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Misc. Marian Facts
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Item |
Fact(s) |
Redemptoris Mater (Antiphon) |
Here for "Alma Redemptoris Mater (Antiphon)" (Popular
Marian Prayers & Devotions Page) |
Salutation |
See "The
Hail Mary" |
Angelus |
Here for "The Angelus" (Popular Marian Prayers &
Devotions Page) |
Annunciation |
actual moment of the Incarnation, when the angel announced to our
Lady that God the Son was to be born of her (Luke i, 26-38)"
(Catholic Dictionary)
feast of the Annunciation is traditionally celebrated on March 25
(although it may be transferred when it falls on certain dates - e.g.
during Holy Week).
Here for Annunciation Scripture
Here for Annunciation / Incarnation Reflections
Here for Marian Feasts |
Antiphons of Our Lady |
Here for "Antiphons of Our Lady" (Popular Marian Prayers
& Devotions Page) |
(Unapproved) |
Try here
for information on unapproved apparitions |
of the Covenant |
is often referred to as the new "Ark of the Covenant" due to
the significant parallels between the Ark of the Covenant in the
Old Testament and Mary in the New Testament. Note: For more
information on this topic, click
here. |
Assumption |
taking into Heaven of the soul and body of the Blessed Virgin Mary
on the completion of her earthly life, by an anticipation of the general judgment." (Catholic Dictionary)
Assumption was infallibly proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in 1950 in
Deus". Before that it had been commonly held by the
faithful from the early ages of the Church and had been supported
by fact that the Church never claimed to have relics of Mary.
Feast of the Assumption is traditionally celebrated on August 15.
Here for Assumption Reflections
Here for Marian Feasts
Here for Marian Scriptural References
See: "Did Mary
Die?" |
Maria |
See "The
Hail Mary" |
Maris Stella |
Here for "Ave Maris Stella" (Popular Marian Prayers
& Devotions Page) |
Regina Caelorum (Antiphon) |
Here for "Ave Regina Caelorum (Antiphon)" (Popular
Marian Prayers & Devotions Page) |
/ B.V.M. |
stands for "Beata Maria Virgo" (Latin for "Blessed
Mary the Virgin")
stands for the Blessed Virgin Mary. |
Blessed Virgin Mary |
Jewish maiden of the house of David, whose parents are commonly referred
to as Joachim and Anne; at her conception she was
preserved by God from all stain of original sin (the Immaculate
Conception); she was betrothed to a carpenter, Joseph; at the Annunciation
the second person of the Blessed Trinity took flesh in
her womb by the power of the Holy Ghost, but her marriage to
Joseph took place (Matt. i, 19-24); in due course she gave birth
at Bethlehem to Jesus, the God-man. Both before and after her
miraculous childbearing she was a virgin and so remained all
her days, according to the unanimous and perpetual tradition and teaching
of the Church (click
here). [At the end of her earthly life], her body
[and soul] was taken up into Heaven (the Assumption). Mary is the
mother of Jesus, Jesus is God, therefore she is the Mother of
the denial of this was condemned by the 3rd general council at
Ephesus in 431; and that she remained absolutely sinless is
affirmed by the Council of Trent. As the "second Eve"
Mary is the spiritual mother of all living; Catholics venerate her
with an honor above that accorded to other saints (hyperdulia),
but different from the divine worship given to God only; they pray
to her, and she in Heaven intercedes with
her son, God the Son,
for them. Recognizing that Mary is a creature and that all her
dignity comes form God, devotion to her is far removed from
idolatry which prejudice has sometimes associated with it. It is a
link binding men to God, based on the fact that she is mother of
God. It has been a characteristic of Catholics from the earliest
times, as is evident from the writings of the Fathers."
(Catholic Encyclopedia) Note that Mary was first prophesied in
Scripture in Genesis 3:15. Click
Here for Marian Scriptural References Click
Here for Popular Marian Devotions
Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
on the Blessed Virgin Mary
to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended (Reflections)
of Mary (Reflections)
Maternity (Reflections)
Blessed Virgin's Intercession (Reflections)
Here for More 'Mary, Our Mother' Reflections |
Cana |
to the location of a wedding in which Jesus performed his first
public miracle in direct response to his
Mother's request. For more information, on the Blessed
Virgin's intercession, click
here. |
to Our Lady |
Here for Prayers of Consecration to Our Lady (Popular Marian
Devotions Page) |
to Mary is Recommended |
Church has long urged Catholics to devotion to the Blessed Virgin
Mary. As St. John Vianney has stated, "All the saints have a
great devotion to Our Lady". St. Ignatius of Antioch tells us
that, "He who is devout to the Virgin Mother will
certainly never be lost." Pope Pius XII has recently stated
that, "[D]evotion to the Virgin Mother of God [is] a sign of
'predestination' according to the opinion of holy men". All
manner of Saints, Popes, and Doctors of the Church have
recommended devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and many have used the
strongest of terms to urge devotion. As the wise Doctor St.
