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Reflections: Categorized (By Section) (2)

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St. Thomas Aquinas

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  Continued From Previous Page

Latin Mass & Catholic Tradition Section Reflections

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Against Mass in the Vernacular

Against Modernism

Against Modernism / Novelty [Pg.]

Against Novelty / Novel Doctrine

Canon of Traditional Mass is Errorless

Condemnation of Antiquarianism

Eastward Direction For Worship

God is Unchangeable

Gregorian Chant

History / Unchangeableness of the Ancient Mass

It is Becoming That There Be Only One Appropriate Rite For Mass

The Latin Language

Law of Prayer / Law of Faith

Participation in Mass

Pope's Authority Over Liturgy is Bound to the Tradition of the Faith

Praise / Benefits of the Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass

Quo Primum

Sacred Art

Sacred Music

Silent Canon / Silence

Stability / Change

The Substance of the Sacraments is Unchangeable

Tradition / Traditions

Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass [Pg.]

Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass / Misc.

The Traditional Liturgical Year

The Traditional Mass / The New Mass

The 'Tridentine' Mass in Recent Years

Unchangeableness of Dogmas 

Misc. (Latin Mass & Catholic Tradition)

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Mary, Our Mother Section Reflections

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Against Those Who Discourage Marian Devotion

The Annunciation

Annunciation / Incarnation [Pg.]

The Assumption of Mary [Pg.]

The Assumption of Mary Into Heaven

The Blessed Virgin's Intercession [Pg.]

Deceptive Piety Towards Mary / Presumptuous Devotees

Devotion to Mary / Devotion to Mary is Recommended

The Flesh of Jesus is the Flesh of Mary

The Hail Mary

The Holy Family

Honor to Mary is Honor to Jesus

Immaculate Conception / Sinlessness [Pg.]

Immaculate Conception / Sinlessness

The Incarnation & Birth of Jesus

Infallible Proclamation of the Assumption

Infallible Proclamation of the Immaculate Conception

Jesus & Mary [Pg.]

Jesus & Mary

Jesus and Mary / United

Marian Devotions [Pg.]

Mary & Eve

Mary & Grace / Graces

Mary & The Church

Mary & The Passion and Death of Jesus

Mary / Ark of the Covenant

Mary as Mediatrix / Co-Redemptrix

Mary as 'Tabernacle' 

Mary Helps Us Find Jesus / Mary is Not a Hindrance to Union With God

Mary is Always Ready To Help Us

Mary / Knowledge and Love of Jesus

Mary Needs to Be More Known

Mary, Our Mother

Mary / Respect for Women

Mary, the Mother of God

Mary, the Mother of God & Our Mother

Mary / Virginity

Mary Vs. Satan

Mary's Maternity [Pg.]

Mary's Motherhood / Misc.

Mary's Virtues

No Homage to Mary More Agreeable Than Knowledge and Love of Her Son

No Honor of Mary is Too High

Powerful Intercession of Mary

Praise of Mary

The Queenship of Mary

Respect For Mary's Name

The Rosary

The Scapular

Scapular / Rosary

We Should Have an Image of the Blessed Virgin in Our Home

We Should Imitate Mary / Mary is Our Model

Misc. (Mary, Our Mother Section)

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Non-Catholics Section Reflections

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As Christ's Brothers, Heaven Becomes Our Inheritance

As Long As One is Alive, It is Never Too Late

Better to be a Bad Catholic Than a Good Protestant?

