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The Blessed Virgin Mary

Communications / Entertainment

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Errors / Modernism

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The Holy Eucharist

Holy Mass / Sacred Liturgy

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The Kingdom of Christ


The Mystical Body of Christ

Priests / Vocations

Problems / Afflictions / Evils

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Sacred Music



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Note: Categories are subjective and may overlap.

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The Blessed Virgin Mary 

Defining The Dogma Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Into Heaven (Munificentissimus Deus), Pope Pius XII, 1950

On Proclaiming The Queenship of Mary (Ad Caeli Reginam), Pope Pius XII, 1954

On The Immaculate Conception (Ubi Primum), Pope Pius IX, 1849

On The Immaculate Conception (Ineffabilis Deus), Pope Pius IX, 1854

On The Immaculate Conception (Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum), Pope St. Pius X, 1904


Communications / Entertainment

On Motion Pictures (Vigilanti Cura), Pope Pius XI, 1936

On The Communications Field: Motion Pictures, Radio, And Television (Miranda Prorsus), Pope Pius XII, 1957


Economics / Government / Social Order / Liberty

On Atheistic Communism (Divini Redemptoris), Pope Pius XI, 1937

On Capital And Labor/On The Condition Of The Working Classes (Rerum Novarum), Pope Leo XIII, 1891

On Christian Democracy (Graves De Communi Re), Pope Leo XIII, 1901

On Christians As Citizens (Sapientiae Christianae), Pope Leo XIII, 1890

On Reconstruction Of The Social Order (Quadragesimo Anno), Pope Pius XI, 1931  

On Socialism (Quod Apostolici Muneris) Pope Leo XIII, 1878

On The Christian Constitution Of States (Immortale Dei), Pope Leo XIII, 1885

On The Liberty Of The Church (Quod Multum), Pope Leo XIII, 1886

On The Nature Of Human Liberty (Libertas Praestantissimum), Pope Leo XIII, 1888

On The Origin Of Civil Power (Diuturnum), Pope Leo XIII, 1881

On The Separation Of Church And State (Une Fois Encore) Pope St. Pius X, 1907



On Catechesis (Cum Religiosi), Pope Benedict XIV, 1754

On Christian Education (Spectata Fides), Pope Leo XIII, 1885

On Christian Education (Divini Illius Magistri) (Previous version entitled "Rappresentanti In Terra") (On Christian Education), Pope Pius XI, 1929

On Instruction In The Faith (In Dominico Agro), Pope Clement XIII, 1761

On Teaching Christian Doctrine (Acerbo Nimis), Pope St. Pius X, 1905


Errors / Modernism  

Concerning Some False Opinions Threatening To Undermine The Foundations Of Catholic Doctrine (Humani Generis), Pope Pius XII, 1950

Condemning Current Errors (Quanta Cura), Pope Pius IX, 1864

The Oath Against Modernism (Sacrorum Antistitum), Pope St. Pius X, 1910

On Condemning The Errors Of Martin Luther (Exsurge Domine), Pope Leo X, 1520

On Liberalism And Religious Indifferentism (Mirari Vos), Pope Gregory XVI, 1832

On Promotion Of False Doctrines (Quanto Conficiamur Moerore), Pope Pius IX, 1863

On The...Censures And Penalties Against Those Who Neglect To Observe The Prescriptions Against The Errors Of The Modernists (Praestantia Scripturae), Pope St. Pius X, 1907 

On The Doctrines Of The Modernists (Pascendi Dominici Gregis), Pope St. Pius X, 1907  

On The "Pragmatic Constitution" (Quo Graviora), Pope Gregory XVI, 1833  

On The Sillon (Our Apostolic Mandate / Notre Charge Apostolique), Pope St. Pius X, 1910

Syllabus Condemning The Errors Of The Modernists (Lamentabili Sane), Pope St. Pius X, 1907

The Syllabus Of Errors Condemned By Pope Pius IX (Syllabus Errorum), Pope Pius IX, 1864  


Freemasonry / Secret Societies  

Condemning Secret Societies (Quo Graviora), Pope Leo XII, 1826

On Freemasonry (Humanum Genus), Pope Leo XIII, 1884

On Freemasonry (Custodi Di Quella Fede), Pope Leo XIII,1892

On Freemasonry (Inimica Vis), Pope Leo XIII, 1892

On Freemasonry in Italy (Dall'alto Dell'apostolico Seggio), Pope Leo XIII, 1890


The Holy Eucharist

On The Holy Eucharist (Mirae Caritatis), Pope Leo XIII, 1902


Holy Mass / Sacred Liturgy 

The Holiness Of Divine Worship (Divini Cultus Sanctitatem), Pope Pius XI, 1928

On Defects That May Occur In The Celebration Of Mass (De Defectibus), Pope St. Pius V, 16th Century A.D.