Alphonsus Liguori has said, "If you persevere until death
in true devotion to Mary, your salvation is certain." St.
John Damascene, the renown Doctor born in the 7th century A.D., has
said, "To be devout to you, O holy Virgin, is an arm of
salvation which God gives to those whom He wishes to save".
All Catholics are called to devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended (Reflections)
Marian Devotions
Marian Prayers
Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
on the Blessed Virgin Mary
of Mary (Reflections)
Virtues (Reflections)
Blessed Virgin's Intercession (Reflections)
as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix (Reflections)
& Grace / Graces (Reflections)
Our Mother' Reflections
Catholics Worship Mary?
Mary Die? |
When Pope Pius
XII infallibly proclaimed the Assumption in 1950 (in "Munificentissimus
Deus"), he did not settle the question of whether or not Mary
died. In the past it has been argued both ways - that Mary didn't die
since she didn't have original or actual sin and was therefore not
subject to the punishment of death - or that she did die (e.g. from
love), even as her
innocent Son did. Early writings treating of the end of Mary's life may
use the term "death" or refer to a "dormition"
(sleeping). Until the Church proclaims otherwise, it would not be
heretical to believe either way.
Catholics Worship Mary? |
are often under the mistaken assumption that Catholics commit
idolatry in the "worship" of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The truth is, however, that while faithful Catholics give the
highest veneration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, they never put her
above God, put her as equal to God, put her in opposition to God,
or confuse her with God. Rather, they venerate her as the highest
creature of God. For more information on "Do Catholics
Worship Mary?", click
here. |
of the Church (Marian) |
of the Church are deemed "Marian" due to their
sermons or writings on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although certain
Doctors of the Church may be commonly deemed "Marian"
(e.g. St. Ephraem, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. John Damascene,
St. Bonaventure, St. Liguori, etc.), it has been said that "all
Doctors could be called 'Marian Doctors'." |
Apparitions |
"Apparitions (Unapproved)" |
Fiat |
"Fiat" refers to Mary's "Yes" to God's
request, as recorded by St. Luke, Chapter 1, verse 38, when the
Blessed Virgin responds to the angel: "Behold the handmaid of
the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word." |
Five Saturdays Devotion |
Here for Information on the First Five Saturdays Devotion (Popular
Marian Devotions Page) |
Carmeli Prayer |
Here for the "Flos Carmeli Prayer" (Scapulars Page) |
Holy Queen / Salve Regina |
Here for "Hail, Holy Queen / Salve Regina" (Popular
Marian Prayers & Devotions Page) |
Hail Mary |
known as the Angelical Salutation and Ave Maria [Latin for
"Hail Mary"], the most familiar of all prayers addressed
to the Blessed Virgin." (Catholic Dictionary) The majority of
the prayer is composed from the Scriptural words of the angel's
greeting to Mary and St. Elizabeth's greeting to Mary. A five decade
Rosary contains 53 Hail Mary's.
Here For the "Hail Mary" Prayer
Here for "Hail Mary" Reflections
Here for "Where the Hail Mary Comes From"
Here for Marian Scriptural References
Here for the Holy Rosary Section |
Family |
The term
"Holy Family" refers to the family of St. Joseph (the
foster-father of Jesus), the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Mother of
Jesus), and Jesus.
Note: A
feast of the Holy Family is traditionally celebrated shortly after
the Epiphany. |
of Loreto |
"House of Loreto" (or "Holy House of Loreto"
or "Santa Casa") refers to a building which is long believed
to be the house of Our Lady, the very house in which the Eternal
Word was made flesh in the womb of Mary. It is associated with
numerous miracles, and its protection is often attributed to its
being "miraculously transported by angels". Although
modern critics may dispute its authenticity, various factors argue
in its favor (e.g. building materials, lack of foundation, etc.).
It has been reverenced by great saints and by numerous popes. The
"Litany of
Loreto" is named after it. |
Hyperdulia |
"Worship of Hyperdulia" is a technical term referring to
the highest degree of veneration allowed to a creature. It is paid
to the Blessed Virgin Mary alone. This special homage paid to the
blessed Virgin is not to be confused with the "Worship of
Latria" (given to God alone), but is more closely related to
the "Worship of Dulia", the veneration due to the angels
and saints. Mary, of course, is the greatest creature of all, surpassing
all the angels and saints. |
/ Miraculous Images of Our Lady |
indicated by St. John Vianney, faithful Catholics should have a
image of Mary in their homes: "When one loves anyone, it is a
great happiness to have something of theirs as a souvenir. If we
love our Mother, the Blessed Virgin, we should make it both our
duty and privilege to have one of her pictures or statues in our
home, which from time to time will remind us of her."
