15:16]

For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Before your very eyes and during your lifetime I will silence from this place the cry of joy and the cry of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. [JER 16:9]

For thus says the LORD: Shout with joy for Jacob, exult at the head of the nations; proclaim your praise and say: The LORD has delivered his people, the remnant of Israel. [JER 31:7]

Then the virgins shall make merry and dance, and young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into joy, I will console and gladden them after their sorrows. [JER 31:13]

Then Jerusalem shall be my joy, my praise, my glory, before all the nations of the earth, as they hear of all the good I will do among them. They shall be in fear and trembling over all the peaceful benefits I will give her. [JER 33:9]

Then heaven, and earth, and everything in them shall shout over Babylon with joy, when the destroyers come against her from the north, says the LORD. [JER 51:48]

For the Lord's rejection does not last forever; Though he punishes, he takes pity, in the abundance of his mercies; He has no joy in afflicting or grieving the sons of men.  [LAM 3:31-33]

He who dismisses the light, and it departs,  calls it, and it obeys him trembling; Before whom the stars at their posts  shine and rejoice; When he calls them, they answer, "Here we are!"  shining with joy for their Maker. Such is our God;  no other is to be compared to him [BARUCH 3:33-36]

I have trusted in the Eternal God for your welfare, and joy has come to me from the Holy One Because of the mercy that will swiftly reach you from your eternal savior. With mourning and lament I sent you forth, but God will give you back to me with enduring gladness and joy. [BARUCH 4:22-23]

"For he who has brought disaster upon you will, in saving you, bring you back enduring joy." [BARUCH 4:29]

Look to the east, Jerusalem! behold the joy that comes to you from God. [BARUCH 4:36]

For God is leading Israel in joy by the light of his glory, with his mercy and justice for company. [BARUCH 5:9]

Daniel answered the king: "O king, live forever! My God has sent his angel and closed the lions' mouths so that they have not hurt me. For I have been found innocent before him; neither to you have I done any harm, O king!" This gave the king great joy. At his order Daniel was removed from the den, unhurt because he trusted in his God. [DAN 6:22-24]

Alas, the day! for near is the day of the LORD, and it comes as ruin from the Almighty. From before our very eyes  has not the food been cut off; And from the house of our God,  joy and gladness? [JOEL 1:15-16]

Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! sing joyfully, O Israel!  Be glad and exult with all your heart,  O daughter Jerusalem! The LORD has removed the judgment against you,  he has turned away your enemies;  The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst,  you have no further misfortune to fear. On that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem:  Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged! The LORD, your God, is in your midst,  a mighty savior;  He will rejoice over you with gladness,  and renew you in his love,  He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.  I will remove disaster from among you, so that none may recount your disgrace. [ZEPH 3:14-18]

Thus says the LORD of hosts: The fast days of the fourth, the fifth, the seventh, and the tenth months shall become occasions of joy and gladness, cheerful festivals for the house of Judah; only love faithfulness and peace. [ZECH 8:19]

Rejoice heartily, O daughter Zion, shout for joy, O daughter Jerusalem! See, your king shall come to you; a just savior is he, Meek, and riding on an ass, on a colt, the foal of an ass. [ZECH 9:9]

"Hear then the parable of the sower. The seed sown on the path is the one who hears the word of the kingdom without understanding it, and the evil one comes and steals away what was sown in his heart. The seed sown on rocky ground is the one who hears the word and receives it at once with joy. But he has no root and lasts only for a time. When some tribulation or persecution comes because of the word, he immediately falls away. The seed sown among thorns is the one who hears the word, but then worldly anxiety and the lure of riches choke the word and it bears no fruit. But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold." [MT 13:18-23]

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." [MT 13:44]

His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' [MT 25:21]

Then the angel said to the women in reply, "Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, 'He has been raised from the dead, and he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him.' Behold, I have told you." Then they went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to his disciples. [MT 28:5-8]

But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great in the sight of (the) Lord. He will drink neither wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb, and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God." [LK 1:13-16]

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, "Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy." [LK 1:41-44] 

Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear. The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." [LK 2:8-12]

Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil  on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold, your reward will be great in heaven. For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way. [LK 6:22-23]

The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to him, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." So to them he addressed this parable. "What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it? And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, 'Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance." [LK 15:1-7]

