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fool / foolish

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The Rock - how faultless are his deeds, how right all his ways! A faithful God, without deceit, how just and upright he is! Yet basely has he been treated by his degenerate children, a perverse and crooked race! Is the LORD to be thus repaid by you, O stupid and foolish people? Is he not your father who created you? Has he not made you and established you? [DEUT 32:4-6]

Samuel's response was: "You have been foolish! Had you kept the command the LORD your God gave you, the LORD would now establish your kingship in Israel as lasting; but as things are, your kingdom shall not endure. The LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and has appointed him commander of his people, because you broke the LORD'S command." [1SAM 13:13-14]

Let not my lord pay attention to that worthless man Nabal, for he is just like his name. Fool is his name, and he acts the fool. I, your handmaid, did not see the young men whom my lord sent. [1SAM 25:25]

Then Saul said: "I have done wrong. Come back, my son David, I will not harm you again, because you have held my life precious today. Indeed, I have been a fool and have made a serious mistake." [1SAM 26:21]

Then David said to God, "I have sinned greatly in doing this thing. Take away your servant's guilt, for I have acted very foolishly." [1CHRON 21:8]

"The eyes of the LORD roam over the whole earth, to encourage those who are devoted to him wholeheartedly. You have acted foolishly in this matter, for from now on you will have wars." [2CHRON 16:9]

Turning to supplication, they prayed that the sinful deed might be fully blotted out. The noble Judas warned the soldiers to keep themselves free from sin, for they had seen with their own eyes what had happened because of the sin of those who had fallen. He then took up a collection among all his soldiers, amounting to two thousand silver drachmas, which he sent to Jerusalem to provide for an expiatory sacrifice. In doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection of the dead in view; for if he were not expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them in death. But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin. [2MACC 12:42-46]

Nay, impatience kills the fool and indignation slays the simpleton. [JOB 5:2]

Fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." Their deeds are loathsome and corrupt; not one does what is right. [Taken from PS 14:1]

From all my sins deliver me; let me not be the taunt of fools. [PS 39:9]

Anyone can see that the wisest die, the fool and the senseless pass away too, and must leave their wealth to others. [PS 49:11]

Fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." Their deeds are loathsome and corrupt; not one does what is right. [PS 53:2]

Remember how the enemy has jeered, O LORD, how a foolish people has reviled your name. Arise, God, defend your cause; remember the constant jeers of the fools. [PS 74:18,22]

How great are your works, LORD! How profound your purpose! A senseless person cannot know this; a fool cannot comprehend. Though the wicked flourish like grass and all sinners thrive, They are destined for eternal destruction; for you, LORD, are forever on high. Indeed your enemies, LORD, indeed your enemies shall perish; all sinners shall be scattered. [PS 92:6-10]

They say, "The LORD does not see; the God of Jacob takes no notice." Understand, you stupid people! You fools, when will you be wise? Does the one who shaped the ear not hear? The one who formed the eye not see? Does the one who guides nations not rebuke? The one who teaches humans not have knowledge? The LORD does know human plans; they are only puffs of air. Happy those whom you guide, LORD, whom you teach by your instruction. You give them rest from evil days, while a pit is being dug for the wicked. You, LORD, will not forsake your people, nor abandon your very own. [PS 94:7-14]

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; wisdom and instruction fools despise. [PROV 1:7]

They ignored my counsel, they spurned all my reproof; And in their arrogance they preferred arrogance, and like fools they hated knowledge: "Now they must eat the fruit of their own way, and with their own devices be glutted. For the self-will of the simple kills them, the smugness of fools destroys them. But he who obeys me dwells in security, in peace, without fear of harm." [PROV 1:30-33]

Honor is the possession of wise men, but fools inherit shame. [PROV 3:35]

But he who commits adultery is a fool; he who would destroy himself does it. [PROV 6:32]

You simple ones, gain resource, you fools, gain sense. [PROV 8:5]

Forsake foolishness that you may live; advance in the way of understanding. [PROV 9:6]

A wise son makes his father glad, but a foolish son is a grief to his mother. [Taken from PROV 10:1]

Blessings are for the head of the just, but a rod for the back of the fool. [PROV 10:6]

A wise man heeds commands, but a prating fool will be overthrown. [PROV 10:8]

Wise men store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool is imminent ruin. [PROV 10:14]