Catholics are called to venerate images of Mary. As indicated by
the Fourth Council of Constantinople: "...If anyone then does
not venerate the icon of Christ, the Savior, let him not see his
face when he comes in his Father's glory to be glorified and to
glorify his saints', but let him be cut off from his communion and
glory; likewise the image of Mary, His undefiled Mother, and
mother of God, moreover, we also represent the images of the holy
angels just as divine scripture depicts them in words; we also
honor and venerate those of the highly renowned apostles,
prophets, martyrs and holy men as well as those of all the saints.
And whoever does not hold thus, let him be anathema from the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (Canon 3)
that there are a number of
images (including various statues & paintings) of our Lady
throughout the world, including the miraculous image of Our Lady
of Guadalupe pictured at right. The various images may have a
miraculous origin or have other unexplainable / miraculous
characteristics (or both).
Here for Sacred Art / Images Reflections (Church Talk Section)
Immaculate Conception |
doctrine that our Lady 'in the first instant of her conception
was, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God in view of
the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of the human race, preserved
exempt from all stain of original sin.' It must be noticed that,
contrary to a common error, this doctrine has nothing to do with
the virgin-birth of Christ; nor does it involve a virgin-birth of
Mary... But her soul at the first moment of its creation and
infusion into her body was clothed in sanctifying grace...the
stain of original sin was not removed but excluded from her
soul." (Catholic Dictionary) The
Immaculate Conception was infallibly proclaimed by Bl. Pope Pius IX
in 1854 in "Ineffabilis
Deus". Before that it had been commonly held by the
faithful from the early ages of the Church and supported by her
Feast of the Immaculate Conception is traditionally celebrated on
December 8.
Here for Immaculate Conception / Sinlessness Reflections
Here for Marian Scriptural References
Here for Marian Feasts |
Heart of Mary |
Here for Information on Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is traditionally
celebrated on August
22. In the New Calendar (Novus Ordo), it may be celebrated on the
Saturday after the second Sunday After Pentecost. For more
information on Marian Feasts, click
Incarnation |
assumption of human nature by the second Person of the Blessed
Trinity, God the Son [in the womb of Mary]." (Catholic
Here for Annunciation / Incarnation Reflections
See: The Annunciation |
Deus |
to the Papal writing of Bl. Pope Pius IX in 1854, which infallibly
proclaimed the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
as a dogma of the Faith that must be believed by all Catholics.
Prior to this time, belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary
was commonly held by the faithful from the early ages of the
Church and was supported by her liturgy.
more information on the Immaculate Conception, click
here To
read "Ineffabilis Deus", click
here |
The Joys of Mary |
to the Joys of Mary vary and may include five or more events for
meditation. The Franciscan Crown (or Seraphic Rosary) contains
seven decades in which seven joys of Mary's life are considered
(The Annunciation, The Visitation, The Nativity of Jesus,
Adoration of the Magi/Epiphany, The Finding of Our Lord Jesus in
the Temple, The Resurrection of Jesus, The Assumption &
Coronation of Mary). |
of the Blessed Virgin Mary / Litany of Loreto |
Here for the "Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary / Litany of
Loreto" (Popular Marian Prayers & Devotions Page) |
Office of the Blessed Virgin / Little Office of Our Lady |
Church's foremost liturgical devotion to the Blessed Virgin."
Its recitation may be obligatory on members of some religious
orders. It includes
psalms, hymns, lessons, and other prayers. |
Magnificat / Canticle of Our Lady |
Here for "The Magnificat / Canticle of Our Lady"
(Popular Marian Prayers & Devotions Page) |
Apologetics |
Try the Non-Catholics
(apologetics) Section for Marian Apologetics
Apparitions |
Here for Information on Marian Apparitions |
Devotions |
Here for Popular Marian Devotions |
Encyclicals |
Here for Some Marian Encyclicals |
Feasts |
Here for Marian Feasts |
Prayers & Hymns |
Here for Popular Marian Prayers & Hymns |
Scriptural References |
Here for Marian Scriptural References |
Mariolatry |
to idolatrous worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Non-Catholics
often wrongly accuse Catholics of Mariolatry, however such worship
is condemned by the Church as a grievous sin. Rather, the Church sanctions
the "worship of
hyperdulia" - the highest veneration allowed a
creature - in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. |
Mariology |
study of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the body of theology,
history, speculation, etc., concerning her, particularly her relationship
with the Incarnation and Redemption." (Catholic Dictionary) |
& Eve |
is sometimes called an 'anti-type' (or antithesis) of Eve.