Catholics Are Called to Treat Those Outside the Church With Charity and Seek Their Salvation

Christ Founded Only One Church

Christ Pardons Sins Through the Church

The Christian [Catholic] Faith is From God

Critics of the Church Should Consider What the World Would be Like Without It

Describing God

Determining the True Religion

The Effect of Charity Encourages Catholics To Call Others to God

Faith Should Be Sought Where Truth Faith First Began

Grave Are the Consequences of Ignorance in Matters of Religion

If You Know God, You Will Love God

The Interchange of Catholics & Non-Catholics

It is a Rare Gift to be Catholic

Non-Catholics Should Beg Light From Heaven to Recognize the True Church of Christ

Nothing is More Glorious than Belonging to the Catholic Church

One Must Adopt the Religion That God Enjoins

The Popes' Concern For People

Prayer of St. Francis Xavier for Non-Catholics

The Sinner Cannot Hide From God

St. Augustine's Conversion

There is No Power Like the Church

Those Who Don't Believe in Eternal Life

Those Who Refuse to Have God as Their Father, Must Have Him as Their Master

The Value of One's Soul

We Have it in Our Power to Abide in Virtue

We Must Love God Even When Things Are Difficult

We Must Obey God

Misc. (Non-Catholics Section)

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Notable Catholic Laity Section Reflections

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Better to Be Child of God Than King

Bold Proclamation of Truth by Learned and Distinguished Men

Catholic Writers

Catholics Should Not Refuse to Administer Public Affairs

The Company of Good People

The Entertainment & Communications Industries

Fame Does Not Make Man Happy

Fame is "A Thing Full of Wind"

Fame is Easily Ruined

Influential Persons and Public Opinion

Man's Happiness Not in Fame or Glory

Powerful Force of Those Higher on the Social Scale

Prominent Citizens May Effectively Help Promote the Well-being of People

Rulers and the Duty of Obedience to the Rule of Christ

Severe Judgment For Rulers

Those Who Govern Should be Held in High Estimation

Those Who Sin Publicly

Unlawful to Publicly Reject the Authority of the Church

Who One's Public Really Is

Misc. / Notable Laity

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Our Father's Love Section Reflections

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Blessings & Gifts of God

Christ's Love for the Church

Christ's Passion / Sufferings

Divine Providence

God is Love

God Loves All Things

God Seeks Our Love

God Wants to Be Loved Wisely

God's Great / Inexhaustible Mercy

God's Guidance

God's Love

God's Love & Crosses

God's Love & Kindness

God's Love is Enduring

God's Love / Jesus Christ

God's Mercy

The Holy Eucharist

How Much God Loves Us

How to Love God

The Incarnation

Jesus' Love & Kindness

Love of God

Love of God / Love of Neighbor

The Mercy of God

Our Love For God

Proving One's Love for God

Return of a Sinner

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Thanksgiving for Blessings Received

Treatise on the Love of God

Trust in God

"Unanswered Prayers"

We Need to Love God

When God's Love For Us Began

Why God Created Man

Misc. / Our Father's Love

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Personal Stories of Inspiration Section Reflections

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Affliction Measured According to Our Need

All Things Are Ordered By God For Our Good

All Things Are Possible

Courageous Endurance Makes a Man Strong

Faith Triumphs Over All

Healing Remedy of Jesus' Name

The More Peril in Battle, the Greater Joy in Triumph

Patience / Trials

Recalling Pleasant / Sad Things to Mind

Sharing Others' Joys / Sorrows

The Ultimate Triumph

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Prayer Requests Section Reflections

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Apostolic Prayer Requests

Intercessory Prayer for the Apostles

Praying for Others

Sharing Other's Joys & Sorrows

Misc. / Prayer Requests

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Prayers & Devotions Section Reflections

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Agnus Dei (Sacramental)

Asking Great Things of God


Benefits of Prayer

The Blessed Virgin / Our Prayers

The Brown Scapular

Consecration to Jesus / Mary

Consolation in Prayer

Contemplation / Meditation


Devotion / Blessed Virgin Mary

Efficacy of Prayer

The Eucharist Should Be the Focal Point of All Other Forms of Devotion

Evening Prayer

Exhortations to Prayer

Faith / Prayer

Fleeing From Prayer

Forty Hours Devotion

Frequent Prayer

God Gives in the Measure We Ask

God Listens to Sinners

God Seeks Our Prayers

How to Pray

Jesus / Prayer

The Lord's Prayer (The "Our Father")