It is the lips of the liar that conceal hostility; but he who spreads accusations is a fool. [PROV 10:18]

The just man's lips nourish many, but fools die for want of sense. [PROV 10:21]

Crime is the entertainment of the fool; so is wisdom for the man of sense. [PROV 10:23]

He who upsets his household has empty air for a heritage; and the fool will become slave to the wise man. [PROV 11:29]

He who tills his own land has food in plenty, but he who follows idle pursuits is a fool. [PROV 12:11]

The way of the fool seems right in his own eyes, but he who listens to advice is wise. [PROV 12:15]

The fool immediately shows his anger, but the shrewd man passes over an insult. [PROV 12:16]

A shrewd man conceals his knowledge, but the hearts of fools gush forth folly. [PROV 12:23]

The shrewd man does everything with prudence, but the fool peddles folly. [PROV 13:16]

Lust indulged starves the soul, but fools hate to turn from evil. [PROV 13:19]

Walk with wise men and you will become wise, but the companion of fools will fare badly. [PROV 13:20]

To avoid the foolish man, take steps! But knowing lips one meets with by surprise. [PROV 14:7]

The shrewd man's wisdom gives him knowledge of his way, but the folly of fools is their deception. [PROV 14:8]

The wise man is cautious and shuns evil; the fool is reckless and sure of himself. [PROV 14:16]

The quick-tempered man makes a fool of himself, but the prudent man is at peace. [PROV 14:17]

The crown of the wise is resourcefulness; the diadem of fools is folly. [PROV 14:24]

In the heart of the intelligent wisdom abides, but in the bosom of fools it is unknown. [PROV 14:33]

The tongue of the wise pours out knowledge, but the mouth of fools spurts forth folly. [PROV 15:2]

The fool spurns his father's admonition, but prudent is he who heeds reproof. [PROV 15:5]

The lips of the wise disseminate knowledge, but the heart of fools is perverted. [PROV 15:7]

The mind of the intelligent man seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feeds on folly. [PROV 15:14]

A wise son makes his father glad, but a fool of a man despises his mother. [PROV 15:20]

Good sense is a fountain of life to its possessor, but folly brings chastisement on fools. [PROV 16:22]

Fine words are out of place in a fool; how much more, lying words in a noble! [PROV 17:7]

A single reprimand does more for a man of intelligence than a hundred lashes for a fool. [PROV 17:10]

Face a bear robbed of her cubs, but never a fool in his folly! [PROV 17:12]

Of what use in the fool's hand are the means to buy wisdom, since he has no mind for it? [PROV 17:16]

To be a fool's parent is grief for a man; the father of a numskull has no joy. [PROV 17:21]

The man of intelligence fixes his gaze on wisdom, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth. [PROV 17:24]

A foolish son is vexation to his father, and bitter sorrow to her who bore him. [PROV 17:25]

Even a fool, if he keeps silent, is considered wise; if he closes his lips, intelligent. [PROV 17:28]

The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks. [PROV 18:2]

The fool's mouth is his ruin; his lips are a snare to his life. [PROV 18:7]

The foolish son is ruin to his father, and the nagging of a wife is a persistent leak. [PROV 19:13]

It is honorable for a man to shun strife, while every fool starts a quarrel. [PROV 20:3]

Precious treasure remains in the house of the wise, but the fool consumes it. [PROV 21:20]

Speak not for the fool's hearing; he will despise the wisdom of your words. [PROV 23:9]

For a fool, to be silent is wisdom; not to open his mouth at the gate. [PROV 24:7]

Like snow in summer, or rain in harvest, honor for a fool is out of place. [PROV 26:1]

Answer not the fool according to his folly, lest you too become like him. [PROV 26:4]

Answer the fool according to his folly, lest he become wise in his own eyes. [PROV 26:5]

Like one who entangles the stone in the sling is he who gives honor to a fool. [PROV 26:8]

Like a thorn stick brandished by the hand of a drunkard is a proverb in the mouth of fools. [PROV 26:9]

Like an archer wounding all who pass by is he who hires a drunken fool. [PROV 26:10]

As the dog returns to his vomit, so the fool repeats his folly. [PROV 26:11]

You see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. [PROV 26:12]

Stone is heavy, and sand a burden, but a fool's provocation is heavier than both. [PROV 27:3]