While Eve was proud, Mary was humble. While Eve listened to Satan,
Mary listened to the archangel. While Eve brought death into the
world, Mary brought Life. Eve is our natural mother, while Mary is
our spiritual mother. Note: For more on this topic, try
here. |
& Grace / Graces |
with grace from her very conception, Mary was called "full of
grace" by the angel at the Annunciation. She was preserved
from Original Sin and remained sinless for her entire life. As St.
Jerome has stated, "Indeed full of grace, for to others it is
given in portions, but on Mary its fullness is showered."
Pope Pius XII reminds us that her grace surpassed the grace of all
the saints: "In order to understand better this sublime
dignity of the Mother of God over all creatures let us recall that
the holy Mother of God was, at the very moment of her Immaculate
Conception, so filled with grace as to surpass the grace of all
the Saints." In addition, Mary is the generous dispenser of
graces: "To Mary, who reigns in heaven, humble yet higher
than any creature, near his throne, God grants the custody of the
treasures of his manifold graces. She is, moreover, their minister
and generous dispenser." (Pope Pius XII) Also
& Grace / Graces (Reflections)
as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix
Immaculate Conception
as Co-Redemtprix |
to Mary's role in our redemption. May be used in an orthodox or in
an unorthodox sense.
Here for 'Mary as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix' Reflections
as Mediatrix |
to Mary's role in dispensing graces.
Here for 'Mary as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix' Reflections
as Our Role Model |
The Blessed
Virgin Mary, full of grace from her very conception, with
unmatched virtues and sinlessness throughout her entire life, is
the perfect role model for all persons. For more information on
the Blessed Virgin as the perfect role mode, try the various links
below. Also
Should Imitate Mary / Mary is Our Model (Reflections)
Virtues (Reflections)
on the Blessed Virgin Mary
Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
of Mary (Reflections)
& Grace / Graces (Reflections)
Conception / Sinlessness (Reflections)
to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended (Reflections)
Blessed Virgin's Intercession (Reflections)
as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix (Reflections)
Scriptural References
Vs. Satan |
Of all
God's creation, Mary may be considered Satan's "worst
enemy". From Genesis, Mary was associated with Jesus in the
victory over Satan. A similar association between Mary and Satan
occurs in Revelation. Jesus refers to Mary as "woman"
both at the beginning of his public ministry and at the end - and this
has often been interpreted to refer to the promise of the
"woman" in Genesis who would crush the head of Satan*. We
further see in Revelation that "to stand with Mary is to
stand against Satan and to be against Mary is to be on Satan's
side." Exorcists have also attested to Satan's hatred of
* Note: There has been controversy over
whether or not Scripture says it is Mary who crushes the head of
Satan. As St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church, states:
"Mary, then, was this great and valiant woman, who conquered
the devil and crushed his head by bringing down his pride, as it
was foretold by God Himself: 'She shall crush thy head.' Some
doubt as to whether these words refer to Mary, or whether they do
not rather refer to Jesus Christ; for the Septuagint renders them,
'He shall crush thy head.' But in the Vulgate, which alone was
approved by the sacred Council of Trent, we find 'she' and not
'he'; and thus it was understood by St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, St.
Augustine, and a great many others. However, be it as it may, it
is certain that either the Son by means of the Mother, or the
Mother by means of the Son, has overcome Lucifer; so that, as St.
Bernard remarks, this proud spirit, in spite of himself, was
beaten down and trampled under foot by this most blessed
Virgin" Click
Here for "Mary Vs. Satan" Reflections |
Intercession |
powerful intercession has often been felt throughout the 2,000
year history of the Church and has been acknowledged by popes,
saints, and countless lay persons. In fact, her powerful
intercession may even be seen in Gospel times, at the very
beginning of Jesus' ministry. Scripture clearly tells us that
Jesus' first public miracle was in direct response to his
Mother's request at Cana. For more information on the Blessed
Virgin's intercession, click
here. |
Motherhood |
As we
are told in Scripture (see Mt. 1:18, Lk. 1:43, Jn. 2:1, etc.),
Mary is truly the Mother of
God. In addition to being Jesus'
Mother, she is our spiritual mother as well. From the Cross,
Christ gave her to us as one of His last requests (see Jn.
19:25-27). Mary's spiritual motherhood of us is confirmed in Rv.