Morning Prayers

Necessity of Prayer

No Prayer is Lost

Not Introducing New Forms of Devotion

Obliged Prayer

Perseverance and Prayer

Perseverance in Prayer

Pilgrimages / Saints

Pleasure / Prayer

Popular Devotions

Praise of Prayer

Prayer & Fasting

Prayer & Penance

Prayer & Sin

Prayer & The Blessed Sacrament

Prayer in Our Own Words

Prayer / Peace

Prayers of Some Are Not Heard / Abominable Prayers

Praying for One's Enemies

Praying Privately

Problems / Difficulties in Prayer

Public vs. Private Prayer

Righteous Man / Prayer



Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saints / Prayer

Satan / Prayer

Sign of the Cross

Spiritual Communion

Stations of the Cross

Thanksgiving / Prayer

Time in Prayer is Not Wasted

"Unheard" / "Unanswered" Prayers

What Prayer Is

What We May Pray For

Wordiness in Prayer

Misc. / Prayers & Devotions

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Priests & Vocations Section Reflections

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Against Clerics / Religious Carrying on a Trade or Business

Against Joking by Priests

Against Judging the Clergy

Against Transferring of Prelates

'Alter Christus' / 'In Persona Christi'

Association / Associations

At End of Life Even Kings Seek a Priest

Bad / Fallen Priests

Better a Few Good Priests Than Many That Are Not Good

Bishops / Episcopate

The Calling to Religious Life


Catechetical Instruction

Celibacy / Chastity


Church Hierarchy

Church Hierarchy / The Laity [Pg.]

Clerical Dress / Appearance / Comportment

Diocese / Parish

The Divine Office

Duties & Responsibilities of Priests

Duties & Responsibilities of the Faithful Towards Priests

Duties / Responsibilities [Pg.]

Example of Priests / Good Example


Fostering Vocations [Pg.]

Fostering Vocations

Fraternal Correction

Good / Bad Priests [Pg.]

Good Priests

The Hierarchical Priesthood Vs. the 'Common Priesthood of the Faithful'

Holiness / Good Example [Pg.]

Holiness / Virtue / Purity

Incardination / Excardination

Knowledge / Learning

The Laity & The Clergy

Laity's Right to Assistance

The Metropolitan

Military Service Ill Befits the Clerical State

Novelty & The Clergy


Pastors Should Remain at Their Post

People Tend to Be of Same Quality as Their Priests

Personal Prelatures

Pope (See Vatican View)


Praise / Rewards / Benefits

Preachers / Preaching

The Priesthood is Not Derived From the Community

Priests & Prayer / Meditation / Contemplation

Priests & The Blessed Virgin Mary

Priests & The Holy Eucharist / Mass

Priests & The Sacrament of Penance

Priests & The Sacraments

Priests / Priesthood [Pg.]

Priests / Priesthood

Proper Dress / Comportment [Pg.]

Proper Role & Behavior of Women

Religious / Religious Life / Religious Institutes

Seminaries / Seminarians / Training / Formation

Sins of Religious

Stability of Parish Priest

Those Too Indulgent Betray Their Ministry

Those Who Govern Souls Must Render an Account

Vicar Forane

Vicariate Apostolic / Prefecture Apostolic / Apostolic Administration

Virgins / Virginity


Misc. (Good / Bad Priests)

Misc. (Priests & Vocations Section)

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Sacraments Section Reflections

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Against Communion in the Hand

Baptism [Pg.]

Baptism Basics / Misc.

Baptism by Blood or Desire

Baptism / Confirmation

Baptism / Penance

Character Imprinted on the Soul

Communion of the Laity Under One Species

Confession of Venial Sins / Frequent Confession

Confirmation [Pg.]