He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is safe. [PROV 28:26]

If a wise man disputes with a fool, he may rage or laugh but can have no peace. [PROV 29:9]

The fool gives vent to all his anger; but by biding his time, the wise man calms it. [PROV 29:11]

Do you see a man hasty in his words? More can be hoped for from a fool! [PROV 29:20]

If you have foolishly been proud or presumptuous - put your hand on your mouth; For the stirring of milk brings forth curds, and the stirring of anger brings forth blood. [PROV 30:32-33]

Guard your step when you go to the house of God. Let your approach be obedience, rather than the fools' offering of sacrifice; for they know not how to keep from doing evil. [ECCL 4:17]

For nightmares come with many cares, and a fool's utterance with many words. [ECCL 5:2]

When you make a vow to God, delay not its fulfillment. For God has no pleasure in fools; fulfill what you have vowed. [ECCL 5:3]

It is better to hearken to the wise man's rebuke than to hearken to the song of fools [ECCL 7:5]

For oppression can make a fool of a wise man, and a bribe corrupts the heart. [ECCL 7:7]

Do not in spirit become quickly discontented, for discontent lodges in the bosom of a fool. [ECCL 7:9]

"Be not wicked to excess, and be not foolish. Why should you die before your time?" [ECCL 7:17]

"The quiet words of the wise are better heeded than the shout of a ruler of fools"! [ECCL 9:17]

The wise man's understanding turns him to his right; the fool's understanding turns him to his left. [ECCL 10:2]

When the fool walks through the street, in his lack of understanding he calls everything foolish. [ECCL 10:3]

I have seen under the sun another evil, like a mistake that proceeds from the ruler: a fool put in lofty position while the rich sit in lowly places. [ECCL 10:5-6]

Words from the wise man's mouth win favor, but the fool's lips consume him. [ECCL 10:12] 

The beginning of his words is folly, and the end of his talk is utter madness; yet the fool multiplies words. Man knows not what is to come, for who can tell him what is to come after him? [ECCL 10:13-14]

But the souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace. [WISDOM 3:1-3]

For he who despises wisdom and instruction is doomed. Vain is their hope, fruitless are their labors, and worthless are their works. Their wives are foolish and their children wicked; accursed is their brood. [WISDOM 3:11-12]

Then shall the just one with great assurance confront his oppressors who set at nought his labors. Seeing this, they shall be shaken with dreadful fear, and amazed at the unlooked-for salvation. They shall say among themselves, rueful and groaning through anguish of spirit: "This is he whom once we held as a laughingstock and as a type for mockery, fools that we were! His life we accounted madness, and his death dishonored. See how he is accounted among the sons of God; how his lot is with the saints!" [WISDOM 5:1-5]

For all men were by nature foolish who were in ignorance of God, and who from the good things seen did not succeed in knowing him who is, and from studying the works did not discern the artisan [Taken from WISDOM 13:1]

How irksome [wisdom] is to the unruly! The fool cannot abide her. [Taken from SIRACH 6:21]

Take no counsel with a fool, for he can keep nothing to himself. [SIRACH 8:17]

Say not: "I am hidden from God; in heaven who remembers me? Among so many people I cannot be known; what am I in the world of spirits? Behold, the heavens, the heaven of heavens, the earth and the abyss tremble at his visitation; The roots of the mountains, the earth's foundations, at his mere glance, quiver and quake. Of me, therefore, he will take no thought; with my ways who will concern himself? If I sin, no eye will see me; if all in secret I am disloyal, who is to know? Who tells him of just deeds and what could I expect for doing my duty?" Such are the thoughts of senseless men, which only the foolish knave will think. [SIRACH 16:15-21]

Only a fool upbraids before giving; a grudging gift wears out the expectant eyes. [SIRACH 18:17]

When a fool hears something, he is in labor, like a woman giving birth to a child. [SIRACH 19:10]

Like an arrow lodged in a man's thigh is gossip in the breast of a fool. [SIRACH 19:11]

A wise man is silent till the right time comes, but a boasting fool ignores the proper time. [SIRACH 20:6]

A wise man makes himself popular by a few words, but fools pour forth their blandishments in vain. [SIRACH 20:12]

A fool has no friends, nor thanks for his generosity [Taken from SIRACH 20:15]

A proverb when spoken by a fool is unwelcome, for he does not utter it at the proper time. [SIRACH 20:19]