12:17 and by the constant tradition of the Church. Note:
The Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is traditionally
celebrated on October 11.
Here for Mary's Maternity Reflections Click
Here for Marian Scripture References
Here for Marian Feasts |
Parents |
to tradition, Mary's parents are St. Anne & St. Joachim |
Perpetual Virginity |
Blessed Virgin Mary is an ever-virgin - she was a virgin before
the birth of Christ and remained a virgin ever after. Scripture
speaks clearly of her virginity both before and directly after the
birth of Christ. The early Church Fathers recognized her perpetual
virginity as did Church Councils, and even the Old Testament
supports Mary's perpetual virginity. As stated in Ezek. 44:1-2,
" Then he brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary,
facing the east; but it was closed. He said to me: This gate is to
remain closed; it is not to be opened for anyone to enter by it;
since the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered by it, it shall
remain closed." Finally, the fact that Jesus gave his mother
to St. John the apostle shows clearly that Mary had no other children.
Note: For Mary / Virginity Reflections, click
here. For a defense of Mary's perpetual virginity, try the Non-Catholics
(apologetics) Section.
Virtues |
Blessed Virgin Mary's virtues are unsurpassed by any other
creature. She is, in fact, a perfect example and role model for
all persons. For more information on the Blessed Virgin's virtues,
try the various links below. Also
Virtues (Reflections)
Should Imitate Mary / Mary is Our Model (Reflections)
on the Blessed Virgin Mary
Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
of Mary (Reflections)
& Grace / Graces (Reflections)
Conception / Sinlessness (Reflections)
to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended (Reflections)
Scriptural References
May |
month of May is dedicated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. |
Meeting of Jesus on the Way of the Cross |
to tradition, the Blessed Virgin Mary met Jesus as he was carrying
the Cross on the way to Golgotha. Although Scripture is silent on
the meeting, Scripture does not purport to give every detail of
the Passion. It is clear from Scripture that the Blessed Virgin
was present at the Crucifixion, and as Dom Gueranger has said in
response to those critical of this meeting, "Whilst the
entire populace is on the move towards Calvary, shouting out their
blasphemous insults at her Jesus, will His Mother keep away, she
that bore Him in her womb...? Shall His enemies be eager to glut
their eyes with the cruel sight, and His own Mother be afraid to
be near Him? The air resounded with the yells of the mob. Joseph
of Arimathea, the noble counselor, was not there, neither was the
learned Nicodemus; they kept at home, grieving over what was done.
The crowd that went before and after the divine Victim was made up
of wretches without hearts, saving only a few who were seen to
weep as they went along; they were women; Jesus saw them, and
spoke to them. And if these women from mere sentiments of
veneration, or, at most, of gratitude, thus testified their
compassion, would Mary do no less? Could she bear to be elsewhere
than close to her Jesus? Our motive for insisting so much upon
this point is that we may show our detestation of that school of
modern rationalism, which, regardless of the instincts of a
mother's heart and of all tradition, has dared to call in question
the meeting of Jesus and Mary on the way to Calvary. These
systematic contradictors are too prudent to deny that Mary was
present when Jesus was crucified; the Gospel is too explicit: Mary
stood near the cross (Jn. xix. 25): but they would persuade us
that, whilst the daughters of Jerusalem courageously walked after
Jesus, Mary went up to Calvary by some secret path! What a
heartless insult to the love of the incomparable Mother. No; Mary,
who is, by excellence, the valiant woman (Prov. xxxi 10), was with
Jesus as He carried His cross."
Here for "Mary & The Passion and Death of Jesus"
Reflections |
Memorare |
Here for the "Memorare" (Popular Marian Prayers &
Devotions Page) |
of Our Lady Note:
Although this topic is titled 'Miracles of Our Lady', it should be
noted that all true miracles are from God. In His loving kindness,
however, God often makes use of humans to work His miracles. |
in the Gospel, Mary is associated with miracles (both at the sanctification
of St. John and the wedding at Cana). And, throughout the Church's
history, Mary has been associated with countless miracles of all types,
including miraculous images, miraculous cures, miraculous military
upsets, miraculous conversions, miraculous solar phenomena, etc.
pointed out by Pope Leo XIII, Christ associated Mary with His first two
miracles: "The only begotten Son of God at all times paid to his
most holy Mother the most evident marks of honor... He associated her
with himself in each of his first two miracles - the miracle of grace
when, at the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in the womb of
Elizabeth; the miracle of nature when he turned water into wine at the
marriage feast of Cana."
has consistently shown herself to be a loving mother and a powerful
intercessor with her Son Jesus.