Confirmation Basics / Misc.

Eucharist / Baptism

Eucharist / Penance

Eucharistic Adoration / The Eucharist Reserved in the Tabernacle

Extreme Unction / Anointing of the Sick [Pg.]

Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick) Basics / Misc.

Forty Hours Devotion

Frequent Communion

General Absolution

God's Mercy to Sinners / All Sins Can Be Forgiven

The Guilt From Unremitted Sins Committed Long Ago Still Remains

Holy Communion [Pg.]

Holy Communion

Holy Communion Should Be Denied to Those Who Obstinately Persist in Manifest Grave Sin

The Holy Eucharist & The Goodness and Love of God

Holy Eucharist / Mass [Pg.]

Holy Eucharist / Mass (Basics / Misc.)

Holy Eucharist / Mass & Priests

The Holy Eucharist Should Be Handled Only By Priests

Holy Orders [Pg.]

Holy Orders Basics / Misc.

Living up to One's Baptism

Mass is a Sacrifice / The Mass & Calvary

Mass Offerings

Matrimony / Marriage [Pg.]

Matrimony Basics / Misc.

Necessity of Baptism

Necessity of Receiving the Holy Eucharist

The Obligation of Confession

One Must Also do Works

Penance / Confession [Pg.]

Penance / Confession (Basics / Misc.)

Praise / Benefits of Baptism

Praise / Benefits of Confession / Penance

Praise / Benefits of Confirmation

Praise / Benefits of Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick)

Praise / Benefits of Holy Orders

Praise / Benefits of Matrimony

Praise / Benefits of the Holy Eucharist & Mass

The Real Presence / Transubstantiation

Reverence / Proper Behavior (Mass / Holy Eucharist)

Sacraments (Basics / Misc.) [Pg.]

Sacraments at the End of Life

Seal of Confession

Separation (Marital)

A Single Unrepented Mortal Sin Is Sufficient to Condemn a Soul to Hell for All Eternity

Spiritual Communion

There is No Confession After Death

Traditional Prohibition Regarding Concelebration


Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Saints Section Reflections

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Beatification / Canonization

Blessed Virgin Mary

Communion of the Saints

Examples of the Saints

Glory of the Saints

Half a Saint?

Honor of Saints is Honor to God

Humility & the Saints

Illustrative Sayings of the Saints

Imitating the Saints

In Defense of Praying to the Saints

Martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch

Martyrs / Martyrdom

Mottos / Last Words

Practices / Behaviors of the Saints


The Saints & The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Saints Are Looking Glasses of God

The Saints Are the Greatest Benefactors of Society

The Saints Did Not All Begin Well

The Saints Try to Prevent Us From Sinning

Saints (Various) [Pg.]

Save Me Lest I Fall / Saints

The "Science of the Saints"

St. Agnes

St. Ambrose

St. Andrew

St. Andrew Avellino

St. Apollonia

St. Augustine

St. Benedict

St. Bernard of Clairvaux

St. Bruno

St. Caecilia

St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis of Assisi (links)

St. Jerome (links)

St. John

St. Joseph

St. Jude

St. Laurence

St. Laurence Justinian

St. Louis IX

St. Louis' Parting Words to His Son

St. Martin of Tours

St. Mary Magdalene

St. Monica

St. Nicholas

St. Patrick

St. Paul

St. Peter

Sts. Peter & Paul

St. Stephen

St. Teresa on St. Peter of Alcantara

St. Thomas

Striving to Become a Saint

Those Who Consider the Examples of the Saints as Follies

Trials / Persecutions / Sufferings of Saints

Misc. / Saints

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Scripture Sections Reflections

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Attacks on Scripture

Author of Holy Scripture

Authority of Church Fathers / Scripture Interpretation

Authorship of Various Books of Scripture

Biblical Societies Condemned

Canon of Scripture

The Church Existed Before the Bible

The Church's Traditional Interpretation of Holy Scripture Is Not Subject To Correction