On The Sacred Liturgy (Mediator Dei), Pope Pius XII, 1947  

Promulgating The "Tridentine" Liturgy (Quo Primum), Pope St. Pius V, 1570


The Holy Rosary

Commending Devotion To The Rosary (Laetitiae Sanctae), Pope Leo XIII, 1893

On Devotion Of The Rosary (Supremi Apostolatus Officio), Pope Leo XIII, 1883

On Prayer/Rosary (Consueverunt Romani), Pope St. Pius V, 1569

On Reciting The Rosary (Ingruentium Malorum), Pope Pius XII, 1951

On The Recitation Of The Rosary (Superiore Anno), Pope Leo XIII, 1884

On The Rosary (Octobri Mense), Pope Leo XIII, 1891

On The Rosary (Magnae Dei Matris), Pope Leo XIII, 1892

On The Rosary (Iucunda Semper Expectatione), Pope Leo XIII, 1894

On The Rosary (Fidentem Piumque Animum), Pope Leo XIII, 1896

On The Rosary (Diuturni Temporis), Pope Leo XIII, 1898

On The Rosary (Ingravescentibus Malis), Pope Pius XI, 1937

On The Rosary And Public Life (Vi E Ben Noto), Pope Leo XIII, 1887


The Holy Spirit

On The Holy Spirit (Divinum Illud Munus), Pope Leo XIII, 1897


Jesus Christ / The Sacred Heart of Jesus  

On Consecration To The Sacred Heart (Annum Sacrum), Pope Leo XIII, 1899

On Devotion To The Sacred Heart (Haurietis Aquas), Pope Pius XII, 1956

On Jesus Christ The Redeemer (Tametsi Futura Prospicientibus), Pope Leo XIII, 1900

On Reparation To The Sacred Heart (Miserentissimus Redemptor), Pope Pius XI, 1928

On Reparation To The Sacred Heart (Caritate Christi Compulsi), Pope Pius XI, 1932


The Kingdom of Christ

On The Feast Of Christ The King (Quas Primas), Pope Pius XI, 1925

On The Peace Of Christ In The Kingdom Of Christ (Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio) Pope Pius XI, 1922



On Christian Marriage (Arcanum), Pope Leo XIII, 1880

On Christian Marriage (Casti Connubii), Pope Pius XI, 1930

On Mixed Marriages (Summo Iugiter Studio), Pope Gregory XVI, 1832

On Mixed Marriages (Quas Vestro), Pope Gregory XVI, 1841  


The Mystical Body of Christ

On The Mystical Body Of Christ (Mystici Corporis Christi), Pope Pius XII, 1943


Priests / Vocations 

On Consecrated Virginity (Sacra Virginitas), Pope Pius XII, 1954

On Discipline For Clergy (Nemo Certe Ignorat), Pope Pius IX, 1852

On Priestly Sanctity (Haerent Animo), Pope St. Pius X, 1908

On Priests And The Care Of Souls (Amantissimi Redemptoris), Pope Pius IX, 1858 

On The Catholic Priesthood (Ad Catholici Sacerdotii), Pope Pius XI, 1935

On The Development Of Holiness In Priestly Life (Menti Nostrae), Pope Pius XII, 1950

On The Duties Of Bishops (Ubi Primum), Pope Benedict XIV, 1740

On The Education Of The Clergy (Fin Dal Principio), Pope Leo XIII, 1902


Problems / Afflictions / Evils  

On The Afflictions Of Church (Levate), Pope Pius IX, 1867

On The Evils Of Society (Inscrutabili Dei Consilio), Pope Leo XIII, 1878

On The Problems Of The Pontificate (Inscrutabile), Pope Pius VI, 1775


Religious Unity

On Religious Unity (Mortalium Animos), Pope Pius XI, 1928

On The Ecumenical Movement, Instruction Of The Holy Office, 1949

On The Unity Of The Church (Satis Cognitum), Pope Leo XIII, 1896

On Unity Among Christians (A Quo Die), Pope Clement XIII, 1758

One Holy Church (Unam Sanctam), Pope Boniface VIII, 1302


Sacred Music

On Sacred Music [Inter Sollicitudines (also called "Tra Le Sollecitudini")], Pope St. Pius X, 1903

On Sacred Music (Musicae Sacrae), Pope Pius XII, 1955



On Devotion To St. Joseph (Quamquam Pluries), Pope Leo XIII, 1889

On St. Francis De Sales (Rerum Omnium Perturbationem), Pope Pius XI, 1923

On St. Francis Of Assisi (Auspicato Concessum), Pope Leo XIII, 1882

On St. Francis Of Assisi (Rite Expiatis), Pope Pius XI, 1926  

On St. Jerome/Scripture (Spiritus Paraclitus), Pope Benedict XV, 1920



On Promoting Biblical Studies (Divino Afflante Spiritu), Pope Pius XII, 1943

On St. Jerome/Scripture (Spiritus Paraclitus), Pope Benedict XV, 1920

On The Study Of Holy Scripture (Providentissimus Deus), Pope Leo XIII, 1893


United States

Concerning New Opinions, Virtue, Nature And Grace, With Regard To Americanism (Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae), Pope Leo XIII, 1899

On Catholicism In The United States (Longinqua), Pope Leo XIII, 1895

On The Church In The United States (In Amplissimo), Pope Leo XIII, 1902



On A Return To Gospel Principles (Diu Satis), Pope Pius VII, 1800

On Faith And Religion (Qui Pluribus), Pope Pius IX, 1846

On The Care Of The Churches (Amantissimus), Pope Pius IX, 1862

On The Dangers Of Anti-Christian Writings (Christianae Reipublicae), Pope Clement XIII, 1766

On The Nullity Of Anglican Orders (Apostolicae Curae), Pope Leo XIII, 1896

On The Promotion Of The Spiritual Exercises (Mens Nostra), Pope Pius XI, 1929

On The Promotion Of The Study Of Latin (Veterum Sapientia), Pope John XXIII, 1962

On The Restoration Of All Things In Christ (E Supremi), Pope St. Pius X, 1903

On The Restoration Of Christian Philosophy (Aeterni Patris), Pope Leo XIII, 1879

On The Right Ordering Of Christian Life (Exeunte Iam Anno), Pope Leo XIII, 1888

Whatever Is For The Honor Of The Creator Of All (Quae Honorem Conditoris Omnium), Pope Innocent IV, 1247  


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