Here for Marian Scripture References
Here for the Blessed Virgin's Intercession Reflections Click
Here for Marian Apparitions
See: Mary's Intercession
Medal |
Here for Information on the Miraculous Medal |
Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary |
month of May is dedicated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. |
of God |
is the mother of Jesus Christ, who is God and man. She is
therefore the mother of God. This is a dogma of the faith accepted
as such from the earliest times, as is evident from countless expressions of the
Fathers, and it was defined by the Council of
Ephesus in 431. It does not mean, of course, that Mary generated
the Godhead, any more than an ordinary mother generates her son's
soul. It means simply that she is the mother of a Person who is
God. This is her fundamental dignity, and the origin and
justification of all the honor which Catholics pay to her." (Catholic
Here for Mary's Maternity Reflections |
Deus |
to the Papal writing of Pope Pius XII in 1950, which infallibly
proclaimed the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, body and soul, as a
dogma of the Faith that must be believed by all Catholics. Prior
to this time, the Assumption was a commonly held by the
faithful from the early ages of the Church and had been supported
by fact that the Church never claimed to have relics of Mary.
For more
information on the Assumption, click
here To
read "Munificentissimus Deus", click
here |
Name Mary in Other Languages |
in Aramaic = Maryam
in Hebrew = Miryam
in Latin = Maria
of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
"Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary" refers to the
birthday of Our Lady. It is traditionally celebrated on September
8 (nine months after the Immaculate
Conception). Note: Click
here for more information on Marian Feasts |
Eve / Second Eve |
is sometimes referred to as the "New Eve" or
"Second Eve" since she has become the mother of all
those living in Christ (see Gen. 3:20 "The man called his wife Eve, because she became the mother of all the living.") Also
Try: Mary & Eve |
Honor of Mary is Too High |
Mother of God and the woman whose fiat enabled
our Redemption, no honor paid to Mary can be too high. As stated
by Muller, "Is there any honor too high for her whom God
himself has so honored? Is there any glory too dazzling for her
whom the God of glory has chosen for His dwelling place?" As
Dom Gueranger has said, "Let us not be surprised,
therefore, at the enthusiasm and profound respect wherewith the
Church extols the Blessed Virgin and her prerogatives. Let us on
the contrary be convinced that all the praise the Church can give
her, and all the devotion she can ever bear towards her, are far
below what is due to her as Mother of the Incarnate God." The
Church recommends that all persons be devoted to and honor the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Also
See: No
Honor of Mary is Too High (Reflections)
Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
on the Blessed Virgin Mary
of Mary (Reflections)
Virtues (Reflections)
Blessed Virgin's Intercession (Reflections)
as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix (Reflections)
& Grace / Graces (Reflections)
Conception / Sinlessness (Reflections)
/ Incarnation (Reflections)
Maternity (Reflections)
Queenship of Mary (Reflections)
to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended (Reflections)
Should Imitate Mary / Mary is Our Model (Reflections)
Marian Prayers
Marian Devotions
Catholics Worship Mary?
Testament Prefigurement |
the Old Testament, Mary was prefigured by various women (e.g.
Deborah, Judith, Esther) and symbols (e.g. Gideon's Fleece and the
Ark of the Covenant), and is also seen to be analogous to the
spouse in the Canticles, to Wisdom, etc. For
More Information Try: Old
Testament 'Types' of Mary and Old
Testament Symbols of Mary |
Testament Symbols of Mary |
items in the Old Testament are said to be symbols of Mary,
including: The Garden of Eden, The Bush that Was Not Burnt, Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant,
Jacob's Ladder, Aaron's Staff, Gideon's Fleece, and Solomon's Temple.
Testament 'Types' of Mary |
Testament "types" of Mary may include: Sarah, Rebekah,
Rachel, Leah, Deborah, Jochebed, Miriam, Judith, Esther, Ruth,
and others... Mary is sometimes called an 'anti-type' (or
antithesis) of Eve. (Note:
Being a 'type of Mary', does not, of course, mean that any/all characteristics/events
are similar/exact to the incomparable Virgin Mary)
Lady of ... |
Blessed Virgin Mary may be invoked under various titles, such as
"Our Lady of Lourdes" "Our Lady of Fatima",
"Our Lady of the Rosary", "Our Lady of
Sorrows", etc. Such titles may refer to apparitions,
roles of Our Lady, patronage, etc. |
Lady of Fatima |
Here for Information on Our Lady of Fatima (Marian Apparitions
Page) |
Lady of Guadalupe |
Here for Information on Our Lady of Guadalupe (Marian Apparitions
Page) |
Lady of Knock |
Here for Information on Our Lady of Knock (Marian Apparitions
Page) |
Lady of La Salette |
Here for Information on Our Lady of La Salette (Marian Apparitions
Page) |
Lady of Lourdes |
Here for Information on Our Lady of Lourdes (Marian Apparitions
Page) |
Lady of the Miraculous Medal |
Here for Information on Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Marian
Apparitions Page) |
Intercession of Mary |
Intercession" |
of Mary |
first recorded praise of Mary was given by the angel in St. Luke's
Gospel, Chapter 1 ("Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with
thee: blessed art thou among women"). Such praise from an
angel is unprecedented in Scripture, and was later to be followed
by praise from St. Elizabeth ("Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me,
that the mother of my Lord should come to me?...And blessed art
thou that hast believed"). And throughout the Church's
history, Popes, Saints, Doctors of the Church, theologians, and
laypersons have continued to lavish the highest praise on the
Blessed Virgin Mary, as has the Church in her liturgy. As one liturgical
chant states, "The lips of man are not worthy to
praise the Mother of the Lord of angels and of men". St.