He came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town. Now a man there named Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man, was seeking to see who Jesus was; but he could not see him because of the crowd, for he was short in stature. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus, who was about to pass that way. When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house." And he came down quickly and received him with joy. [LK 19:1-6]

So they brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks over the colt, and helped Jesus to mount. As he rode along, the people were spreading their cloaks on the road; and now as he was approaching the slope of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of his disciples began to praise God aloud with joy for all the mighty deeds they had seen. They proclaimed: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest." [LK 19:35-38]

While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you." But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost. Then he said to them, "Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have." And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, he asked them, "Have you anything here to eat?" [LK 24:36-41]

Then he led them (out) as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven. They did him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God. [LK 24:50-53]

John answered and said, "No one can receive anything except what has been given him from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said (that) I am not the Messiah, but that I was sent before him. The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the best man, who stands and listens for him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete. He must increase; I must decrease." [JN 3:27-30]

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love. "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete." [JN 15:7-11]

Jesus knew that they wanted to ask him, so he said to them, "Are you discussing with one another what I said, 'A little while and you will not see me, and again a little while and you will see me'? Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, while the world rejoices; you will grieve, but your grief will become joy. When a woman is in labor, she is in anguish because her hour has arrived; but when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has been born into the world. So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. On that day you will not question me about anything. Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. Until now you have not asked anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete." [JN 16:19-24]

"And now I will no longer be in the world, but they are in the world, while I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are. When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave me, and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of destruction, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled. But now I am coming to you. I speak this in the world so that they may share my joy completely." [JN 17:11-13]

You who are Israelites, hear these words. Jesus the Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs, which God worked through him in your midst, as you yourselves know. This man, delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God, you killed, using lawless men to crucify him. But God raised him up, releasing him from the throes of death, because it was impossible for him to be held by it. For David says of him: 'I saw the Lord ever before me, with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. Therefore my heart has been glad and my tongue has exulted; my flesh, too, will dwell in hope, because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld, nor will you suffer your holy one to see corruption. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.' [ACTS 2:22-28]

Now those who had been scattered went about preaching the word. Thus Philip went down to (the) city of Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah to them. With one accord, the crowds paid attention to what was said by Philip when they heard it and saw the signs he was doing. For unclean spirits, crying out in a loud voice, came out of many possessed people, and many paralyzed and crippled people were cured. There was great joy in that city. [ACTS 8:4-8]

The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. [ACTS 13:52]

They were sent on their journey by the church, and passed through Phoenicia and Samaria telling of the conversion of the Gentiles, and brought great joy to all the brothers. [ACTS 15:3]

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit; whoever serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by others. [ROM 14:17-18]

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. [ROM 15:13]

I urge you, (brothers,) by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in the struggle by your prayers to God on my behalf, that I may be delivered from the disobedient in Judea, and that my ministry for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the holy ones, so that I may come to you with joy by the will of God and be refreshed together with you. [ROM 15:30-32]

If (one) part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy. [1COR 12:26]

For I decided not to come to you again in painful circumstances. For if I inflict pain upon you, then who is there to cheer me except the one pained by me? And I wrote as I did so that when I came I might not be pained by those in whom I should have rejoiced, confident about all of you that my joy is that of all of you. For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears, not that you might be pained but that you might know the abundant love I have for you. [2COR 2:1-4]

I have great confidence in you, I have great pride in you; I am filled with encouragement, I am overflowing with joy all the more because of all our affliction. [2COR 7:4]

For this reason we are encouraged. And besides our encouragement, we rejoice even more because of the joy of Titus, since his spirit has been refreshed by all of you. [2COR 7:13]

We want you to know, brothers, of the grace of God that has been given to the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their profound poverty overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. [2COR 8:1-2]

In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. [GAL 5:22-23]

I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. [PHIL 1:3-5] 

And this I know with confidence, that I shall remain and continue in the service of all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that your boasting in Christ Jesus may abound on account of me when I come to you again. [PHIL 1:25-26]

If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. [PHIL 2:1-2]

But, even if I am poured out as a libation upon the sacrificial service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with all of you. In the same way you also should rejoice and share your joy with me. [PHIL 2:17-18]

With regard to Epaphroditus, my brother and co-worker and fellow soldier, your messenger and minister in my need, I consider it necessary to send him to you. I send him therefore with the greater eagerness, so that, on seeing him, you may rejoice again, and I may have less anxiety. Welcome him then in the Lord with all joy and hold such people in esteem, because for the sake of the work of Christ he came close to death, risking his life to make up for those services to me that you could not perform. [PHIL 2:25,28-30]

Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, in this way stand firm in the Lord, beloved. [PHIL 4:1]

Therefore, from the day we heard this, we do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding to live in a manner worthy of the Lord, so as to be fully pleasing, in every good work bearing fruit and growing in the knowledge of God, strengthened with every power, in accord with his glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy giving thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share in the inheritance of the holy ones in light. [COL 1:9-12]

For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and (with) much conviction. You know what sort of people we were (among) you for your sake. And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, receiving the word in great affliction, with joy from the Holy Spirit, so that you became a model for all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. [1THES 1:5-7]

Brothers, when we were bereft of you for a short time, in person, not in heart, we were all the more eager in our great desire to see you in person. We decided to go to you - I, Paul, not only once but more than once - yet Satan thwarted us. For what is our hope or joy or crown to boast of in the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming if not you yourselves? For you are our glory and joy.  [1THES 2:17-20]

What thanksgiving, then, can we render to God for you, for all the joy we feel on your account before our God? [1THES 3:9]

I am grateful to God, whom I worship with a clear conscience as my ancestors did, as I remember you constantly in my prayers, night and day. I yearn to see you again, recalling your tears, so that I may be filled with joy, as I recall your sincere faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and that I am confident lives also in you. [2TM 1:3-5]

For I have experienced much joy and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of the holy ones have been refreshed by you, brother. [PHLM 1:7]

At times you were publicly exposed to abuse and affliction; at other times you associated yourselves with those so treated. You even joined in the sufferings of those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, knowing that you had a better and lasting possession. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence; it will have great recompense.  [HEB 10:33-35]

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. [HEB 12:1-2]

Endure your trials as "discipline"; God treats you as sons. For what "son" is there whom his father does not discipline? If you are without discipline, in which all have shared, you are not sons but bastards. Besides this, we have had our earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them. Should we not (then) submit all the more to the Father of spirits and live? They disciplined us for a short time as seemed right to them, but he does so for our benefit, in order that we may share his holiness. At the time, all discipline seems a cause not for joy but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it. [HEB 12:7-11]

Obey your leaders and defer to them, for they keep watch over you and will have to give an account, that they may fulfill their task with joy and not with sorrow, for that would be of no advantage to you. [HEB 13:17]

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. [JMS 1:2-3]

So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you of two minds. Begin to lament, to mourn, to weep. Let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy into dejection. Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you. [JMS 4:7-10]

Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of (your) faith, the salvation of your souls. [1PT 1:8-9]

Although I have much to write to you, I do not intend to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and to speak face to face so that our joy may be complete. [2JN 1:12]

Nothing gives me greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. [3JN 1:4]

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Catholic Word Search - Bilingual Edition: Latin / English

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55 Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded, Relaxing & Educational!"

Topics Include: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Rosary & More...

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Catholic Word Search - Bilingual Edition: French / English

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The iStations Book - Stations of the Cross

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This 'educational & fun' publication is useful for prayerful relaxation, educational recreation ('learn while you play'), becoming more familiar with Latin prayers & hundreds of Latin words, learning or memorizing Latin prayers, increasing Latin retention, and more...

An enjoyable and instructive tool with respect to Latin (the 'beautiful & majestic language of heaven' and 'official language of the Church' - a language 'consecrated' by the inscription on the Cross that helps to foster a universal bond in prayer with Catholics around the world), this publication is suitable for Catholics of most any age.

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BIG Book of Latin Activities For Catholics

Beginning - Intermediate (Vol. 1)

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As many faithful Catholics already know, the majestic Latin language – the 'official language' of the Catholic Church – promotes unity, helps safeguard the purity of doctrine, connects us with our Catholic ancestors, allows us to pray in "one voice", and even ties back to the inscription on the Cross which was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. The Latin language is still used today in the precious treasure that is the Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, in 'everyday speech' (much of English is derived from Latin), in mottos, in specialized fields, and in educational endeavors. It has been shown that the study of Latin brings many benefits. "And, Latin is truly the language of heaven!"

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iStations / Stations of the Cross (Click For More Information)

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Saints4U (Click For More Information)

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Simple Note: Do Today (Click For More Information)

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Just Checkin' In (Click For More Information)

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