Danger of Over-Familiarity with the Gospels

Difficulties in Translating Scripture

Difficulty of Scripture

Encouragement to Read Scripture

God Never Inspires Anything Not Conformable to Scripture

Gospel / Good News

The Gospels Contain Only a Taste of Jesus' Teaching

History / Holy Scripture

Holy Scripture Does Not Reveal All

Holy Scripture is Truthful / Free From Error

Holy Scripture May Not Be Recommended For All

Importance of Scripture

Jesus / Holy Scripture

Learning From Holy Scripture

Literal / Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture

Love / Holy Scripture

Man Well Grounded in Scriptures is Bulwark of Church

Misinterpretation of Scripture

Modernists / Scripture

Multiple Meanings / Holy Scripture

Neglect of Scripture

No Opposition Between Scripture and Church Dogmas

Not Contradicting Scripture Belongs to Piety

Old / New Testament


Praise / Benefits of Scripture

Printing Holy Scripture / Permission

Private Interpretation / Twisting Scripture

Proper Interpretation of Scripture

Scripture / Hell

Scripture Transcends Science


St. Jerome / Holy Scripture

Test of Faith / Holy Scripture

Those Busy With Sins / Holy Scripture

Those Outside the Church / Scripture

Those Who Deny the Supernatural in Holy Scripture

Those Who Reject Scripture

Those Who Venerate Other 'Scriptures'

Vernacular Translations / Faulty Translations

The Vulgate

Written / Oral Tradition

Misc. / Scripture

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


St. Francis Section Reflections

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St. Francis of Assisi

All Should Imitate St. Francis


Biographical Information

Epitaph of St. Francis of Assisi

From the Bull of Canonization of St. Francis of Assisi

The 'Motto' of St. Francis of Assisi

On St. Francis of Assisi

On the Writings / Sayings of St. Francis of Assisi

Other Reflections / Teachings of St. Francis of Assisi

The Person of St. Francis of Assisi

Praise of St. Francis of Assisi

Salutation of St. Francis of Assisi

The 'Seraphic Blessing' (St. Francis' Blessing to Brother Leo)

St. Francis & Animals / Creation  

St. Francis & Humility

St. Francis & Mortification

St. Francis & Obedience to the Pope  

St. Francis & Poverty

St. Francis & Prayer 

St. Francis & Suffering

St. Francis & The Blessed Virgin

St. Francis & The Cross

St. Francis & The Gloria Patri

St. Francis' Death

St. Francis Has Changed the World

St. Francis is a Faithful Image of Jesus

St. Francis of Assisi on Almsgiving / Generosity

St. Francis of Assisi on Animals / Creatures  

St. Francis of Assisi on Brother Bernard  

St. Francis of Assisi on Brothers Who Have Strayed From the Catholic Faith  

St. Francis of Assisi on Death

St. Francis of Assisi on Envy

St. Francis of Assisi on Idleness

St. Francis of Assisi on Love of One's Enemies

St. Francis of Assisi on Loving God

St. Francis of Assisi on Melancholy

St. Francis of Assisi on Mortification

St. Francis of Assisi on Pain

St. Francis of Assisi on Penance / Confession

St. Francis of Assisi on Poverty

St. Francis of Assisi on Pride / Humility

St. Francis of Assisi on Priests / The Priesthood

St. Francis of Assisi on Purity

St. Francis of Assisi on Sin / Repentance

St. Francis of Assisi on Suffering / Trials / Infirmities

St. Francis of Assisi on The Catholic Church

St. Francis of Assisi on The Gloria Patri

St. Francis of Assisi on The Holy Eucharist

St. Francis of Assisi on The Poor in Spirit

St. Francis of Assisi on Those Who Don't Observe the Rule

St. Francis of Assisi on True Joy

St. Francis of Assisi on What a Man Really Is

St. Francis of Assisi: Quotations / Teachings / Sayings

St. Francis of Assisi to the Chattering Birds

St. Francis of Assisi's Greeting to Our Blessed Mother

St. Francis of Assisi's Love of God

St. Francis of Assisi's Sermon to the Birds

The 'St. Francis' of the Moderns is Not the True St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis / Reinforcement of the Church