Maximilian Kolbe has said, "[H]uman words are not able to
describe her who became the Mother of God". St. Germanus
says, "Your honor and dignity surpass the whole of creation;
your greatness places you above the angels." And, as Pope Leo
XIII has said, For no single individual can even be imagined who
has ever contributed or ever will contribute so much towards
reconciling man with God [as Mary]." St. Francis of Assisi
greets Mary with "Hail, God's palace; hail, tabernacle of the
Most High; hail, house of God; hail, His holy vestments; hail,
handmaid of God!" St. Gregory of Nyssa states, "O
blessed is that womb which because of the overflowing purity of
the Virgin Mary has drawn to itself the gift of life! For in
others scarcely indeed shall a pure soul obtain the presence of
the Holy Spirit, but in her the flesh is made the receptacle of
the Spirit." For
more praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary, try:
of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Reflections)
on the Blessed Virgin Mary
Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
Virtues (Reflections)
& Grace / Graces (Reflections)
Blessed Virgin's Intercession (Reflections)
as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix (Reflections)
Conception / Sinlessness (Reflections)
/ Incarnation (Reflections)
Maternity (Reflections)
Queenship of Mary (Reflections)
to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended (Reflections)
Should Imitate Mary / Mary is Our Model (Reflections)
Our Mother' Reflections
Scriptural References
of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
"Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary" refers to a
practice under the law of Moses in which first-born children were
presented in the Temple. In Mary's case, it is commonly believed
that she
was presented at a young age and that she made a vow of virginity at her Presentation.
The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is
traditionally celebrated on November 21. Click
Here for information on Marian Feasts |
of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
"Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary" refers to
practices under the law of Moses in which a woman who was considered
unclean for a certain number of days after childbirth was again to
become clean. Although
Mary was not truly unclean (she had not become pregnant by the
seed of man), in her humility, she did submit to the law.
The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary is
traditionally celebrated on February 2. Click
Here for Marian Scriptural References
Here for Marian Feasts |
of Mary |
the mother of Jesus, is queen of heaven and earth. In the Old Testament,
we can see the prominent position of the Queen
Mother at the right hand of her son. In Revelation 12:1, we are told
of a "great sign", "a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve
stars" who "gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations".
When the angel in St. Luke's Gospel (Chapter 1) announces that Mary is
to be the Mother of Jesus, he indicates that "the Lord God shall
give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the
house of Jacob for ever". Pope Pius XII in "Ad Caeli Reginam"
proclaimed the Queenship of Mary and instructed that the whole world
celebrate the feast of Mary's Queenship on May 31.
here for additional information on Mary's Queenship
Caeli |
Here for the "Regina Caeli" (Popular Marian Prayers
& Devotions Page) |
Rosary |
Here for Information on the Holy Rosary
Sabbatine Privilege refers to Mary's promise to secure a person's
release from purgatory on the Saturday after his or her death. It is
associated with the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and requires
that various conditions be met.
here for additional information on the Sabbatine Privilege |
Saturday |
are dedicated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. |
Scapulars |
Here for Information on Scapulars |
Seven Sorrows of Mary |
Mary endured a great many sorrows during her life on earth, seven
particular sorrows have traditionally been selected for special
veneration. For more information on devotion to the Seven Sorrows
of Mary, click
here. Note:
In the liturgical calendar, the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed
Virgin Mary are traditionally honored on
September 15. Click
here for more information on Marian Feasts |
Solemnity |
general, a solemnity is any feast that is celebrated with as much
liturgical observance and splendor as possible, whether
universally or locally." (Catholic Dictionary)
of Mary may include: The Immaculate Conception, The Annunciation,
and the Assumption.