A fool's mind is like a broken jar - no knowledge at all can it hold. [SIRACH 21:14]

A fool's chatter is like a load on a journey, but there is charm to be found upon the lips of the wise. [SIRACH 21:16]

Like a house in ruins is wisdom to a fool; the stupid man knows it only as inscrutable words. [SIRACH 21:18]

A fool raises his voice in laughter, but the prudent man at the most smiles gently. [SIRACH 21:20]

The fool steps boldly into a house, while the well-bred man remains outside; A boor peeps through the doorway of a house, but a cultured man keeps his glance cast down. It is rude for one to listen at a door; a cultured man would be overwhelmed by the disgrace of it. [SIRACH 21:22-24]

Fools' thoughts are in their mouths, wise men's words are in their hearts. [SIRACH 21:26]

Teaching a fool is like gluing a broken pot, or like disturbing a man in the depths of sleep; He talks with a slumberer who talks with a fool, for when it is over, he will say, "What was that?" [SIRACH 22:7-8]

Seven days of mourning for the dead, but for the wicked fool a whole lifetime. [SIRACH 22:11]

What is heavier than lead, and what is its name but "Fool"? Sand and salt and an iron mass are easier to bear than a stupid man. [SIRACH 22:14-15]

Small stones lying on an open height will not remain when the wind blows; Neither can a timid resolve based on foolish plans withstand fear of any kind. [SIRACH 22:18]

Limit the time you spend among fools, but frequent the company of thoughtful men. [SIRACH 27:12]

Many have been ensnared by gold, though destruction lay before their eyes; It is a stumbling block to those who are avid for it, a snare for every fool. [SIRACH 31:6-7]

More and more wine is a snare for the fool; it lessens his strength and multiplies his wounds. [SIRACH 31:30]

Like the wheel of a cart is the mind of a fool; his thoughts revolve in circles. [SIRACH 33:5]

Empty and false are the hopes of the senseless, and fools are borne aloft by dreams. [SIRACH 34:1]

See, a king will reign justly and princes will rule rightly. Each of them will be a shelter from the wind, a retreat from the rain. They will be like streams of water in a dry country, like the shade of a great rock in a parched land. The eyes of those who see will not be closed; the ears of those who hear will be attentive. The flighty will become wise and capable, and the stutterers will speak fluently and clearly. No more will the fool be called noble, nor the trickster be considered honorable. For the fool speaks foolishly, planning evil in his heart: How to do wickedness, to speak perversely against the LORD, To let the hungry go empty and the thirsty be without drink. [ISA 32:1-6]

A highway will be there, called the holy way; No one unclean may pass over it, nor fools go astray on it. [ISA 35:8]

It is I who bring to nought the omens of liars, who make fools of diviners; I turn wise men back and make their knowledge foolish. [ISA 44:25]

Fools my people are, they know me not; Senseless children they are, having no understanding; They are wise in evil, but know not how to do good. [JER 4:22]

It is only the lowly, I thought, who are foolish; For they know not the way of the LORD, their duty to their God. I will go to the great ones and speak with them; For they know the way of the LORD, their duty to their God. But, one and all, they had broken the yoke, torn off the harness. [JER 5:4-5]

Pay attention to this, foolish and senseless people Who have eyes and see not, who have ears and hear not. Should you not fear me, says the LORD, should you not tremble before me? I made the sandy shore the sea's limit, which by eternal decree it may not overstep. Toss though it may, it is to no avail; though its billows roar, they cannot pass. But this people's heart is stubborn and rebellious; they turn and go away, And say not in their hearts, "Let us fear the LORD, our God, Who gives us rain early and late, in its time; Who watches for us over the appointed weeks of harvest." Your crimes have prevented these things, your sins have turned back these blessings from you. [JER 5:21-25]

A partridge that mothers a brood not her own is the man who acquires wealth unjustly: In midlife it will desert him; in the end he is only a fool. [JER 17:11]

Thus says the Lord GOD: Woe to those prophets who are fools, who follow their own spirit and have seen no vision. [EZEK 13:3]

[Jesus said,] "You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, 'You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.' But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, 'Raqa,' will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, 'You fool,' will be liable to fiery Gehenna. Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift." [Taken from MT 5:21-24]