St. Francis' Renunciation of His Father

St. Francis Was an Obedient Catholic

St. Francis' Words to the Hot Brand

The Stigmata of St. Francis

Third Order of St. Francis

Misc. / On St. Francis of Assisi

Misc. / St. Francis of Assisi & Related


Animals / Creation

Affection of the Mother Hen

All Creatures Are Ordered to God

All Creatures Called to Rejoice & Praise God

All Creatures Created / Sustained by God

Animals Belong to God

Animals Merit Respect & Love

Biblical Foretellings of Future Happiness Which Include Creatures

Care of Animals (Scripture)

Christ's Second Coming / Harmony Among Animals

Creation & The Fall of Man / Redemption

Creation Teaches Us / Reminds Us About God

Every Being is Good

Excerpts From St. Anthony of Padua's Sermon to the Fish

God's Love & Care for Creation

God's Presence in All Things

Love of God's Creatures

Love of the Crow for its Young

Saints & Animals

To Love God is Natural to Every Nature

Creatures / Creation (Misc.)

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Vatican View Section Reflections 

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After a Papal Election

Against Transfer of the Pontificate to Another Bishop or City

All Should Agree With the Holy See

Authority of the Church

Before Papal Election / While See is Vacant


Cardinals / Papal Legates

The Church is Not a Democracy

The Church Rests on St. Peter

Duties of the Faithful to the Holy See

Election of a Pope

Enemies of the Papacy

Go to Peter



Infallibility (Misc.)


The Lateran

Laws of Previous Pontiffs Do Not Become Obsolete if Not Expressly Confirmed by Successors

The Martyrdom of St. Peter

National Churches May Not Be Separate from the Authority of the Roman Pontiff

Necessity of a Teaching Authority

Necessity of Union With the Roman Pontiff

No Authority Not Emanating From the Holy See / Christ

Obedience / Disobedience / Assent

The Papacy is Indestructible / Perpetual

Papal Duties / Concerns

Papal Election / Conclave

Papal Legates

Papal Primacy

Papal Primacy / Supremacy (Misc.)

Papal Solicitude

Papal Supremacy / Councils

Popes Are Infallible, Not Impeccable

Popes as Preservers of Tradition / Against New Doctrines

Praise of the Papacy

Prayers For the Pope

Preservation of Truth / Unity

The Roman Curia

The Roman Rota


Rome / Italy / The Vatican

Sacred Scripture / The Magisterium

Some Limits of Infallibility

Speaking Properly of the Holy Roman Church

St. Laurence's Prayer for Rome

St. Peter (Misc.)

St. Peter, the First Pope

Those Who Condemn or Judge Dogmas / Decrees of the Apostolic See

Those Who Wander From the Apostolic See Wander From the Church

Unity of the Church

Unity / Truth

Unlawful to Make Recourse Against the Roman Pontiff to an Ecumenical Council

The Vatican

Vatican City / Lateran Treaty

The Visible Church

Misc. (Papal Elections)

Misc. (Papal Primacy/Supremacy)

Misc. (Unity / Truth)

Misc. (Vatican View Section)

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Volunteers' Corner Reflections 

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Adorning Oneself With Good Works

Both Faith and Works are Required

Charity and Good Works

Good Works of Others

Good Works / Secrecy

Great Deeds / Proper Intentions

Necessity of Good Works

The Poor / Good Works

Pride / Good Works

Reward for Good Works

Volunteer Work and the Priesthood

Who to Shun / Papal Warnings

Who We Should Help

Misc. / Good Works

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)