here for more information on Marian Feasts |
Joseph |
foster-father of Jesus and the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. |
Mary Major (Our
Lady of the Snow) |
di Santa Maria Maggiore (St. Mary Major), "The world's
largest church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary" and one
of the four major basilicas in Rome is also thought to be the
oldest church in Rome dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. Its
original founding is associated with a miraculous event in the
fourth century. For additional information on this topic, click
here. Note:
A feast of the dedication of this basilica is traditionally held
on August 5. Click
here for more information on Marian Feasts |
Mater Dolorosa |
Here for "Stabat Mater Dolorosa" (Popular Marian Prayers
& Devotions Page) |
Tuum Praesidium |
Here for "Sub Tuum Praesidium" (Popular Marian Prayers
& Devotions Page) |
Theotokos |
term for "God Bearer" / "Mother of God" |
Hail Marys Devotion |
Here for Information on the "Three Hail Marys Devotion"
(Popular Marian Devotions Page) |
of Our Lady |
Blessed Virgin Mary is invoked under numerous titles, including:
Gate of Heaven, Queen of Angels, Virgin of Virgins, Ark of the
Covenant, The New
Eve, Mystical Rose, Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Lady of Sorrows,
Mother of the Church, Refugium peccatorum (refuge of sinners), Our
Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes, Etc. Her chief and most exalted
title, however, is Mother of God.
Here for Mary's Maternity Reflections Click
Here for Marian Prayers & Hymns |
Devotion to Mary' |
Devotion to Mary' may refer to a writing by St. Louis Marie De
Montfort which has been called "the greatest single book on the
Blessed Virgin Mary ever written." It is said to provide
"the key to both sanctity and salvation." The writing discusses
the necessity of devotion to Mary as well and the effects and
practices of this devotion. Note: Click here
for St. Louis Marie De Montfort's prayer of Consecration to the
Blessed Virgin. |
of Mary |
saints have had visions of the Blessed Virgin (including St. Gregory the
Wonderworker, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Simon
Stock, St. Gertrude, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Catherine of Siena, St.
Francis of Rome, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John
of the Cross, and St. Catherine Laboure). Various other persons have
also seen apparitions of the Blessed Virgin. For more information on
Marian Apparitions, click here.
of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
"Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary" refers to Mary's
visit to the pregnant St. Elizabeth in which St. John the Baptist
was sanctified in the womb of his mother. The Blessed Virgin knew
of St. Elizabeth's pregnancy since it was told to her by the angel
at the Annunciation.
The Feast of the Visitation is traditionally celebrated on July 2
[and may be celebrated on May 31 in the New Calendar (Novus Ordo)]. Click
Here for Marian Scriptural References
Here for Marian Feasts |
Misc. |
saintly authors have treated of the Blessed Virgin Mary in their works.
Some authors who have written concerning the Blessed Mary may include:
St. Peter Canisius, St. John Eudes, St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort,
St. Bernard, and St. Alphonsus Liguori.
to Mary can be seen from the earliest years of the Church. Not only does
Mary have a place of honor on the graves of early Christians, there is
evidence of devotion to Mary at the beginning of the second century.
birthplace of Mary is unknown with certainty. However, it is thought to
be either in or near Bethlehem or in Jerusalem.
location of Mary's residence after the Resurrection of Jesus is unknown
with certainty, however, it is believed that she may have resided in
Ephesus or Jerusalem (and may have came to the end of her earthly life
in one of these two places).
it cannot be said with certainty, it has been believed that Mary was
around age fifteen when she became Jesus' mother (some have suggested
that she may have been as young as thirteen).
actual age of Mary at the end of her earthly life is unknown with
certainty. However, it has been commonly
believed that the
Blessed Virgin Mary lived for 63 years on earth. (although other ages
have also been believed).
Reasons to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
on the Blessed Virgin Mary
of Mary (Reflections)
Virtues (Reflections)
Blessed Virgin's Intercession (Reflections)
as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix (Reflections)
& Grace / Graces (Reflections)
Conception / Sinlessness (Reflections)
/ Incarnation (Reflections)
Maternity (Reflections)
& Mary (Reflections)
Queenship of Mary (Reflections)
to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended (Reflections)
Should Imitate Mary / Mary is Our Model (Reflections)
Our Mother' Reflections
Scriptural References
Marian Prayers & Hymns
Marian Devotions
Blessed Virgin Mary (Classic Encyclicals)
Rosary (Classic Encyclicals)
Classic Encyclicals
Holy Rosary
Catholics Worship Mary?
For 'Mary, Our Mother' Posts, Try
Here (Catholic Life Section)
find what you were looking for? Try
Here |
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