If only you would put up with a little foolishness from me! Please put up with me. For I am jealous of you with the jealousy of God, since I betrothed you to one husband to present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts may be corrupted from a sincere (and pure) commitment to Christ. For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it well enough. For I think that I am not in any way inferior to these "superapostles." Even if I am untrained in speaking, I am not so in knowledge; in every way we have made this plain to you in all things. Did I make a mistake when I humbled myself so that you might be exalted, because I preached the gospel of God to you without charge?... By the truth of Christ in me, this boast of mine shall not be silenced in the regions of Achaia. And why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do! And what I do I will continue to do, in order to end this pretext of those who seek a pretext for being regarded as we are in the mission of which they boast. For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, who masquerade as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light. So it is not strange that his ministers also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. I repeat, no one should consider me foolish; but if you do, accept me as a fool, so that I too may boast a little. What I am saying I am not saying according to the Lord but as in foolishness, in this boastful state. Since many boast according to the flesh, I too will boast. For you gladly put up with fools, since you are wise yourselves. For you put up with it if someone enslaves you, or devours you, or gets the better of you, or puts on airs, or slaps you in the face. To my shame I say that we were too weak! But what anyone dares to boast of (I am speaking in foolishness) I also dare... Five times at the hands of the Jews I received forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I passed a night and a day on the deep; on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my own race, dangers from Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers at sea, dangers among false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many sleepless nights, through hunger and thirst, through frequent fastings, through cold and exposure. And apart from these things, there is the daily pressure upon me of my anxiety for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is led to sin, and I am not indignant? If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. The God and Father of the Lord Jesus knows, he who is blessed forever, that I do not lie. [2COR 11:1-7,10-21,24-31]

About this person I will boast, but about myself I will not boast, except about my weaknesses. Although if I should wish to boast, I would not be foolish, for I would be telling the truth. But I refrain, so that no one may think more of me than what he sees in me or hears from me because of the abundance of the revelations. Therefore, that I might not become too elated, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan, to beat me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me, but he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me. Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong. I have been foolish. You compelled me, for I ought to have been commended by you. For I am in no way inferior to these "superapostles," even though I am nothing. [2COR 12:5-11]

Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the Lord. [EPH 5:15-17]

Whoever teaches something different and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the religious teaching is conceited, understanding nothing, and has a morbid disposition for arguments and verbal disputes. From these come envy, rivalry, insults, evil suspicions, and mutual friction among people with corrupted minds, who are deprived of the truth, supposing religion to be a means of gain. Indeed, religion with contentment is a great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it. If we have food and clothing, we shall be content with that. Those who want to be rich are falling into temptation and into a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains. [1TM 6:3-10]

So turn from youthful desires and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord with purity of heart. Avoid foolish and ignorant debates, for you know that they breed quarrels. A slave of the Lord should not quarrel, but should be gentle with everyone, able to teach, tolerant, correcting opponents with kindness. It may be that God will grant them repentance that leads to knowledge of the truth, and that they may return to their senses out of the devil's snare, where they are entrapped by him, for his will. [2TM 2:22-26]

But understand this: there will be terrifying times in the last days. People will be self-centered and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious, callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, as they make a pretense of religion but deny its power. Reject them. For some of these slip into homes and make captives of women weighed down by sins, led by various desires, always trying to learn but never able to reach a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so they also oppose the truth - people of depraved mind, unqualified in the faith. But they will not make further progress, for their foolishness will be plain to all, as it was with those two. [2TM 3:1-9]

Remind them to be under the control of magistrates and authorities, to be obedient, to be open to every good enterprise. They are to slander no one, to be peaceable, considerate, exercising all graciousness toward everyone. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, deluded, slaves to various desires and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful ourselves and hating one another. But when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy, he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life. [TI 3:1-7]

I want you to insist on these points, that those who have believed in God be careful to devote themselves to good works; these are excellent and beneficial to others. Avoid foolish arguments, genealogies, rivalries, and quarrels about the law, for they are useless and futile. After a first and second warning, break off contact with a heretic, realizing that such a person is perverted and sinful and stands self-condemned. [Taken from TI 3:8-11]

For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorance of foolish people. [1PT 2:15]

Also try: 

sin / sins / sinned / sinful / sinner [S18a]

repent / repentance [R4]

those who reject truth [H12a]

wisdom [W6]

wise / wisely [W7]

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