Why I Love Being Catholic Section Reflections

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The Catholic Church is Key to Happy Life

Catholic Law vs. Modern Law

The Church Alone Has Teaching Mandate

The Church is at Our Side Throughout Our Life

The Church is Heaven in Miniature

The Church is Removed by Only One Degree from Heaven

The Church is the Safe Guide to Conscience / The Church is Errorless

The Church Prefigured in the Old Testament

The Church's Faithfulness to Her Mission

The Church's Tender Care for Minorities / Abolishing Slavery

Divine Origin of the Catholic Church

Forgiveness of Sins is a Comfort to the Guilty

Love For the Church

Name 'Catholic' Distinguishes from Heretics

No Greater Gift Than the Catholic Faith

Nothing More Glorious Than Belonging to the Church

Outside the Church is Night

Praise of the Church

Social Fruits of Catholicism

The Unshakable Church

The World Needs the Church

Top | Reflections: Alphabetical Listings (A - Z)

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Catholic Word Search - Bilingual Edition: Latin / English

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55 Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded, Relaxing & Educational!"

Topics Include: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Jesus, B.V.M., Angels, Saints, Sacraments, Rosary & More...

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Catholic Word Search - Bilingual Edition: French / English

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50+ Catholic Word Searches ~ "Tradition-Minded, Relaxing & Educational!"

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The iStations Book - Stations of the Cross

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Two Traditional Way of the Cross Methods for Catholics Based on Our 'Best Selling' App

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Coloring Book For Catholics: 50+ Latin Prayers

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This 'educational & fun' publication is useful for prayerful relaxation, educational recreation ('learn while you play'), becoming more familiar with Latin prayers & hundreds of Latin words, learning or memorizing Latin prayers, increasing Latin retention, and more...

An enjoyable and instructive tool with respect to Latin (the 'beautiful & majestic language of heaven' and 'official language of the Church' - a language 'consecrated' by the inscription on the Cross that helps to foster a universal bond in prayer with Catholics around the world), this publication is suitable for Catholics of most any age.

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Don't miss this 'eye-opening' treatise concerning Martin Luther, the catalyst / leader of the ' Reformation ' (a.k.a. Protestant Rebellion)

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BIG Book of Latin Activities For Catholics

Beginning - Intermediate (Vol. 1)

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As many faithful Catholics already know, the majestic Latin language – the 'official language' of the Catholic Church – promotes unity, helps safeguard the purity of doctrine, connects us with our Catholic ancestors, allows us to pray in "one voice", and even ties back to the inscription on the Cross which was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. The Latin language is still used today in the precious treasure that is the Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass, in 'everyday speech' (much of English is derived from Latin), in mottos, in specialized fields, and in educational endeavors. It has been shown that the study of Latin brings many benefits. "And, Latin is truly the language of heaven!"

If you enjoy Latin, you may be glad to know that this full-sized (8.5" x 11"), tradition-minded publication features an assortment of activity types related to Latin (including: word searches, crosswords, coloring activities, challenges, fill-ins, spelling bee, quizzes, unscrambles, true/false, multiple choice, matching, cross-offs, circling, word associations, translation exercises, and more...), and treats of various topics (including: common Latin words, Latin language facts, Latin grammar, nouns & verbs, abbreviations, phrases / sayings / mottos, prefixes, cardinal numbers, grammatical gender, inflection, word roots, diacritics / accenting, pronunciation, Latin prayers / hymns, Scripture verses, Catholic phrases, and more...).

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Catholic Bible References for Android - Available at Amazon Appstore for Android (click to download)

iStations / Stations of the Cross (Click For More Information)

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Saints4U (Click For More Information)

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Simple Note: Do Today (Click For More Information)

Simple Note: Do Today - Available on the App Store (click to download)

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Speedy Dial! for Android - Available at Amazon Appstore for Android (click to download)

Just Checkin' In (Click For More Information)

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